
Corona v

*Gets home from work* "Ahhhh, It's taking over!!" Tyson turns his head so fast, "Stay away you went outside!!" Kay starts running around in circles, "NOOO LEAVE YOU B*TCHHH!!" Tyson runs over Xai, "Lets leave and call Monsters Inc. they have the best yellow suits."

Meanwhile Xai is on the floor being squished by Tyson and Kay.

(Poor Xai!)

Everyday it's always a new reaction when even they get home from work. (They all get home at different times.)

*At the dorm in the morning* "So Xai, how was going outside with a mask?" Xai turns sanitizing his whole body, "Ah it was good." Tyson slaps Kays back, "So what do you guys wanna do?"

*30 mins later all of them wearing onesies* "MOVEE I ALMOST DID IT!!" Xai jumping, "NOOOO!! I'll beat you!" Kay slams his hands on the table, "UNO REVERSE CARD MUAHAHAHAAAA!!!" Tysons face turns pale as he starts crying inside, "Of course... Why me... Why is it always me.."

(The Uno game that Kay always wins)

What are you guys doing in this quarantine?

Kay_kaysubcreators' thoughts