
Chapter 13: Stone Cold Brawl 1/3

Chapter 13 – Stone Cold Brawl

Hi guys. Got another chapter ready for ya.

AngelofDeath666: Thanks for being a huge fan, it makes me happy knowing you guys enjoy my story. I can't say much because I don't want to spoil some stuff, but I will say that the Tartaros fiend is an OC.

Alpha Dragonis: Yeah, sometimes I wonder about that myself. If it were considered to be written, then we would have to do some collaboration or something. That's as accurate as you can possibly get when it comes to that kind of description of FUN.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokémon nor Fairy Tail, they belong to Satoshi Tajiri, Nintendo, and Hiro Mashima. I do own the OC though.

On with the program.

FOREWARNING: Long chapter, get some snacks and popcorn while you still can!

To Recap:

Nic and Erza both go on a mission as a fake couple and entered Balsam Village, a spa town that is targeted for kidnapping; unfortunately, they didn't account for the kidnappers to be Tartaros. And Kecleon caught sight of Ultear, which brings worries to Nic. As night fell, a lacrima intoxicated Erza's Magic, weakening her and making her a target. That night, a beast makes his way into the inn and Nic is ready to ambush.

Chapter 13 – Stone Cold Brawl

Nic springs up and unleashes a Sludge on the humanoid wolf that was caught off guard. The wolf yelped as it stumbled back from the assault. Erza opened her eyes, but could only watch as the battle was going to begin. Nic moved around the bed and was in front of Erza, ready to protect her. The wolf monster finally came out of shock and snarled at Nic. It bared its long and jagged fangs that screamed for bloodshed. Its gaze heavily sharpened and it raised its claws in preparations to pounce and gut Nic like a fish.

Nic growled in a low tone and leaned forward and the two rammed into each other head on. Their bodies clashed and the wolf slashed with his left claw, but Nic evasively ducked and did an upward angle Poison Jab that send the heinous beast flying a few feet. Nic then jumped and was going to do a downwards Poison Jab, but the beast was not one to have slow reactions. It brought its legs up and kicked Nic in the chest and sending him back a few feet, unable to land the Poison Jab.

'Crap. There's no room to fight. Looks like I'm going to have to drag this brawl to the streets.' Nic thought. He dashed into the beast and the beast lunged at him. Nic aimed a bit lower and used Poison Jab again. The beast winced and had no room to bite down on Nic as he rammed him through the door like a professional football layer. They made way into the living room, where the beast regained its footing and shoved Nic away. It then roared as it lunged at high speed with a sharp right claw. Nic readied himself and counter with Cross Poison. The two assaults created a very small cloud of smoke and the humanoid wolf stumbled back. It snarled and it failed to smell Nic through the smoke that was in the air. It was hit from the side with a Sludge Bomb that caused it to be send flying and break the balcony glass slide door.

The menace gripped the balcony flooring to avoiding hitting the railing from behind. Nic could tell that this guy was no pushover, literally. Add the fact that it might have a keen sense of smell. He had little room to pull of this task.

"Smog!" Nic then opened his mouth and a thick, gray cloud covered everything and the wolf was startled as it was engulfed in it. It growled as it couldn't sniff out Nic, but more importantly couldn't sniff out his Magic, which is what it could really smell. Of course it had no idea that Nic didn't have Magic.

Nic used this ten second gap and tossed out a poke ball. The ball opened and summoned forth Arbok at the ready.

"Nic-ssssama, what isss it that you desssire me to do?" The Cobra Pokémon asked obediently.

"Quick! Go and protect Erza while I deal with this guy! Don't let anything happen to her!" Nic managed to get out just before the humanoid wolf rushed out of the now dispersed Smog and rammed Nic into a coffee table and breaking it.

"Assss you wish." Arbok then slithered with lightning reflexes to Erza's room and made sure to keep watch and protect her at all costs.

