
i DO see

'You think I do not see

You think I do not notice

But I gleam from your distasteful eyes

The disgust you hold toward me.


The judgement you cast is like a heavy cloud

Deepening in shade.

It burdens me that there is no sun

So much so, I wish for rain.


I am mindful of your contempt

When I act as I please

And give no caution or consideration

For your own needs.


I am keenly aware of your perceptions -

Offensive as they are -

That you are my head,

And you are my arms.

That you are my legs,

And the bandaid that keeps me

From falling apart.


I am aware that you think I am helpless without you,

And that I desperately must

Clutch your hand.

But I am not a hapless fawn,

I am sure of who I am.


I recognise your sense of obligation to do for me what you can

But I resent it's existence.

I long for a burning desire

To do what you can

BECAUSE you love me.


But most of all I am hurt

(That, I will not deny)

Of how you genuinely see me

And of how oblivious you are

To all of you

That I truely see.'