
The Eyes Of Rah

In the world beyond, there exists a powerful spiritual being named Phemerah. Blessed with the extraordinary abilities than her peers, she commands the forces of nature and possesses a profound connection to the ethereal. However, her most formidable gift lies within her eyes - a pair that mirrors the universe's. Phemerah's blessing eventually turns out to be a curse - her punishment for the constant interference with other creatures, especially in the living realm - left with no choice but to share her abilities among the species below the realm. Meanwhile... In the land of the living where destinies are predetermined and fates cannot be manipulated, there lives a pureblood vampire, who defies the cosmic order - he was not meant to be born - leading to a torturous existence. Xavier's forbidden birth sparks a chain of events that unravels the fabric of fate. It intertwines his destiny with that of a humble human with enchanting, anomalous eyes who endures the cruelty of being labeled an anomaly. As Xavier and Seraphine navigate a world plagued with prejudice and prophecies, they discover a shared resilience that goes beyond their individual struggle. What will become of a battle among the species in a quest for the possession of the greatest power of all? The eyes of Rah. Excerpt; "Is everything okay?" They asked, one doesn't need to ask about her power which has clearly left her body, the radiant skin is not the only give away but also the change in the color of her eyes, all trace of purple or lavender is gone, replace by brown eyes which marched her hair. "I'm fine" she repeated. "We both felt your abilities when it blessed our people, the surge of power in my wolves' limbs was enough to know they had gotten stronger." The Sun King agreed, "I felt the agility in my kind's body as well. The lightness in weight and strength in their power are enough tell sign that they have gotten stronger." The Moon goddess could not keep her curiosity at bay, "what about the eyes?" Phorus at that moment barged in, not minding that he could be punished for his rudeness, all he cared about was seeing his mistress. The Moon goddess glared at him, just when she wanted to hear the location of the most powerful thing, "what insolence!" with narrowed eyes at Phorus for the rude interruption. Phorus bowed immediately, "forgive me my lady, I couldn't help but see for myself that that Lady Mine is awake, hale and hearty" "Do that again next time and you'll lose that eyes of yours, never to see your dear mistress anymore" she declared after Phemerah gave her an apologetic look for Phorus' behaviour. "Dear Phorus, as you can see, I'm fine. I told you everything will be all right" "I'm glad you really are, Lady Mine, I thought I would never see you again." Not one to be patient for too long, the Moon goddess shooed him away so Phemerah could continue her speech. "So, what about the eyes?" "I don't know exactly where they are but I'm sure they are still in the Spirit realm; I can still feel them searching for a worthy abode. I'll know when they reside in another." "Is it possible to reside in a wolf" "Of course, species don't matter to them, they will reside in whoever they deem fit." "What if the worthy one is not yet born?" Asked the Sun king "They will wait, even if they had to wait for centuries; they will." Phemerah spoke as she starred into space.

Reemah_Rede · Fantasy
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115 Chs

A Vampire and a Lady on a Mission II

As Seraphine was helped out of the carriage, she looked around to admire the huge beautiful house. Darting sideway glances at the paintings which embellished the walls of the corridor that led to the study where the butler said Master Xavier was waiting for her.

"He's waiting for you inside" he bowed slightly as he opened the door to allow her in.

"Where is the book you stole from me?"

Xavier didn't bother to raise his head nor deny the accusation, "I'll save us some time by telling that the only way I'll return it is if you accompany me to Lord Knox house" bringing out the familiar little brown book which reeked of her scent, "and point of correction, I didn't steal it"

Seraphine watched the mischievous glint in his eyes when he asked "why didn't you ask me if I read it?", he looked okay regardless of his expression.

Shaking her head vigorously to clear the thought of her mind, she  snorted, "what's inside isn't that important" she rushed her words.

Xavier heard her heart skipped, "if it wasn't, why did you try to hide it from me and why did you decide to come?"

Unable to provide a reasonable answer, Serahpine resigned to seat down on the chair he had gestured to her when she entered.

A soft knock came, followed by the butler, "I've confirmed that Lord Knox is not at home" Xavier nodded and he left.

"Now, we need to visit his library before he returns"

"If I accompany you today, will you give me back the note?"

