
The Fall of A Kingdom

This one girl, who is lost without knowing it, is about to be found. Will she be able to stand up and grab the reigns of destiny or will it swallow her whole. A princess with a prophesy and a mad king who will stop at nothing to cement his rule. Who will be the last one standing?

cptmorgue · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Where Do we Go From Here?

Gabriel felt lost, he could not save the Queen and had no idea where the king could be or if he was even still alive. He looked over to where Polaris lay but knew he would not be able to carry her and the young miss. He made his way over to her to check her pulse, hoping to feel that thump beneath his fingers signaling that she was still alive.

As he neared her he could see her chest rising and falling and breathed a sigh of relief. Ad she laid there it looked as if she was just taking a nap, an uncomfortable one but a nap all the same. Reaching down he gently shook her shoulder, his face heating up from having to touch a girl. He thought his face was going to burst into flames until finally, she cracked one eye open.

"Look at me, do not look around." He spoke quickly wanting to avoid letting her see the gruesome scene. He knew she was young, and even though she had shown such bravery earlier, he still wanted to save her from having to see it if he could. Even though he was only a few years older than her if he could avoid the sight himself he would have. "I need you to get up, we need to get the little miss to a safe place, do you know where one is?"

Polaris wanted to look around but knew that she should not. Shaking her head she said, "This was supposed to be the safe place, I do not know who we can even trust. Do you have anywhere we can go to?"

Both were startled when they heard shouting outside. Quickly getting up from their position near the crib they went to the window Maeve had previously been staring out of. Outside was a war zone, there were fires spread in several areas, and men lying in puddles of blood. Polaris gasped, even growing up on the streets she was shocked by the cruelty that the men were showing to each other. These were supposed to be comrades, those who fought alongside one another for the betterment or defense of their kingdom yet they were slaughtering each other like animals.

Gabriel grabbed her hand and started making his way to the door as quickly as he could. This was not good, they had already breached the walls, and if what Polaris said was true he could almost guarantee that was not even the half of it. If the General really was using secret tunnels then he would already have people inside the castle.

He stopped at the door and put his finger to his lips so that Polaris would not speak. Then gently cracking the door he peered down the hallway making sure that the coast was clear. Seeing that nobody was around he quickly pushed the door open and motioned for Polaris to follow him.

They had only made it about 30 feet before they heard the sounds of swords clashing. Putting his arm in front of Polaris to stop her he whispered, "I am going to need you to carry the Princess, can you do that? It is very important that I am able to move freely so that I can protect you." He said protect but compared to most he was inexperienced and only hoped those words would not be needed.

With wide eyes all Polaris was able to do was nod and hold her arms out.

With Princess Raven now snugly secure in Polaris' arms they once again started moving down the halls, stopping every now and again to listen to the sounds of the fight. After a little while the sounds of fighting seemed like they were starting to die down. In Gabriel's mind that could mean 2 different things. Either the loyal guards had prevailed and was just finishing off those who wished to see a new royal head, or the rebels had succeeded in capturing the castle. As he was unsure of which the best course of action was to leave for the time being even if it were the loyal faction.

Under his breath so that only Polaris would hear, "Where did you say that secret passage was, and if we get to it would you be able to get us out of it?"

Polaris eagerly nodded her head up and down, she did not want to speak afraid that her voice would not work. She was terrified, but she wanted to help any way she could. Pointing to a hall to their left and a little up ahead she started walking towards it finally having a purpose in her step other than being the silent follower.

Just before she reached the corner the General with a few of his men came into view. She was shocked, she had not even heard them approach her heart thundering in her ears as the men locked their eyes on her. The General took in her appearance and noticed that she was carrying a baby in her arms, a baby with red hair.

"Where are you going with her?" He demanded, with a frown. He was sure that Maeve should have already taken care of the young Princess and the Queen. He was reaching for her and was about to demand she be handed over when Gabriel quickly in one strike of his sword severed his hand. Nobody had expected the young boy to be so reckless as to sever the Generals hand.

"Ahhhh how dare you attack me! I am going to be King, how am I supposed to do everything with one hand!" He was seething, how dare this twerp damage him.

Gabriel knew that by attacking Damien he had signed his death warrant, but he had to save the Princess at all costs. Looking behind him he looked at Polaris his eyes pleading for her to listen, "Run! Get as far away as you can, do not stop until your feet are bleeding and you can run no more."

Polaris was frozen, she had just seen a man lose a hand, the bloody stump flashing across her vision even after it had been moved. Even if he was evil for hurting his family, she had never seen something up close like that. Finally coming to her senses she took off at a sprint, she knew exactly where she would go, but first she needed an offering. Shouts behind her did not stop her feet and slowly with the help of Gabriel she put distance between them.

She was nearing the Queen's chambers again but knew she had to work fast. Walking back into the room she was ready to burst into tears at the sight she had avoided seeing earlier. The Queen was slumped on the floor with a blood trail running down the front of her dress, but even in death she still looked majestic. Maeve was face-first on the floor, not a wound in sight, but Polaris could tell by her off blue color that she too was dead.

She had not been at the castle for long but knew where the Queen kept her jewels. Heading to the back of the room behind a painting was an engraved box, she did not know what all was in it, but she knew it was valuable. She had seen the Queen caress the box lovingly as she talked of her future children. She wanted a little boy and a little girl and now that dream was impossible. All Polaris could do was help save the princess so at least half of her lady's dream wouldn't end.

Wasting no time she wrapped up a few items for Raven as well as the box and rushed out of the room. She did not think anywhere in the kingdom would be safe for the young miss anymore, so with a small number of provisions and courage in her heart, she decided to find a dragon.