The beast was now towering over Nic who was still trying to get up. Nic turned his head to avoid an oncoming claw that was trying to pierce his skull. He shifted right and did a Sludge and it hit the beast's chest. It stumbled back and Nic sprung up and made a silver light sparkle in between his hands. It then morphed into a black garbage bag with a purple outline. "Gunk Shot!" He hurled the massive attack at the wolf and it howled as the attack exploded upon impact, damaging most of the furniture and cracking the walls. The wolf was send out of the room and smashed through the railing and fell downwards over the edge. Nic leaped a little before running and jumping off the edge and sailing downwards towards the monster. As he sailed, he was glowing and shifted into his Sky Plate Form. He then saw the beast fall and used its claws and griped onto the inn as it descended, creating damage and leaving a long trail of its own claw marks running down. It managed to slow down and saw Nic catching up to it. It pounced as soon as he was close and hopped onto Nic, making him roll about and lose balance in the air. Nic straightened out a bit, but now the beast was gripping onto Nic's shoulders and its claws were almost piercing his skin. He winced and grabbed the menace's arms. Nic then shoved him off and the beast fell a bit more. Fortunately for it, there was a house under it and it turned and landed on the tiled roofing without any harm.

The monster snarled and started to dash from rooftop to rooftop, destroying some roof tiling as its feet and claws did as such. Nic stayed high into the air and tried to get a good lock onto it. Unfortunately, he couldn't use ant long range moves because he was aware that people were under those roofs and he couldn't use moves like Air Cutter or Air Slash, otherwise he might hurt someone. He had no resort but to follow and lower his altitude. He shifted and aimed an angled Gust at the humanoid wolf. The attack managed to make it lose balance and force it to jump off the roofing and land on the streets with a thud as it landed on all fours. Nic then soared down and flapped as he now was standing battle distance from the beast.

Nic glared at it as it did the same, growling and snarling with feral eyes.


Ultear was walking about town at night, something that nobody had done in ages since the kidnapping incident. She was still keeping an eye out for any sign of Nic and if possible get him to go to her side. She was walking quite patiently and then she saw a humanoid wolf monster fall from one of the inns. She looked on in shock as she had saw Nic jump and shift into his Sky Plate Form.

"Peekaboo, Ultear's found you." She muttered with an amorous grin. She was about to go and watch Nic fight the beast, but then she felt a strong presence from behind. This kind of presence made her shiver somewhat and she turned slowly to see what could have caused her to shiver.

"Guess who found you." The cloaked man had said. Ultear turned and frowned with distaste.

"And what might you be doing here?" She asked. She could tell that this guy was bad news all over. She sensed a very potent Magic from within this guy. 'What is he?'

The cloaked being extended his arm out and stretched out his fingers. Ultear was awaiting for his attack so she could easily fight back with her Arc of Time Magic, but before she knew it she was trapped in some weird sphere.

"What the? What is this?" She was startled and when she tried getting out, her hands started to distort upon touching the sphere. She was wide eye and was forced to recoil, turning her hands back to normal. "What is this?!"

The man chuckled. "Oh, do you not enjoy my Spacial Curse? It's rather special now that you've witnessed it firsthand." He said with a sinister smirk. "I can make the space around the area distort or act upon my will, also…" He snapped his fingers and the area around Ultear was beginning to distort and imploded, causing small explosions from inside the sphere that incapacitated her. He enjoyed to hear her scream and yelp as the explosions from within the sphere kept going for fifteen seconds. Afterwards, he smirked even more devilishly when he saw her unconscious.

"Now, I'll just be borrowing you for awhile." He then used his powers to transport her while still in the sphere and returned to the shadows, having not paid any heed nor mind to the battle that Nic partook in.

With Nic

"Time for the real fight." Nic said. He shifted into his Flame Plate Form and the beast clenched the ground, making the cement on the street make claw marks. Another brief silence fell, and then narrowed his eyes.

At that instance, the monster lunged at Nic. Nic leaped forward and used Fire Punch to intercept its claw. The two contenders skid back and Nic regained his footing just a bit faster than it did and lunged at it with Flame Charge. He cloaked himself in flames and dashed head on into the beast's gut, making it howl as it flew back several feet and tumble. It soon jumped and landed on its two legs and started dashing on all fours towards Nic, giving it more force.

