
18. Meira and Melantha pt. 2

I entered the council room, and everyone went silent. Melantha followed me quietly as she sat on my left side. My mother was already sitting on the right. I sat on my father's throne. "What can you report?" I asked the top general.

He stood up and bowed to me before he looked down. I could tell from his facial expressions that the news he brought was not good. "Well, your majesty...

"Out with it. I know it can't be good." I said as I glared at him.

"We are going to lose, my queen." And everyone gasped. I didn't. I knew this was coming, but no one listened to me. After everyone, stopped talking, he continued. "The humans have brought reinforcements from another kingdom. None of the creatures here want to help us. They said as long as they're not bothered, we can be wiped out. Our numbers are diminishing." Everyone continued chatting about how the elves, goblins, and centaurs were selfish.