
The Fallen Angel 2

A family by the name of Tenkubashi was labelled as the family send from the gods, everyone in the family has pure white wings like an angel. Their beauty was out of this world and everyone admires their family. There are only a few family members are a part of the Hero community and others were just mixing in with every normal people like working as a doctor, an idol and more. The only family that is a part of the Hero community consist 5 people, a father, mother and 3 sisters; they were a very powerful family combined together. The youngest one was a bit different from her sisters and was sent to the government to get well trained. One day, the family's life changed when they got killed by a villain. 4 people from the family ended up being dead, leaving only one alive and the one survived from the attack was the no one other than the youngest... Her life changed since then and has been staying at the hospital for years...

mxxn_cherry · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 4

It just any other day for Amami, she's just hanging out nearby the window in her room as she just stares at the blue cloudy sky when a familiar red feather was floating in front of her. She went and grab on it.

"Bored?" she heard a very familiar voice and turn around to see Hawks already sitting on the chair, she was surprised that he wasn't wearing his hero costume.

"You're wearing something different today," Amami said.

"Well, it's my day off" Hawks respond as he put his hands behind his head.

"And what are you doing here in your day off? You could've at least take a rest at home"

"Well, it would be boring if I stay at home and plus...I like hanging out with you" Hawks smirks, Amami flinched and avoided eye contact. Hawks noticed that her ears were red and chuckle at her reaction.

"You sure are cute when you blush"

"Did you come here to hang out or just to tease me?" Amami asked, still avoiding looking at him.

"I guess both" he responds. He sits up straight then leans his body, resting his elbow on his thigh and rest his chin on his fist while staring at Amami.

Amami, of course, could feel his stare. She got used to people do that to her but when it comes to Hawks, it suddenly felt different. Her heartbeat started to increase and she's trying to calm herself down, this kind of feelings were just new to her so she doesn't know what to do.

She was busy in her thoughts that she didn't notice that Hawks left the chair he was sitting on and slowly walk his way behind her and blow on her ear.

"Aah~" Amami accidentally let out a moan, both of their eyes widen and realized what happened. Hawks was frozen to where he was standing and for Amami, her face was slowly turning red from embarrassment.

She turns her head, showing Hawks her flustered face and throw a pillow on his face.

"What the hell are you doing, you stupid bird!" she yelled.

"What happened?!" a female nurse came to check on them and saw Amami hiding under the blanket while Hawks was holding a pillow, looking at the nurse.

"Ah, sorry. I was teasing her and it looks like I made her mad" Hawks awkwardly laughs.

"O-Oh...sorry for interrupting" the female nurse closes the door and left. Hawks put down the pillow on her bed and stare at the big ball blanket in front of him.

"Um...Amami-chan?" he calls his name but no response. "Acchan...? Mi-chan? Ami-chan?" he started calling her other nicknames, under the blanket was Amami blushing even more. She burst out of her blanket and look at Hawks with still blushing face.

"Stop it already, Amami is fine!"

The sound of the door open made the two look their way to the door and there was Amami's uncle, he saw the two who seem to get along pretty well and he smiles.

"It seems you two are getting along" he comment.

"No, we're not!" Amami hides under the blanket again.

"Oh...did something happened?" her uncle asked.

"Sorry, I was teasing her and it made her mad" Hawks respond.


Amami's uncle finished checking her up, he then told Hawks to come with him for a moment and the two of them went to his office to talk privately.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Hawks asked.

"It looks like the president of HPSC wants to take her"

"Well, it seems they wanted to experiment with her quirk and how Amami-chan uses it. But I don't think it's a good idea to hand her to them...what if they did something bad to her? Amami-chan also told me that she doesn't want to work with the government at all"

"It looks like, Amami trust you" Hawks look surprised by Amami's uncle just said.

"What made you say that, doctor?" Hawks respond with a smile.

"Since she was hospitalised, she never talks to anyone at all and didn't even open up to anyone. It took me a while to make her open up to me, but you took for only a few days to make her open up to you...she even told you about her working at the government in the past which I just found out now"

"I see..." Hawks pinches his chin.

"Amami is actually doing great, but I'm scared that if she goes out and encounters with villains it might bring back memories that she doesn't want to remember. I don't want her to go back to that condition again and lose her mind, she blames herself of her family's death many times...I don't want to see her in despair again"

Hawks know what he feels and he also feels bad for Amami since the day he knew about her from the president of HPSC. Seeing her slowly getting recover was a relief and seeing her smile makes him want to protect it no matter what.

"Doctor, is someone from your family is okay for Amami to stay with them?" Hawks asked; the doctor looks down and frown.

"No one, they have so many excuses when I asked them. Some of them doesn't even want to take her in" the doctor response.

"Tch, what kind of family is this?" Hawks clicks his tongue.

"If no one is going to take her in, then I will" he was caught in the moment and said it without thinking.

"W-What? Are you sure about that? Would that cause problem when the media found out that a woman is living with you?" the doctor was worried for him; since he was popular and always talked about in the media.

"Well, it's not like someone else would take her, right? It's better to get her out of the hospital since she's getting bored and plus, she should get out there to get to know more the outside world. She spent her whole entire childhood years working with the government and never get to be like any normal children back then"

"If you insist on taking her in...I wouldn't mind, please take good care of my niece. Even though my brother told me to look after her, I failed as an uncle"

"Doctor, don't say that. You're a great uncle, you help her get out of that hospital in her hometown and trying your best to get her health back"


Hawks came back in Amami's room with her uncle, she stares at the two who looked at each other and back at her.

"Um, Amami. I have something to tell you..." her uncle started, sitting at the edge of her bed.

"What is it?" she responded.

"You are okay to get discharged from the hospital" Amami's face lights up from the news but then soon frowns.

"But you said that you won't be able to take me into your house"

"And that is why I'm here to tell you that you'll be living with me" Hawks came into the door.

There was a pause of silence in the room, she looks at Hawks who was waving at her and then back at her uncle.

"Uncle...you must be joking"

"No, I'm not. Hawks would gladly to take you into his home" her uncle smiles, feeling relief that he has no need to worry since the number two hero can protect her from danger.

"I guess we'll be living together," Hawks said, "I hope we get along"