"Fire Pledge!" Nic slammed his right fist down onto the ground and a straight row of fire pillars shot up from the ground. The menacing monster moved to its left and avoided the oncoming fire pillars. It then lunged and was now coming down on Nic. Nic wasted no time in using Flame Wheel to drive himself forward and avoid the monster from coming down on him. The beast had left a crater from where it landed. It turned its head and was struck by the wheel of fire, making it skid to its side. It turned and growled.

Nic could see that the beast was running out of breath, not to mention the multitude of assaults that he landed on it, but it's not like it's gonna take this lying down. It got up on two legs and snarled before it opened its mouth wide.

'What the…?' Nic wondered what it was doing, but then saw that the inside of its mouth was glowing and as soon as it leaned forward, it unleashed a rippling purple sonic howl coming at him, almost making the ground shatter and seeing its radius expand upon reaching maximum distance. '…oh crud.'

Nic was hit dead on as the force of the sonic howl made him soar back and smash into the side of a building. He was left in a crater of the building and the tiling from nearby houses were pretty much shattered. The next thing he saw was the monster dashing at him, this time making sure that it won't miss.

Nic used Flame Burst as soon as the beast was close enough and intercepted its claw. The flame exploded and the wolf leaped back. Nic used this to his advantage and dislodged himself and used Flame Charge again. It lunged at it and combined the attack with a Blaze Kick. The result was a huge leg of fire swinging in a swift arc upon lightning fast impact and making the beast howl as the forceful flaming attack made it soar to its right and crash through three light posts, two benched, and skid and tumbled until it finally stopped by barely gripping to the street.

The monster let out a huge heap of breath as it was getting tired. Its mouth was glowing and it unleashed a more potent sonic howl that rippled a created a shattering trail that Nic was unable to dodge. Nic screamed as he spiraled into the air and was flying about from the sheer force behind that howl. He was sailing through air as though he was a projectile that was launched by a catapult.

Nic then saw that he was about to land into the waters of the hot springs. "This is gonna hurt." He muttered and then was a human cannonball and splashed into the hot springs, creating a geyser that went twenty feet up from his splash. Nic even crashed into the bottom of the hot springs and winced as the air was coming out of him fast. He quickly came up for air and gasped as he reached oxygen again. He coughed up some water and shook his head from the dizziness he had accumulated. "Dang, that was harsh. Guess he was all bark and no bite, literally." Nic grabbed his back as he now felt the force taking its toll and making him feel somewhat tired. "Dammit. I need to-!" He then stood straight up as he then received some sort of strange signal from before.

This was similar and he had recognized it from when he passed by the hot springs earlier. There was no question about it.

A Plate was here.

Nic had to find it, and fast. He probably had a minute at most before that wolf monster comes and finds him. With its sense of smell, there would be no freebies for him if it were hide and seek. He used his Plates and quickly detected the whereabouts of the Plate. This one felt…strong. He could feel a stone cold feeling dwelling from one of the tiles from the hot springs. He could sense it coming from his left and somewhere in the water. He shifted into his Splash Plate in a split second and put his head under the hot water. He could visibly see something glowing from a hundred meters. He swam through the hot water and the Plates inside were going nuts. He then got close enough and saw the Plate engraved into the tilling of the hot springs. He blinked as he got a closer look.

The Stone Plate. It made sense since it was engraved in a stony bottom, not to mention that it could withstand various temperatures. Nic saw the glowing Plate and his body was glowing. He then touched it with just a single finger and then the whole underwater was shining.

With Arbok and Erza

Erza was trying her best not to move, but she kept tossing and turning in worry. She wanted to help in Nic's fight, but her condition said otherwise and there was no way she could do so now. She could only lay in bed and hope for the best as her Magic reserves recover. The odds were that she had at least a couple of hours as long as she restrains her movements.

"Nic." She muttered. She was tempted to help, but she was halted by Arbok.

"Hey, sssstay down." Arbok insisted, still a tad snobbish. "Nic sssspecccifically sssaid for me to watch over you. Recover."

