
The fake girlfriend of the cold mafia

bevylove123 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter three

Li Hong was welcomed at the front door by the housekeeper, Mrs. Lin and two maids. Xia Yuan told them that he will be expecting a guest and they prepared for her arrival. The maid took her luggage away and Mrs. Lin showed her around the house. The house looked bigger from the inside than the outside. The floors were made of marble and they was a chandelier in the downstairs living room. There were twelve rooms on the ground floor and there was a ball room towards the end of the hallway. The mansion was so beautiful and well constructed and she knew that Xia Yuan had exquisite taste. As Mrs. Lin gave a tour around the house she noticed that Li Hong was tired so she showed her to the room she was going to stay in. Li Hong thought that she would be staying in her own room but she was told by Mrs. Lin that she would be staying in Xia Yuan. She was uncomfortable with the idea but she remembered that these are the things she had to go through to get 2 million won after a year. The maids had already helped her unpack her luggage before they got there. Xia Yuan wasn't home at the moment so she had time to freshen up and get ready for lunch. 2:00pm lunch was ready and Li Hong was told to come downstairs. 15 minutes later Xia Yuan arrived home from work and the table was set for him to have lunch. During lunch Xia Yuan told Li Hong that his mom would be coming to stay for a bit in two days time and she would have to prepare a profile for him to look at in case his mother asked any questions about their relationships. They talked about the things that his mother was going to ask like how long they had been dating, where they first met and so on. After lunch Li Hong went to the bedroom and a few minutes after Xia Yuan followed. When Xia Yuan entered the room he was Li Hong typing something on her laptop so he assumed that she was working on her profile. While she was making her profile she fell asleep on the table. Few minutes later Xia Yuan came out of the bathroom and saw Li Hong fast asleep. He carried her and placed her on the bed and tuck in. four hours later Li Hong woke up with a large hand around her wrist. She wanted to scream but then she realized that she was in her boss' house and she was sharing a bedroom with him. She tried to get loose from his grip on her when he woke up. He asked what the matter was and she asked him why he was around her wrist in a tiny voice. She was afraid of what he will say. When he was about to reply her there was a knock on the door. He asked who was it and the person was a maid who came to tell them that dinner was ready.