
The Faceless Man: the collector of relics

Reginald was cosplaying as Kratos of GOW4 with his little brother as Atreus when he heroically save a toddler from being run over by a car. Reincarnated in the primordial times Reginald was baffled "Why am I here!!!" Disclaimer note: I don't own God of War or the following series that could be found in this fanfic aside from the OC characters I also do not own the picture used for the cover

Rabidreader · Video Games
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8 Chs

chapter 6

Memphis was a smorgasbord of mortal and Immortals, Damianos wandered through the crowd amazed at the sights he even saw some demigods walking around.

"Stop looking around Damianos, Thot arrange a place for you to stay" Hecate took his arm as she guided him through the crowd.

As Damianos followed Hecate and Thoth, He was presented with a rather glorious change of a crowded market to a shining and glittering golden palaces decorated with fountains and Flora to beautify the place.

"This will be your residence courtesy of Ra, Damianos this isn't Hellas so you can't throw your weight around, got it" Hecate informed him as he curiously inspected the place.

"Sure, do you have any recommendations? for places to visit" Damianos asked Hecate.

"The house of knowledge will be a great start, right thot?" Hecate replied while she seeks confirmation from Thot who had his hand on his chin and is staring really hard at Damianos.

"Yeah, I am the one who managed that building as well as it's keeper" Thoth absently replied as he keeps staring.

"Anything besides that place?" Damianos asked again.

"hmmm, the market and the river might be good, the former is a great place to find items and slaves from far away lands while the latter is a refreshing place to bathe in" Hecate informatively replied.

"Anyway we will let you settle, Thoth come on we have things to research" Hecate added as she was coaxing Thot who remained unmovable.

"You can go ahead Hecate, I have things to talk with Damianos" Thoth waved her away while she reacted by replying "Your lose then, I'll not share my research notes" as she walked away.

"Can we talk in private, we had pressing subject to discuss"Thoth asked Damianos who was unsure of what this baboon wanted with him.

"Sure, let's go inside" Damianos beckoned Thoth as the baboon headed God warily entered the almost temple like home.

"So what do you wanna talk about?" Damianos crossing his arms as he waited for Thot to answer.

"Hecate might be blind but I am not, those collosal raw power hiding beneath the surface, those aren't natural" Thoth started as Damianos sigh.

"This again? I've already told Ra, but I guess it won't matter if you know too" Damianos with a sigh again casted his Fidelius charm.

As the Charm surrounded the palace on which Damianos was residing, He suddenly let go of his power as it radiated out of him crackling in red and blue lightning.

Thoth was immediately crushed by sheer power radiating out of Damianos "Tha tha that, im immense power whe where did you acquire it" Thoth stuttered as he felt the power from close proximity.

Damianos reigning in his power inside since it'll be hard to have a conversation with a stuttering baboon.

"I liberated it from the dead bodies of Tartarus and Ouranos" Damianos lied as he took a seat on his conjured chair.

Composing himself Thoth spoke in a concerned tone " That power is taking control of you, you had to perfectly reign it in and make it yours"

"What do you mean?" Damianos puzzled by Thoth's words.

"From what I know of your personality, at least according to Hecate's stories about you is that you aren't this bold, reckless and domineering" Thoth replied which further puzzled Damianos.

Going along with whatever Thoth was saying Damianos spoke "I see, so what do you recommend I do?"

"Start with learning your true name" Thoth instructed rather vaguely.

"True name?" Damianos asked tilting his head.

"Yes, true names are the names of our souls,our true nature, and the names of our destiny" Thoth explained.

"It's also the focal point of our power, for it is where we access the majority of our power and potential" Thoth added with a sagely tone.

"So it's different from our normal name's?" Damianos asked again.

"Yes, you could say mortals and immortals have 2 names" Thoth replied.

"But beware for your true name could be used against you, Let's just say for those who knew it would be able to control you and the powers you possess" Thoth further explained the dangers of knowing ones true name.

"hmmm, so how do I learn it?" Damianos asked.

"That's for you to know, but it would help if you visit the house of knowledge" Thoth pensively replied.

"I guess, I'll head there later, why help me?" Damianos now asking a very important question.

"I'm a god of learning and invention, it's in my nature to teach and acquire knowledge" Thoth answered as he prepared to leave only to find that he can't.

"Oh right, there, thanks Thoth" Damianos thanked the god of knowledge as he brought the barrier and Fidelius charm down.