Erza looked up at Arbok, who was in front of the door entrance and looking at her. Erza laid on her side and helplessly closed her eyes.

"How could I have let this happen to me? How could I have been so off guard?" Erza asked out loud and Arbok took note of her being troubled. Arbok slowly slithered forward a few feet and looked at Erza with a very slight concern.

"Look red head, thessse thingsss happen. You can only hope for the better. It'sss not your fault. No one knew, jussst sssleep. You should never doubt Nic-ssssama. He never failsss to sssurprise usss all." Arbok said with slight wisdom. Arbok didn't sound at all snobbish when he said this; in fact, he sounded he was respecting her slightly. Erza looked off into space and thought about it. It was true, Nic never failed to amaze her, and even now, he was doing so by fighting the beast. Erza took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Arbok rolled his eyes and resumed his post.

With Nic

The humanoid wolf slashed its mighty claws and shattered the walls that covered the hot springs. It pounced right through and turned its head to find where Nic was. It snarled as it picked up on his scent once more, he's nearby.

It didn't get to react fast enough when it saw a rock being thrown at it. The rock crashed into its abdomen, making it fall back and skid a few inches. It got up and saw Nic approaching from behind a large rock.

Nic's Stone Plate attire was comprised with an obsidian colored T-shirt with his sunglasses hanging on by the collar, though the casing was an amphibolite color. His pants were jeans that was colored granite. His shoes were rock climbing shoes that were light brown with dark brown laces and black obsidian soles. His sleeveless coat was an igneous gabbro coloring and texture that didn't remotely bother him. There was rock imprints, such as sedimentary sandstone with iron oxide bands running from the bottom to the back of his thighs. He also sported some gloves that had a gabbro coloring to it.

He cracked his knuckles and glared at the beast, of whom was snarling once more. "I'm gonna rock your world." Nic couldn't help but deadpan a pun into the fight. The beast had no sense of humor as it lunged at Nic, but he was more than ready.

Nic ducked once the beast tried to slash at him and he leaped back as it tried a downward swipe. "Rock Polish!" Light blue energy then sparked around Nic's entire body, increasing his Speed by a rather large margin. The monster paid no heed as it pounced again, but was shocked to see Nic dodge in a moment's notice. "Stone Edge!" Nic rams a fist into the earth and the earth rumbled slightly as a large glowing light blue stone pillar to rush from below and ram the beast in its gut. The monster howled as the force behind the stone-like blow made it smash through the hot spring walls again, forcing the battle back out into the streets.

Nic leaped out of the shattered wall and stood affirm. "Rock Blast!" The front of his jacket then started to glow silver, and he unleashes a straight barrage of silver energy waves in the shape of his sleeveless coat, meaning there were two coming at the beast that were two rectangles, then proceeded by another row and another. The wolf monster lunged and slashed straight through and cut through the Rock Blast. The individual silver energy waves were cut down and the beast made way to attack Nic. The Multitype Mage expertly spun towards his left as the beast slashed with its right arm. Nic jumped and leaned back to avoid yet another claw trying to pierce him by the form of a jab. He managed to do so and grabbed its claws. Nic held on tight with his Stone Plate gloves and the beast struggled to break free, but to no avail. Nic summoned up as much strength as he could and threw and slammed the monster overhead and into the pavement behind him.

The monster had some trouble as it could not muster up much strength, and Nic backed away and stood affirm, ready to unleash another attack.

"Rock Slide!" Nic's body glows white and multiple white rings appear in the sky. Large, gray rocks then fall through the ripples and come crashing down on the beast. The earth quaked for a bit and the dust cleared out after a few seconds. The beast was shown to have been defeated, with a majority of its body incapacitated from being under the rocks.

Nic huffed a bit and reverted back to himself. The monster was unconscious and it looked as though he won't be able to get up as long as those rock kept it in place. Nic turned and looked back at the inn Erza was at. "Okay, I think I'll come back for poochie later. Right now, I have to get back to Erza. Nic then began running and dashed back to the hotel.

