
Chapter 9

The two have been traveling for two days now. Tomorrow they should finally hit the road to Breka. For now, they are camped out in the forest. Sven has just finished setting up the shelter. He sits down and meditates by the fire. He quickly enters a deep state of mind. Trying to reach out to the voice from before, but no luck. So he began absorbing energy instead. It was a full moon, and the density of energy was plentiful.

Helga was out checking the area for something to eat. They still had enough rations to make the trip, but she's in the mood for some fresh meat. She was also wanting some alone time to think. Struggling with how she should tell Sven about how she felt. She spent her whole life training to become a warrior, and never really gave much thought to love. Meeting someone as powerful, and as kind, Sven wasn't something she ever expected to happen. She could've gone raiding when spring hit instead she used training as an excuse to stay close. While in thought she suddenly heard a rustle to her side. She quickly drew her bow turned and shot. You heard an animal cry out in pain. It was a rabbit. It wasn't much, but still something. As she collected her dinner she decided to turn back for camp. She decided, for now, it was good enough to be close with Sven and decided to keep her feelings to herself.

Sven was still meditating but opened his eyes as he heard footsteps approaching. He could smell blood and knew it was Helga. Looking over to the woods as her figure becomes visible.

"Was it worth the trip?" Sven asked

"Yeah, a hot meal is always is. Wanna join me?" Helga offered.

"Of course, plus I been meaning to talk to you about something. What is Vinland?" Sven was curious about their destination.

"My grandpa told me it was a very prosperous land, and it was full of riches. As you saw in the past year here there isn't much to offer in the land here. We barely made it through the year. If we didn't encounter that bear while training we could've had a few hungry nights. He also mentioned that there were two settlements currently standing in Vinland. They would hear about people coming back with lots of lumber and lots of great wine. Apparently there are some conflicts with the natives due to lack of communication. So we are bound to experience conflict. It will be nice to finally see it though. Breka on the other hand isn't much to look at. Hopefully, we don't have to spend long there." Helga said while putting the rabbit onto the fire. "After the food, we should definitely turn in. We need to be up at daybreak to make the road to Breka by lunch."

Sven continued to ask questions about their route for tomorrow as they ate. They then took cover in the shelter and went to bed. Helga woke up first and was very close to Sven. She didn't mean to roll around so much in her sleep. Staring at Sven wishing she could convey everything to him. Before she thought about it too much, she quickly got out of the shelter. Worried that Sven would catch her staring at him, and find her to be a weirdo. She began packing up camp, and then woke up Sven. They started walking along the woods sharing some jerky from their bag. As they were finishing eating. Sven noticed he could hear shouting at a distance, and the sound of metal clanging. The smell of blood was also heavy in that direction. He quickly took off trying to get to the source. Helga saw this and took off after him. Sven was much faster so it would take time for her to catch up.

He could see where the forest end and a carriage at a distance being attacked. There were two dead guards on the ground while the remaining two were protecting the merchant. There were five bandits slowly closing in. Sven accelerated with his target already chosen. He closed the distances so quickly no one had noticed him yet. His sword cleaved through the neck of the first bandit with ease. Before they could turn around to see what happened, he managed to get one more in the same fashion. With only three left the guards charged forward engaging two of them while one tried to cut Sven down.

"You'll pay for that with your life!" screamed the bandit.

Sven smirk and started dodging every swing with ease, taunting the man. It enraged him causing him to rear back for a mighty swing that Sven quickly took advantage of, by closing the distance. Quickly he spun in towards him plunging his sword into his heart and then kicking him in the chest as he pulled out his blade. He was ready to help finish the last two off but before he could they had arrows planted in the bases of their skulls and sunk to the ground like rocks. Helga finally managed to catch up and wasted no time joining in.

"Great shot Helga as always!" Sven yelled

Helga was blushing, and quickly averted her gaze. She then began walking up to them.

The two guards were shocked and had their weapons up not sure if they were gonna be fighting these two off next. Even if they were enemies could they really survive a fight with them was all they could think about. Sven sheathed his sword trying to show he wasn't a threat.

" Are you two okay?"He asked.

The merchant seeing this stepped in to ensure nothing happened to escalate the situation.

"Thank you for helping us. We weren't expecting to be attacked this close to the city. They came out of nowhere. My name is Roland how can I repay you for the assist? I have coin if that's what you would like. "

"Do you have enough room for two? We are heading to Breka. We can help you bury the bodies if you need us to as well." Sven offered

"Sure we have more than enough space, and it was already our destination anyway. Just let me know when we're ready to move out." Roland replied while he went to the back of the cart to check on his supplies.

The older warrior approached Sven.

"Thank you for offering to help with the bodies. It would be a great help. My name is Thorkell, and this is my son Gorm. These two were close friends of mine. We probably would've shared their fate if it wasn't for you. You have my gratitude. You're a very capable warrior. You moved in so fast we didn't even notice you till the heads went flying." Thorkell said while reaching his arm out to greet him.

"Not a problem. My parents raised me to always help those in need. I would've done it for anyone." Sven extended his hand grasping his forearm.

Thorkell was an older warrior, he had long grey hair, and had a thick beard. Gorm was a tall warrior just a little shorter than Sven with short black hair and a mustache. They both had green eyes. The family resemblance was definitely there. Roland was a medium-sized man with a head of balding brown hair. He was dressed in some nice clothes and seemed like a well off merchant. He had a bunch of narwhal blubber, and horns in the cart he was intending to take to market. While they were burying the men that fell in battle. Sven was talking with Thorkell and learned that they were on their way to Breka as well, and there they would load up a ship for Vinland from there. They were hired to protect Roland until he reached the market. After hearing this Sven informed him they were trying to reach Vinland too. Thorkell offered him to help them finish the job, and he would be willing to split the pay. Helga has no objections for she didn't wish to be Breka long anyway, and it was a free ride essentially. Sven accepted the deal thus solving a big obstacle in their trip. It's almost like fate was helping them along. They got in the carriage and continued on to Breka.