
The Fallen Darkness

"You have always held the match and your heart is a celestial pyre, with godlike fury fight that recurring dark desires to just fade. I know the darkness never rests but this is how warriors are made." Year 1814 In the kingdoms of Helcaris, which was once ruled by humans but the creatures of night mingled within the human society and them being at the top of food chain became stronger and stronger as the time flies, their savagery continued to predate on weak and powerless. Lilliana Averdale, lilly for short, was an exceptionally beautiful young lady even when she is human born. The beauty standards of society was quite different as human beauty can't be compared with the vampires timeless beauty. lilly resides in the small village of Helcaris named Glasgow, far away form the capital, as council came to the conclusion that humans and night creatures should stay away from each other for internal peace and safety. Theodore welcher, well namely popular as Lord Theodore. One of the pureblooded vampire, a narcissistic man who lacks empathy. People may describe him as the Dark Lord. The one rules the kingdom of Helcaris with a tight fist. what will happen when lilliana decides to travel from Glasgow to Edinburgh, the capital of Helcaris, in the search of truth. How she found herself in the never ending mysteries. There are many unfold secrets that lies in the deep and silent alleys of Edinburgh to the Royal Castle. ~~~~ "Don't underestimate the allure of darkness even the purest hearts are drawn to it."

alish_loves · Fantasy
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7 Chs


While she was scanning the young lady, the young, lady Blaine, was examining her as well.

Her stare shifted from lilliana's long hair that reached her waist and stopped at her Hazel eyes.

Her face lit up, she couldn't help but compliment her. "You look beautiful as always"

Lilli's eyes flickered, having not expected that and an awkward silence was filled in the room.

Lady Blaine was complementing her, as she remembers, at her village everyone who saw the lady even for a mere second used to bark about her timeless beauty. After all she is the most beautiful lady of the kingdom.

"Since I met him, he carries more anger and pain than a thousand armies could ever bear. He was betrayed, deceive and hurt but believe me when I say he has already crossed hell and the only time I saw peace in his eyes was when he saw you. He won't accept it but you are his home." Said the lady Blaine as she passed down the red Ruby pendant to lilliana.

"Wear this, nobody would look at you in a wrong way neither they will try to hurt you"

"But my lady, I can't, it belongs to the Royal family"

"It isn't a request lilly, his majesty's order, and it is important. Otherwise, some other vampire will suck you to death. I've some pending works to do, see you at the ball"

"Thank you mi lady, have a good day."

As the lady Blaine went lilliana took a deep breathe, that god knows since when she is holding, everything is messed up and seems new to her, these heavy dresses, jewellery, luxury, she is not made for this.

She came here in search of her papà but destiny had some other plans for her. Here, She is living in the Royal Castle with his highness, getting an special treatment and god knows what else is remaining to happen.

She still remember her mother's words 'I would rather have the smile of heaven, than the applause of the world.'

she now realised the significance of those remarks, she was naive but not a complete fool. Hope that life won't play unfairly with her anymore.


The ball has finally begun and the whole hall has stared at the lady laena, shinning like a sun. But everything changed when she walked in...

Dressing like the night itself.

With each passing second he can't control his possessive side especially after knowing that dozens of mens are eyeing his women with lust. He just wants to ripped their fangs and gauge their eyes off.

Lilliana can feel hundreds of eyes on her. Being a simple countryside girl she always tries to stay away from attention and now being the center of attention is making her uncomfortable as hell.

She wanted the ground to open up and swallow her because she feels uncomfortable in the scorching stare of someone certain as she knows she can't escape him now. A strong grip on her waist prevented her from approaching other ladies.

It was their second physical contact of the day and his aura makes her feel both anxious and afraid.

"Y-your ma-majesty, I-" He interrupted her before she could finish.

"Stay with me and this time no games little lady" he warned her 'cause he is well aware of this pretty little lady, either she loves trouble or trouble loves her.

"Your highness p-please, everyone is w-watching us" She attempts to free her waist from his grasp by saying this but his grip gets tighten even more.

"Behave, Lady lilliana " he whispered against the top of her head.

Those dark orbs naturally demands submission plus with his overbearing and dominant personality it's becomes more difficult for one.

He hardly ever calls her by her first name but whenever he does it meant he is controlling his temper.

"I-I'm sorry, milord" Replied lilli as she lowered her eyes and focused on the shining floor which seems to be more interesting than this uninteresting night. She wants this night to end as soon as possible.

Only if she knew that its the beginning of the end. The night is too young to die.

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I spend my life folded between the pages of books. In the absence of human relationships I formed bonds with paper characters♡"

Comments your thoughts on prologue.

And please don't mind those mistakes feel free to correct me as English isn't my first language as well.

alish_lovescreators' thoughts