
Chapter Five

Few days later in the middle of the night Xia Yuan's phone rang waking both him and Li Hong. He looked at the caller ID and he knew exactly why the person was calling. He answered the call and it lasted for about 30 seconds before he hung up. Immediately he got out of bed and dressed in black before Li Hong could ask him where he was going he had already disappeared.

Li Hong couldn't fall asleep after that. Few hours later Xia Yuan came back with bruises all over his body. Li Hong was surprised and confused at the same time. she didn't know what to say. All she could think of is treating his wounds. She got the first aid kit and treated his wounds. How could you leave the house at an ungodly hour and come back by 2:00am with bruises Li Hong said in a fierce tone while treating his wounds. Xia Yuan was suprised at Li Hong's outburst.

Li Hong then realized that she had scolded her own boss and she apologized with her head bowed but Xia Yuan told her to raise her head and get some sleep.