
The fake girlfriend of the cold mafia

bevylove123 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

chapter thirteen

For the next few days Xia was very over protective of Li Hong. He wasn't let her  walk around or even go to use the bathroom alone some times it could get very annoying and Li Hong was wondering to herself if this was the same Strict, cold CEO she knew because he had changed so much. Finally her period stopped and she no longer had to deal with cramps for awhile. The next morning Li Hong awoke from some noises that she heard. She looked around only see that Xia Yuan was going through her clothes. He brought all her clothes including her underwear and set them on the bed. When Li Hong eyes had fully woken up she asked Xia Yuan what he was doing. Xia what are you doing with my clothes. Good morning to you Li. I just realized that you need to change most of the things in your wardrobe. There is nothing wrong with my clothes. There isn't but they are old fashioned but anyways get dressed and come down to have breakfast.