
Chapter 26

"That's the man I was telling you about before. There's something special about him. I tried to freeze his arm, but he resisted it. He would be very fun to play with. I'll be sure to include you Kimi. It's about time you've been with a man. "

Mika was getting ready to call out for any more challenges, but before she could say anything Nova jumped into the ring. This was the last person Mika expected to get involved. She usually just stuck to training the other tera. Normally showing no interest in the arena spectacle. Mika was slightly worried about Sven because Nova was the strongest tera in the sanctuary.

Astrid knew what this was about, and was worried her teasing to Nova earlier about Sven was gonna him hurt. She knew Sven wouldn't back down, and it was not her place to intervene in things here. She could only watch and hope Sven would be okay. For she never could grasp the depths of Nova's power.

"Nova you know the rules here, no killing. You are a vital member of the Sanctuary, but not even you are exempt from this. Do you understand?" Mika asked while she let off a strong aura.

"I understand Mika, calm down. As you've noticed his regeneration is higher then any of us have seen. So I'm gonna get have to get a little rough." Nova said before looking over to Sven giving him a nasty look.

"Did I do something to deserve this rage?" Sven asked.

Nova didn't respond instead she immediately sped in to start attacking. Sven wanted to test her strength so he did the same. Mika gave no such threat to the others. So clearly Nova is someone to be considered dangerous. Sven threw a kick with immense force wanting to see how she would dodge. However, she planted her feet and raised her arm to defend. When his kick connected it felt like his shin had fractured. The strength in her muscles was astounding. After Nova blocked she retaliated with a kick of her own landing on Sven's stomach his armor was already weakened from the fights from before. The kick was the last strain it needed to give way. Sven flew against the wall with force, and immediately coughed up a lot of blood. While his back was healing and was ready to launch a fireball. Nova with a slight move of her hand caused spikes to form, and pierce into him from the ground.

'Magic without a chant or runes. She must be at the pinnacle of magic. I can't stay here any longer.' Sven thought to himself as he began to break away at the earth. Nova wanted to end the fight as soon as possible. The spikes were meant to halt him momentarily. She quickly conjured a bow of condensed wind in her hand and began to form a quiver on her back filled with arrows. Sven shot the fireball as soon as he was free of the spikes. She draws the arrow quickly releasing it. A sudden pop could be heard as the arrow took off. The arrow clashed with the fireball causing the fire to intensify before sending it back to Sven. Sven guarded with his arms quickly shrugging off the fire. An arrow went into his stomach, and after impact, the arrow of wind expanded leaving a softball size hole in his stomach. Sven pushed forward as it healed, and dodged the next few arrows. He retaliated with several blasts of his own, causing her to have to dodge while firing. She was forced into the air after the last attack she dodged. Sven focused all his energy to enhance his speed and immediately appeared behind Nova. He clenched his hands together hammering her down into the ground. The force of the impact caused her to lose focus, and her bow quickly disappeared. When she got up she was furious.

She quickly let out a frightening aura as she rapidly transformed. Nova's legs quickly morphed together, as a massive green snake tail took its place. Her eyes were now glowing, and when she roared Sven saw massive fangs in her mouth. Wasting no time she began moving forwards at a frightening speed. The ground beneath kept forming into spikes as it attempted to pierce him. It took everything he had to dodge the attacks. Before he realized she had closed the distance. Her tail whipped him violently as he was shot back. Sven immediately felt his arm shatter, and ribs break from the impact. While he was starting to get up the tattoos on her arms began to glow. A high pitch ringing could be heard as a massive amount of magic began to condense itself around her forearms like armor. Long blades were formed attached to her forearms. They were made of bright yellow energy. These blades would've looked impractical for almost anyone else. Given she slithers along at high speeds, it would be perfect for her to impale or slice across her enemy with ease.

Nova quickly went by lobbing off Svens arm as the wound was immediately cauterized. She then quickly wrapped him up in her tail and began constricting. She no longer felt the need for her weapons as they quickly dissipated. Sven's bones were constantly being crushed. Making it impossible to heal.

"Sven please give up that's enough!" Helga pleaded from the crowd.

"Do you surrender?" Nova said with a grin on her face.

"No!" Sven said while spitting up blood. She quickly bit her fangs into him coursing her venom through his body to give him intense pain.

"Ready the antivenom!" Mika yelled.

"Fool, we lamia are the strongest race among tera. Our physical strength has no equal among the other tera. You're simply a mere child to me. Astrid held you as something special to, pathetic." Nova said as she squeezed tighter before slamming into the wall. Knocking him unconscious.

While Sven was unconscious he heard the voice again.

"Such arrogance from a mere lamia. You have grown stronger boy, but I still feel something holding our connection back. If you don't become stronger you will repeat the loss of your loved ones again. You've been focusing your energy the wrong way. What you need to do is focus it in your heart, and then quickly circulate it through your entire body in an explosive manner. You were once the guardian of the sacred grove, and to fall at such a weakling is a dishonor, so stand! "