
Chapter 42

"Even before he was taken over he was filled with bloodlust. Do you really think we can trust him? " Akando questioned.

"Yes, I do. Things did get dangerous for a minute, but he pulled through. We were ready to kill them ourselves remember. Helga told me they took someone very close to him. What would you do if they killed me?" Mika replied.

"I wouldn't rest till I killed them all!"Akando replied without hesitation.

"Then what did he do wrong?" Mika asked.

"You're right, as always," Akando replied.

Helga was cuddled in bed tightly holding Astrid. She couldn't sleep knowing Sven was in pain somewhere in the woods. Every part of her wanted to reach out, but she realized how deep his wounds still are from what Kimi saw. She has never desired revenge and didn't know what she could say to help. Anything she could say right now wouldn't have much weight to it. Is what she believed.

Astrid understood the desire for revenge very well. For over a century she devoured tera, humans, and even gods who blocked her path to revenge. A powerful god killed her lover long ago claiming it was the cause of a lack of respect. Astrid lived a peaceful life with him, and never fed on anyone else. He accepted her fully for what she was and loved her all the same. Everything was okay to her so long as she could get revenge, and it took her a long time to recover after. She has no right to deny him his revenge. If possible she would do everything to help him achieve it.

Sven wanted to distance himself from his comrades worried about their safety. He felt like a monster because everywhere he goes tragedy seems to happen. Was he the cause of it all? Could Mikom be wrong in his prophecy? Maybe he was fated to bring chaos to the world. He believed being at their side would put them at risk of death. Kimi was searching for him, but no matter where she looked nothing could be found. She didn't know if her presence could help, but she couldn't leave him alone. It was morning by the time she found him.

"Why are you out here alone?" Kimi asked slowly walking towards him.

"What if I'm a bad omen? This place was so peaceful before I got here. War is coming, and I brought it here. Why do I ruin every place I find?" Sven asked while standing up.

"I don't know your story with them, but I do know this. You made my life better, and I've only known you for two days. I know now why those two follow you everywhere you go. We may not understand your pain exactly, but hardships can still be shared with others. This place won't fall to ruin with you here. Now go home. There are two people very worried about you, and one even risked her life to save you." Kimi said before hugging him.

"Thank you, Kimi," Sven replied as he looked down with a smile.

Before Sven could return home he needed to clean up some. He still had dried blood on him from earlier. Wandering around trying to find a source of water. After searching with no luck, he wanted to try something. One of the warriors from earlier summoned so much water from nothing. Maybe he could do the same thing. He sat down quickly becoming one with the world around him. Sven focused his senses deep into the earth. He could feel a source of water deep underneath the earth. Getting up he walked over to the location. He put his hand to the ground to find it again. After the last fight, he realized Mikom was right. The elements around him were becoming easy to connect with. After replenishing his energy under the moonlight he wanted to experiment with his powers. Sven pulled his fist back hitting the earth carefully. The ground cracked beneath him as a wide pit was created. It was about chest deep and made it perfect for what he needed.

Sven focused the palm of his hand on the ground. Closed his eyes to pinpoint the right spot. He poured his energy into the earth. As his energy poured into the reservoir he pulled his hand from the ground. When he did the earth began to rumble, and he could sense it rushing up with force. Sven jumped out from the pit as water rapidly launched up from the ground instantly filling the pit. Sven felt the water realizing it was extremely warm. Wasting no time he began cleaning the blood before jumping in. The water was so relaxing it was hard for him to not wanna stay longer. After getting out to dry off he noticed how nice the area was. He thought of how this would be a great spot to bring the others. It was a very clear area so cultivating would also be great here.

Kimi went home to rest after leaving Sven's side. On her walk home she had the biggest smile on her face. Everyone who passed her stopped to admire the beautiful smile. They only ever saw her walking around with her head down, or face covered. Was this really the same girl from before? Kimi knew about the other woman at his side, but it didn't matter. Chief Mikom even declared that the two were fated companions linked by destiny. She returned to her hut and laid among her furs. Kimi recalled Sven leaping into to save her, and how warm he was to embrace. She drifted off to bed with a smile.

Sven was heading back home. Trying to find the right way to apologize for taking off. As soon as he went through the door they woke up. They immediately looked to Sven and got up from the bed walking towards him quietly. Sven could see the concern in their faces. Sven realized he wasn't appreciating what he had. That he should respond more to their feelings for him.