
Chapter eight

Today was the day that Mrs. Yuan visit would come to an end and she would be doing back to the Yuan family house. Mr. Yuan birthday was coming up soon and he would be turning 60 years old and it would be a grand celebration and it was a perfect time for Xia Yuan to introduce his girlfriend to the family. Li Hong felt bad. She knew she was going to be introduced to the family eventually but she never thought that it will be done on such a special day. The Yuan mansion was a bit far from they were now so they had to do there few days before the celebration. A few days later Li Hong and Xia Yuan left for the Yuan manison. It was a 3 hr drive before they finally got there. The mansion had the same size as Xia Yuan villa but the architecture was abit old-fashioned but it still look beautiful. Xia Yuan had already informed them beforehand so everything was arranged for their arrival. Mrs. Yuan welcomed them wholeheartly and the maids took their inside. Mr. Yuan wasn't at home at the moment but he will be back the next day. Xia Yuan had a younger sister Feng Yuan. She was very proud and arrogant. She welcomed her brother but she didn't know who the lady besides was and she became curious. After settling in Mrs. Yuan called Xia Yuan and she told him she wanted to speak with him and that gave Feng Yuan the opportunity to interrogate Li Hong. Li Hong was in a laying on the bed Feng Yuan knocked on the door she asked her to come in and she did. She sat on the bed and she started her interrogation. Sister Li Hong who are you to my brother Feng Yuan asked with curiosity in eyes. Li Hong simply told her she was his girlfriend and Feng found it hard to believe. She asked more personal questions and she found out Li Hong wasn't from a rich home and she was just her brother Personal Assistant before they said dating. Feng Yuan was speechless. She couldn't believe that she had been talking with a poor person all this while and she also couldn't believe how her brother liked such a girl. Feng Yuan couldn't stand being with her anymore and she quickly said that she had something to do then she faked a smile and left. From that day Feng Yuan disliked her so much just because she felt like Li Hong is too poor and she didn't meet her class. Few minutes later Xia Yuan walked in without knocking and Li Hong was changing her clothes. Li Hong tried to cover herself but she didn't really do a good job and her face was super red. Xia Yuan expression didn't change. He walked into the room closing the door behind and he went straight to the bathroom. Li Hong scolded herself for not remembering to lock the door and she quickly wear her clothes. 2 days before the d-day and The mansion was bubbling with the preparation. Xia Yuan told Li Hong that they wouldn't be going to work until after the celebration. Later in the day Mr. Yuan came back from his trip and he was so excited to meet his son's girlfriend. The minute he saw her he fell in love with her. He didn't ask a lot of questions because he wanted to be his daughter-in-law. And he was urging his son to get married to her. Xia Yuan was about annoyed because his parents was always pushing to marriage. First they wanted him to a least have a girlfriend now they wanted him to get married I wonder what they will ask for after marriage.