"Might wanna control your very intimidating nature, it's best for your interpersonal skills" Thoth spoke as he leave the premises.

"Did he just insulted me?" Damianos muttered as he pondered about the true name thing Thoth had taught him.







[50 years time skip]

For about 50 years Damianos set upon his personal goal of learning his true name.

He scoured the house of knowledge and every bit of information he can get, Just to find his elusive true name.

As for living in Memphis, Damianos would describe it as an ancient metropolis and a trading hub for all directions.

Damianos himself thought of it as Orario from danmachi due to how much mortal and immortal traffic there is.

He also had the fondness for visiting Bastet pleasure houses with Bes the dwarf, Apparently the both of them had the hots for Cat girls with Damianos always shouting "Neko paradise here I come"

Being best friends with Bes and Bastet have Damianos learning that Bes is protection deity for kids and pregnant women while Bastet who's formerly a goddess of war was previously unseated by Sekhmet so now she operated the pleasure houses of Memphis and recruiting her kin to provide comfort.

Due to this Damianos was always seen with the 2 sometimes helping them, this created a rumour that Bes and Bastet was protected by a powerful deity because of the frequent disappearance of those who wronged them.

Of course Damianos was the culprit for those disappearing Deitys and spirits and turned the fates for the cat people since everyone was now believing that if you ever displeased them you'll end up in a situation worst than death.

As for his True name Damianos found it by recalling his 2000 years of existence. it's syllabus in the unspeakable language was rather long.

ignis edax summa mutatio Et principes interfectorem Fatum autem novorum daemoniorum Divisa in magna quis transgressus Qui sit duratura usque ad finem omnia

{AN: I type out Damianos true name in Latin, I used Google translate for this one so forgive me for those who knows how to read and speak Latin}

The very long name was Damianos discovery of his True name and nature, The results was immense for it allowed Damianos to micromanage his power which in return made his control so perfect that he can pass for a mortal if he ever decided to suppress all of his Divine and magical powers.

Damianos also managed his realms during these past 50 years making sure that everything was alright especially for the realm of Eden where Giants, Cyclopes, Hecatoncheires, Nymphs and Naiads reside.

As for the realm of Tartarus, it's denizens prove to be good rulers of the realm, although they have a few disputes and skirmishes between them it's nothing for Damianos to be worried about.

At the present as he cuddled with Bastet, Damianos was annoyed by the loud alarm of a call to battle.

"Who's stupid enough to have a bright idea to attack Kemet?" a frowning Damianos spoke to Bastet as he roused from the expansive bed.

Bastet for a while had her ears swiveling in alert status "This is serious Damianos, Apep is attacking again" She says as she immediately stood up and willed her battle armor.

"I see, could I accompany my sweet cute cuddly munch" Damianos cooed as he lazily summoned a few golden apples.

"This is not the time for that, I'll head to mustering point" Bastet hastily replied as she ported away.

"hmmm, I guess the battlefield has to wait" Damianos muttered as he bit a chunk of a golden apple.






[For a while]

Teleporting to the scene of battle, Damianos was floating at the height of ten thousand feet spectating the immense battlefield below at the South of Egypt.

He could see radiant Amun Ra with his burning and glowing spear shooting solar beams and solar flares at the immense snake made of shadows who was trying to swallow Ra only to be repelled by the powerful attacks of the primordial.

Damianos deduced the snake must be 15 thousand feet long while the girth must be 7 hundred feet,

Meanwhile the army of Amun Ra that is made up of the Animal headed Deitys and spirits led by the teenage Set and Osiris.

As for the army's of Chaos was consisted by a bunch of grotesque beings with a creature with long tentacles and a masked humanoid in yellow robes at the lead.

For 15 minutes or so, Damianos watched the 2 army's clash with Ra and Apophis dancing in the background, Damianos was tempted to just watched the conflict with ambrosia but alas he signed a contract with Ra that he'll end Apophis.

Letting the gravity take him, Damianos descended like a meteor towards Apophis while enchanting his fist with the power of the storms.

Hitting Apophis with the speed of 400 mph Damianos blindsided the giant snake as he punched with the power of the storms.

Apophis crashed to the ground with a resounding boom across the battlefield, Damianos put his hands together and slammed again producing a thunderclap destroying the shadowy scales of Apophis.

Apophis screamed a screech for help which resulted with his grotesque army turning their gaze at him while the humanoid in yellow robes and the tentacled humanoid kept dueling with Seth and Osiris.

