
The faded people in highschool

The 3 people that everyone laughs at Bryan, Tyson, and Kay. They don't get made fun of but they are truly hilarious. The people that aren't popular yet everyone knows. Jokes, puns, and bad pick up lines. Lets begin!

Kay_kaysub · Teen
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Bryan’s character

As we all know Bryan is kind of a drama queen. He likes to yell at people and make very big deals about it. But he is a very goofy person. He makes jokes about everything and makes things interesting.

He always has something to talk about or bring up when nothings going on.

He comes up with assumptions that no one talks about.

And brings up topics everyone doesn't think to hard about.

He also keeps people guessing.

He's 6'7,

He has white hair,

Light grey eyes,

And he loves to make people smile.

(He's albino)