"Absolutely, even though it's not important" Xavier was curious to know the content of the note but he had resisted, not only because he respected her privacy but because it would be more thrilling to find out through her whatever secret she had written down. Instead of reading it, that was way too easy.

"But first, you need to dress like one who is worthy to visit Lord Knox" looking up and down at her dull grey pinafore and the black scarf on her hair.

He called out to his butler who obviously was near his study, "find a suitable dress for Miss Patrick"

"I'm not curious to know how he'll get the dress at all" Seraphine spoke aloud, "by the way, why are you invested in knowing all these? You don't seem like someone who poke their nose on other's business"

"I'll take that as a compliment and honestly I don't but this is affecting my business. Two of my managers had been suspected of having memory loss and I've done some findings to discover that it is a pressing matter among the werewolves. I'm sure you also know that one of my close friends is one of them, who know what would happen to him in future, he might become a victim, so if I can prevent that, I should"

Seraphine nodded in understanding, she was suddenly reminded that she still hasn't found out a way to warn Francis, "can't you just report him to the right people and let them do the finding?"

"I would have done that if it was that simple. The upper House won't do anything except there is a tangible evidence to show for it. I have to confirm myself that you actually saw it and look for a way to trap him and connect him to the series of memory loss among the werewolf."

She nodded her head in understanding, "that makes sense."

"By the way, you dropped this in the carriage" Xavier placed her handkerchief which carried her scent, something he was starting to be familiar with, on the desk.

"I've been looking for it" she took it, "this was the second time I was looking for it, I was fortunate Francis lend me his when the wine spill on my clothes"

Suddenly, she stilled, "what is it?" Xavier asked.

"I think Francis might be in trouble" now she had an idea of who could put him in danger.


"I think I dropped his handkerchief in Lord Knox's library when I was trying to hide"

Xavier stared at the horizon while pondering over the new information, "and if he discovers it, it might lead him to the wrong person since the cloth is specially made. His initials could lead Knox to him"

Herbert entered at that moment, "one of the maids is ready to dress her"

"Find out where Lord Knox is right now" Xavier instructed, nodding quickly as he exited the room.

"We need to know why exactly he needed the wolves memory and how far he had gone"

Shortly after Seraphine left to change her cloth, Herbert returned to inform him that Lord Knox carriage was seen at the Weinroff pack house.

Just exactly as he had guessed.


Alpha Weinroff studied Lord Knox, "this is such an unexpected visit, I hope everything is all right?"

"Not at all" he smiled, trying hard not to shrink his nose from the typical odour which comes with being around a pack of werewolves.

He wished he could send someone to come in his stead but it is something he had to do on his own, such matter as significant as this needed his attention alone. He only trust his partner and that is because they shared mutual goal and he's a reliable ally.

"One of my associates across the sea who arrived few days ago needs your family's expertise in accounting, since I know your reputation precedes you and he wants someone who is reliable, I assured him that I would personally come to you and talk about it first. Which of your family members would you introduced to me?"

Alpha Weinroff didn't need to think long or used her alpha power to know he was lying, she wasn't introduced to any foreigner when she attended his daughter's party, neither did she come across any strange face in his house.

Deciding to play along, she spoke, "that's nice. Anyone of the Weinroff members can do it, you know we ensure they all excel in accounting irrespective of their post. I'll send Keon to you"

She watched his change of expression, "I think I'll prefer the other one, he seemed more friendly, I can't remember his name?"


"No, I think his name starts with an F"


"Yes, Francis. He seemed more friendly than the others"

"You said this foreigner of yours is staying with you at the moment, isn't he?"

He nodded, "yes, just till tomorrow, he would be staying at the inn close to the shore, he said he loved being close to the sea"

He stood up at once to take his leave, "I'll send word to inform you when Francis can visit him"

Alpha Weinroff added Lord Knox to her list of findings she needed to make. She brought out the letter she received from Lord Witcharoft on the pressing matter.

Sighing as she read through, the witches had managed to figure out what was stealing their memories, something that the wolves wouldn't have ever figured out since they were known to be extinct. Witcharoft still needed more time to find out who was behind the memory loss and why.

She hoped something would be done quickly before the entire pack had their memory gone.

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