"Hey Ra, long time no see" Damianos greeted as he hammered his fist down at Apophis producing repeated flashes of light and thunderclaps.

As he concentrated his power on his burning spear Amun Ra replied "Good of you to join the battle Damianos"

As the grotesque army reached Damianos by climbing the pinned down body of Apophis, Damianos summoned the primordial killing Scythe of Cronos and channelled the might of the sky's through it.

taking hold of the pulsing and crackling scythe Damianos hacked through the slithering body of Apophis which made the snake buck due to the pain and damage it was receiving.

The grotesque beings have been fling away as Apophis tried to dislodged Damianos who mercilessly hacked at his flesh.

Ra meanwhile had finished charging his strongest attack as he pointed his flaring spear towards the head of Apophis intent on killing it.

As the laser beam connected Apophis screeched again then used his tail to slap Ra away.

Steadying himself as Apophis bucked in pain, Damianos conjured divine chains that absorbed divine and magical energy.

getting desperate Apophis began spewing out chaos energy beams intent on hitting whatever on his back and hacking at his flesh.

Damianos continued to slice and dice until Apophis lost consciousness.

Meanwhile The tentacled humanoid shouted at his comrade the masked humanoid in yellow robes "C' mgep l' retreat hastur, na'ah'n'ghayar mgep already mgepah mgepr'luh, apophis mgep mgepah mgepor'uh'enah" (We have to retreat hastur, the battle has already been lost, Apophis has been captured)

"Uln yog-sothoth mgahnnn shuggnglui llll escape, ph'hai abomination mgepah distracted llll apophis" (Call Yog-sothoth open the gate for escape, while the abomination was distracted with Apophis) the masked humanoid in yellow replied as he deflected another Blast of arcane energy from Osiris.

"Ahe ya uln opener ot way, Y' nyarlathotep ymg' ulnah l' c' hafh escape" (Answer my call opener of the way, I nyarlathotep command you to aid our escape) The tentacled humanoid chanted while dodging a swing from Set khopesh.

Damianos who's relishing the draining of power from the unconscious Apophis felt the alien power pervading the battlefield.

pinpointing it at the duo who's fighting Osiris and Set, Damianos stopped his feast and teleported near them.

porting between the tentacled humanoid and the masked humanoid in yellow robes had Damianos sensed the kind of foreign power not of this planet.

Surprised that the anomaly of an abomination has appeared between them had the 2 commanders of the grotesque army distracted that Osiris blasted the masked humanoid in yellow robes while Set managed to slice a tentacle off the tentacled humanoid.

"So what do we have here?" Damianos curious and intimidating tone sounded which made the tentacled humanoid chanted faster "Yog-sothoth gnaiih ephaiah lloigazath if ymg' don't mgahnnn portal hai! h' ephaidevour ymg" (Yog-sothoth father will be angry if you don't open a portal now! He will devour you)

Tilting his head Damianos muttered "Yog-sothoth? I've heard of it somewhere"

Suddenly a portal which looked like a black hole opened which spurred Damianos to action.

Catching the masked humanoid in yellow robes, Damianos tried to lasso the tentacled humanoid with his Divine energy but it's faster than it looks and managed to jump in the portal.

As the portal closed Damianos turned his gaze at the masked humanoid in yellow robes "We're gonna play later" as he teleported away to continue eating Apophis.

As he ate Apophis magically, Divine, and spiritually Damianos chucked his body at the Realm of Eden to have the Cyclopes process the body.

Feeling the addition of chaos power on his body, Damianos felt ever more powerful so he decided that Expanding his realms was a better idea.

Expanding Eden to the size of the 7 continent's had Damianos 1/8 of his total Divine power while expanding Tartarus to the size of planet Earth ate away another 1/8

Satisfied Damianos turned his attention towards the battlefield and he could see that the army's of Chaos are being routed by the Deitys of Egypt with Osiris and Set on the lead.

approaching the Masked humanoid in yellow robes who's tied with his conjured chain's that ate away at divine and magical energy, Damianos knelt "Hello I am Damianos, could you speak so I could use my translation spell"

"Ymg' ephainafl frighten ya anomaly, c' throdog plans ephainafl ah derailed llll ymg' actions" (You will not frighten me anomaly, our great plans will not be derailed by your actions) The masked humanoid in yellow replied menacingly.

As he finished his spell Damianos replied back "Ahagl, ymg' ah kadishtu hai" (There, do you understand now)

Surprised the masked humanoid tried to escape only for the chains holding him down to become more stronger.