As Nic dashed away from the scene, the dark red Mage that was hired by Tartaros walked out from the shadows and stepped in front of the incapacitated wolf monster, having to watch that entire scene.

He frowned at the sight of the defeated beast. It was truly a setback for him and for the plan in general. "I've never seen this guy go down before." He muttered. "I'm going to have to bring him back and alert the others about this." He then pulled out a long sword that was double pronged and touched every rock individually. Every time he did, the rocks from the Rock Slide shrunk down to the size of his fist. In no time, the wolf was free, but it was still barely conscious as it growled.

He then turned back towards the direction from where Nic was. He stared out and saw Nic was out of sight. "This might be a problem."

With Nic

Nic scaled up the inn in his Sky Plate Form and flapped onto the balcony, he shifted back into himself and peeked inside. He looked about and saw that the furniture was still just the way it was when he was brawling with the beast. He sighed and walked right in through the shattered doorway. He turned and saw Arbok at the bedroom entrance, following Nic's orders exactly.

He walked up to Arbok. "Was everything okay?" Nic asked. He was slightly concerned if anyone tried to enter during his brawl, of which he was satisfied when Arbok shook his head.

"Nic-sssama, no intrudersss appeared. She isssss laying in bed asss we ssspeak." Arbok reported. Nic peered over and saw Erza sleeping quite soundly under the covers. Nic took a breath of relief and looked up at Arbok.

"Alright, thanks a lot pal. You did a fine job. Return." Nic said. Arbok obediently bowed in respect and returned back into his poke ball, having done his part.

Nic walked over and was looking down at Erza. He was glad nothing happened to her. She was sleeping ever so soundly now and looked so adorable.

Nic smiled seeing Erza look so sound when she was sleeping like this. He turned his head and looked up at the ceiling, now worrying more on the matter at hand. He instantly frowned when the thought of the wolf came.

'What was that thing?' Nic thought. 'Was it apart of Tartaros?' These thoughts consumed Nic's mind and he was getting somewhat anxious to strike at Tartaros. However, he a more primary concern, which was watch over Erza while she recovered. It shouldn't be long now, give or take maybe another hour until her Magic is go to go again. It was midnight right now, so they could only afford a few hours to recover. Nic had to because of his brawl. He walked on over towards a wall and slumped back down and laid on the floor, being more suitable for him.

A little later…

Erza tossed and turned about a few minutes and groaned. She slowly opened her eyes and found herself to get up and going about. Her Magic was fully filtered and she looked up at the ceiling. She wondered what happened while she was resting, besides the brawl that Nic partook in. She sat up and looked about the room. She didn't any signs of danger, or Nic. She then looked and saw that Nic was sleeping on the floor, a more suitable place according to him. Erza looked over and saw Nic looking somewhat sound. Could he really enjoy sleeping like this?

Just as Erza was getting up and requipped into her Heart Kreuz Armor, Nic flashed open his eyes and slowly got up. He looked over and saw Erza coming his way.

"It's good to see you're back up to speed." Nic muttered, still tired from his sleep.

Erza nodded. "Yes, and now we should proceed with the mission as soon as we can." It was around one or two at night, so they only had a few hours to stop the madness. They both stretched a bit and walked into the living room, where Erza saw the damage that Nic had done, though this was to be expected.

Nic shifted into his Sky Plate Form and turned around, looking over his shoulder back at Erza. "Hop on."

Erza was a little confused. What was Nic doing?

"Are you coming or what?" Nic then gestured for Erza to climb onto his back, of which she did. She slowly crawled on and Nic unintentionally took in her strawberry scent. 'She smells so nice…'

Nic mentally punched himself to reprimand his slight distraction. As much as he would love to take in more of her strawberriness, they had a job to do. He turned around and darted for the wrecked balcony. He then jumped and flew off the balcony, enabling flight with ease. He soared through the air and looked down, Erza doing the same thing.

"See anything?" Nic asked.

"No. No signs of the enemy." She answered. No signs was right. Nic went wide eyed when he saw that the wolf from before was gone from the spot where he incapacitated it. Nic soared over the spot and quietly groaned as he passed over the spot.

