A story following a young man named Sven that's based loosely on Greek mythology.
While Sven was gripping the man by his throat he instinctually poured energy into his hand. When he did the man started squirming from immense pain as his insides began to burn to ashes. The man turned to ash as Sven crumbled him in his hands. The group began moving in to help intervene with the fight. Before they got close one the warrior in the back with grey hair finished chanting as he slammed his hand down on the ground. A blue barrier quickly isolated Sven from the others. While the other man with a scar across his neck pulled two artifacts from his bag. They were rods made of adamantine with a series of different glyphs etched into them. As the man finished chanting the rod in his right hand began to glow immensely. From the end of the rod, a whip made of powerful lightning magic was formed. As he snapped the whip lighting stuck down causing Sven to dodge. The man charged towards Sven chanting as he whips Sven across the chest knocking him back. The attack created a small scuff on his scales. Sven charged the man wanting to overwhelm with his new speed. When he closed in the man flicked his hand once again as the whip struck the area around him violently. With the whip flailing around him made Sven's speed irrelevant knocking him back. His teammate sat on the ground behind them as he closed his eyes to chant.
Meanwhile, Sven's comrades are trying to shatter the barrier, but most of them are still recovering from their own battles. Shattering a barrier this powerful could not be done without massive attacks. The only one among them with substantial energy left was Alexias. He didn't have any devastating attacks that could shatter it though. Kimi sat on the ground in front of the barrier calmly placing her hand on it.
"Everyone standby, and gather your energy for now. I'll find the barriers weak spot so we can push straight through in one attack." Kimi ordered before closing her eyes.
Kimi was pouring her own energy into the barrier trying to circulate it through to find a weak spot. Hoping they could make it in time. When Sven saw the other man calmly sitting on the ground chanting away he shot a barrage of fireballs to hit the man. The scarred warrior wasted no time using his whip to repel the attacks. Sven grew tired of the whip so he closed in on the man as he knocked the final fireball away, and before he could do the area attack once more. As Sven aimed a thrust for the man's chest a humming noise was going off. The other artifact was enveloped in dense lunar energy creating a buckler shield of dense lunar energy. When Svens claws made contact with the shield it returned the force of the blast as he was shield bashed away.
These two remaining warriors were very powerful magic users. They weren't as skilled as Kimi and had to rely on chanting or artifacts to produce the same power. It was still enough strength to push Sven into a corner. Though every attack of his wielded a vast amount of power he was driven by rage. This caused his attacks to be more sloppy in terms of technique. A seasoned member of Omega had little problems reading these straight edge attacks.
"You're a very unique being, but we have had time to prepare for you. Almost every warrior coming is capable of using level two magic or above at least. You won't escape death this time. Even one of the five commanders of Omega has come to greet you. On the off chance we can't kill you he surely will." The man taunted.
Sven was gonna attempt to shatter his shield so he launched consecutive fireball attacks. The man dug his feet in the ground chanting a spell making the shield expand to cover his body. Even with his chant fueling the shield it began cracking under the barrage. Sven gathered energy into his hands ready to shatter the shield, and take his life in one blow. As he closed in the man meditating behind them opened his eyes flicking his hand up as the ground beneath Sven rumbled. Sven was about to retreat back, but the other warrior wrapped his leg up with the whip. Massive amounts of water erupted from the ground around Sven. The whip then let out a great surge of lightning. Amplified from the water it was strong enough to shock Sven.
The man who summoned the water from deep in the earth slammed his hands together as the water condensed rapidly. It was crushing Sven with immense pressure as if under the weight of the ocean floor. The water began to fill his lungs forcefully as he struggled to be free. The whip disappeared as the scarred warrior threw his rods into the grant as he began chanting. The sky began to fill with storm clouds, and when the man finished his chant a massive thunderbolt roared down from the sky striking the area repeatedly. Sven was rendered unconscious as he drifted into darkness.
"Every time you start to show promise you disappoint me by following it up with weakness. Do you even want revenge?" The dragon taunted.
"Of course I do!" Sven replied immediately.
"Then give me control. I will unleash your vengeance on the world, and kill every last one of them." The dragon demanded.
Sven opened his eyes. His usual gold eyes went red, and he began emitting energy through his body rapidly. The water began to bubble as Sven roared breaking free. Immediately spewing out a fire blast that towered over Acrisius' most powerful attack. The warrior poured all his lunar energy into the shield to protect himself, and his comrade. His buddy behind him saw the dire situation taking all the glyphs out of his bag dropping them into the ground as lunar energy poured into him. The man spent over a year gathering energy in these every full moon for a life or death situation such as this. This was the first time he ever felt the need to use them all at once. The man began letting out sounds of immense pain as his body tried to contain the energy. Knowing it was the only chance to counter the blast he clenched his teeth and endured. Once he stabilized the energy his eyes began to glow a bright yellow resembling a full moon as he reached his hand out chanting.
"I've found the weak point in the barrier! Everyone ready?" Kimi yelled
"Wait! Something isn't right. Sven has been putting off a different aura than usual. For now, we need to watch closely. We must prepare for the chance of fighting Sven.." Astrid said quickly.
"You mean he may have fallen?" Mika asked.
"Yes. Right now he is a berserker liable to cut down friend, and foe alike. Can you build the array to reach him used in training?"Astrid said while looking over to Akando.
"We do, but that's usually effective on much weaker tera. It's the only option besides death so no other choice. We will have whoever is closest with him call out when we're ready."Akando replied.
"Wait till he defeated those two, and after we do whatever it takes to reach him," Kimi said as she gathered items from her bag to give Alexias.
Astrid pulled Helga off to the side to talk privately. Helga could see the deep concern in her eyes. The method they were using just helps weaken the mental hold on the person. If Sven can't hear them and push through he would be lost forever.
"You know if this doesn't work we will have to...."
"I know!" Helga stated as her eyes filled with worry.
Artifacts are items forged by a powerful magic user under the cover of moonlight with a special forging process. Not many people are capable of creating these items so they are extremely valuable. Usually forged with silver, gold, or adamantine.