"Now we can talk, but apparently I've got pressing matters to attend to, so enjoy my realm of Tartarus for a bit" Damianos chuckled as he threw the masked man in the portal towards Tartarus.

teleporting to Amun Ra who's still buried under the rubble when Apophis slapped him away with his tail, Damianos used his telekinesis to dig Ra out.

Seeing the unconscious Amun Ra laying there, Damianos could see that Apophis hit him good as there is bruises all over the primordial.

"I guess, it didn't matter if he's unconscious or not" Damianos muttered as he invoked the contract completed as half of the power of Ra transferred towards him.

Finished with his business, Damianos wave a goddess with a rather colorful wings to attend to Ra as he left.







[Somewhere in outer space in the realm of Azathoth]

Kneeling before the humongous squirming mouth who's darkness was stretched forever, Nyarlathotep reported his failure towards his father "our plan to help Apophis get the seat of power in Kemet has failed, an anomaly of an abomination has appeared to defeat our Ally"

With grinding and deafening noise the mouth replied "So how powerful is this anomaly?"

"He got the might of 4 supreme primordials, 5 if you added Apophis, he seemed similar to us who devoured our opponent, is he a one of us?" Nyarlathotep asked which illicited a dreadful silence.

"hmmm, from what I know I am the only one who survived the destruction of the first planet, nevertheless continue your assault in Albion, from there we will launch our assault towards the God's of this planet" the mouth replied as Darkness spread.






[Back on Kemet]

POV Isis

I was helping to heal the soldiers in the battlefield when the a powerful deity wave for me to approach.

Seeing the unconscious Ra, the Deity motioned for me to take care of our ruler as he left, seeing our Ruler vulnerable flamed my ambition to rule Kemet with my husband.

but I know the queen won't take it lying down as well as his son Khonsu, I need to think of a way to have him abdicate the throne to Osiris willingly.

Isis thought for a while then remembering Apophis, conjuring a snake who she packed with all sorts of poison she encountered, Isis had the snake bite the foot of the unconscious Ra.

"Now my husband and I, shall rule" Isis muttered as she administered some healing spell and purposely left the poison in Ra's foot.





POV Damianos

Leaving the battlefield Damianos returned to his palace to wash off the sand and dirt he accumulated while riding a rodeo with Apophis.

As he finished cleaning his body, Damianos decided he'll pass some time in Thoth's house of knowledge and maybe he could get some bargaining chips against Thoth once he revealed his newly learned language.

Arriving at the house of knowledge who's interior looked like a giant library made of marble, Damianos yelled " Hey Thoth!! I've discovered some new language in the battlefield today "

The Baboon headed God appeared with a tablet on his hands "Hmmm, what do you mean?"

"Well, I was hoping you'll recognize this " Damianos bragged as he spoke some words spoken by his captive who was now in Tartarus.

Knotting his forehead Thoth replied " Damianos where did you learn that?"

"I've captured one of Apophis lieutenant who's fighting with Osiris, by the way Apophis is no more" Damianos bragged once more which surprised Thoth.

"Really? if that's so, we will usher in a golden age since war would be gone in a horizon" Thoth replied sagely as he added "anyway what's that language, in all the known lands there's nothing like it"

"Apophis lieutenant spoked this language, kinda weird right" Damianos who uttered the words again.

"Hmmm, I might checked the records again, could you say it again" Thoth asked as he magically willed the feather to write it on the scroll.

As the scroll finished, Damianos and Thoth talked for a while and shared their experience on the recent battlefields they fought in until it went dark.

Teleporting back Damianos was surprised when Bes and Bastet brought a lot of Deitys to his palace as well as a lot of cat people.

"Hey Damianos!! you won't mind if we had a post battle party here, riiight" Bes slurred his words seemingly drunk.

"Sorry about this" Bastet apologized

"Well, I don't mind, just don't trash the place" Damianos replied

"You hear that!!! Party!!!!" Bes drunkenly shouted which received a cheer from the crowd of Deitys as they charged inside the house.

Sighing Damianos muttered "I'm just glad nothing important is inside" as he scooped Bastet in his arms and went straight towards his room.


Author here I've been busy for the last few days since there's a lot of bureaucracy regarding college transfers plus had to help around my parents house anyway I'll try to upload chapters ASAP when I had the time and thanks for your patience.


Stay tuned and enjoy

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