'Dammit. Where'd it-!" He and Erza both then caught a glimpse of something moving along the street alleys. It looked like a man with dark purple hair, but that's all they saw. They saw him also saw him carrying some pudgy man that looked familiar to Nic.

Erza and Nic both almost flinched in shock when they'd recognized the unconscious man that was being dragged off by some tail.

"Joseph." They both said in unison. They all then saw the man then shapeshift his hand into some scaly reptilian hand and shoved a huge dumpster out of the way. A large hole was under said dumpster that was concealing it.

They both then saw the man dive into the hole, with Joseph and his scaly hand grabbed the bottom of the dumpster and moved it back over the hole to cover it.

As soon as the coast was clear for them, they both descended, with Nic slowly landing on the ground and Erza jumping off him. He shifted into himself and they both quietly and cautiously approached the site. When they were both in front of the dumpster, Nic and Erza both looked around it. They knew what they saw, and they knew how to get there.

There was no question that that hole led to the hideout where the kidnapped individuals were being held. Nic got to one side of the dumpster and used whatever muscle he could to move it. It was heavier than he had hoped it would be. Nic gritted his teeth and his veins popped out as he summoned up his strength and completely flipped the entire dumpster! Erza looked on with a shocked comical expression as she had witnessed Nic doing such a thing. And here she thought Natsu had destructive strength. Go figure.

Nic then peered down the hole and looked at Erza. "You coming? Tartaros is in for a rude welcoming for what they've done." Nic said. He said it in a cool manner, not to sound evil or reckless. He then hopped into the hole and Erza soon followed. The hole was rather dark, even though it was ten feet downwards.

Nic wanted to shed some light, so he got out his phone and used the flashlight function. He and Erza then slowly proceeded and venture down the now lightened up tunnel.

They continued onwards for a god five minutes, feeling the magical presence increase within every step. This ominous Magic was escalating very fast after they've been walking for ten minutes.

"Do you feel that?" Erza asked Nic.

Nic narrowed his eyes. "Yeah. It's strong."

They then saw something up ahead, four hundred meters out. They saw a small pink light from up ahead. Light at the end of the tunnel. Nic turned off his phone and the two began to pick up their pace into a small run.

They then made it to the end and they finally made it out of the long, mile long tunnel. There, they almost froze in place as they saw the site of people in cells, contraptions hooked up to a large dark pink lacrima, and saw a few people hooked up inside the contraptions and having their Magic sapped into the lacrima, one of them being Joseph.

They were both speechless.

"What is this?" Nic muttered. They both then felt a strong magical presence coming from both their sides. This was strong, very strong.

They both got stiff and Erza turned to her right and Nic turned to his left to see their oncoming foes. The dark purple-haired member proceeded from Nic's end, and the dark red member proceeded from Erza's end. They could both tell that these two were no ordinary Wizards.

"This, you saplings, is what you would call our HQ." The dark red one explained.

"Now, Seazer, let's not be rude. They're our guests of honor." The dark purple-haired one told his pal with a smirk. This wasn't a friendly smirk at all.

"Ah yes, I believe we can arrange something for these two, especially the fine gentleman who brutally wounded our little friend." Seazer explained.

Nic turned to look at Seazer. "So you were watching me?"

Seazer smirked ever so evilly. "Exactly. He won't be up for awhile, but once we get the Magic sucked up from you soon enough, you'll be his special dessert." Nic narrowed his eyes in distaste for these guys and how they were simply toying with them for now.

Sounds like these guys need to learn that my powers aren't for evilness.' Nic thought.

Erza summoned forth a sword and pointed it towards Seazer. "Enough formalities. Tell me why you have kidnapped the innocent?" She demanded. Her answer came in the form of a slight chuckle from Seazer.

He then gestured over to his acquaintance. "Hybren, may you have the honors of explaining to our confused guests here what they will partake in?"

Hybren chuckled and crossed his arms. "Very well. You two will have the explicit honor of having your Magic depleted and finish creating this bomb so that those who do not know or worship Lord Zeref will do so in Hell."