
The Eye of Fate

"Fate Cannot Be Avoided but, Destiny can be made!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- POWER! Everyone dreams of having it but, only a few could. Masses admire and fear the ones who have it. Either way, if you have power, you will be a monarch... an absolute… This story is about an ancient soul who pursued absolute strength to be at the summit of a lawless world! All-knowing and All-Seeing trickster, that is capable of coming out of every situation scratch free and able to turn every disaster into an opportunity. Sometimes a Hero most of the time a Villain but whatever he is, he never loses! This is the journey of The Sorcerer to conquer his FATE and become the only absolute within the cosmos.

2kZ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
72 Chs

The Massacre - II


A blood-curdling scream made Dugu Wuju focus on the battlefield. His fear-stricken eyes searched for the unfortunate soul who got struck down by the grim reaper.

Kayson managed to stab one of his swords into the shoulder of a spear worrier. As he stabbed it he gave a kick to the abdomen which sent him flying. Then he twisted and kicked at the shield of the shield worrier. It threw him backward onto the other two spear worriers which unbalance both of them.

A chance!

Kayson blinked again. But it was not a heart that went missing this time but a head and an arm.


With a swift sword swing, the shield worrier's head and the sword arm were decapitated. Blood oozed out like a fountain wetting the two spear holders. They froze in shock. It was hard to wrap their head around the fact that their battle comrade had become a headless corpse in a blink of an eye. For a second their minds went blank. And in a battle, it was deadly to lose concentration.

As the two of them came to their right minds, they saw two different objects coming at their faces at lightning speed. One saw a sharp sword blade and one saw a leg covered with masterfully crafted boots swirling with white clouds.

"Thud… Bang!"

It was already too late to dodge the attacks. The glowing sword penetrated through one's skull without any hesitation. At the same time, Kayson's foot landed on the other guard's face with a loud bang. The leg kick was so powerful one could've heard the sounds of jaw and skull cracking.

Kayson landed on the ground while gracefully extending both of his hands. The two spears of the two fallen guards fitted into his hands perfectly. Immediately he swung and rotated them in his hands.

His gleaming calm eyes locked a gaze with Wuju then one spear went directly into the head of the spear worrier he kinked in the head earlier while the other spearhead occupied the eye socket of the first spear worrier who had a sword impaled on his shoulder.

Within a minute six men's battle formation lay dead around Kayson engulfed in a pool of blood. Decapitated and ripped-apart body parts and fleshly organs had spread everywhere creating a hellish scene. And amid all that disgusting matter Kayson stood with two bloody spears in his hand as a fiend who was about to feast on blood and flesh.

The oddest thing was there was not even a drop of blood dirtying his elegant outfit. All the blood and gore surrounding him looked odd compared to his ethereal appearance.

And that oddness and detachment between the individual and the bloody scene made the spectators uncomfortable. And the metallic odor of blood empathized the aberration to another level.

"Blech… Blech…"

The two women didn't seem to handle the bizarre scene well. Both Hao Yan and the seductress Nivia emptied their stomachs. Dugu Wuju's face nearly turned green. He looked sick.

"You people coming or not?"

The masked man Ezra's calm ethereal voice echoed through the battlefield. And that pushed Wuju over the edge. "Blech…" He also threw up.

The six worriers guarding Duju Wuju and the seductress Nivia gripped their weapons tightly.

"You… you demon… what are you?" One guard shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Huh…" The masked man snickered.

"Brothers let's divide and attack this demon and the Ming Ze at the same time. No matter what he is, he cannot cover two fronts at the same time."

The guards nodded and immediately followed the plan. Four of the six advanced at Kayson as fast as they could while the other two zoomed at the meditating golden figure avoiding Kayson from the distance.

Kayson observed the situation and took a decision in a second. He was nearly a hundred feet away from the father and the daughter. He neglected the two sword-wielders speeding at Ming Ze and focused on the four coming at him. If an emergency arose, Hao Yan would be able to handle those two for a while, if not her Origin Realm cultivation was undeserved.

He charged at the other four dragging the two spears on the ground with him. A trail of dirt clouds agitated behind him. As his speed increased the two spears started to surge with Qi energy and they vibrated creating a buzzing sound in the air. It was an odd occurrence as low-level unique weapons could not create such effects. It was obvious that Kayson's Qi energy was the reason for the vibrating effect.

Just as he reached a dozen feet away from the oncoming group of four, he swung the two spears to his front at an unbelievable speed. The four guards immediately got into a defensive position, expecting the spears would zoom at them. But they judged wrong.


Kayson didn't throw the two vibrating spears at them instead the two collided in front of him generating a thundering sound. All the Qi energy that was crackling inside the spears was released and merged into an energy shockwave and exploded at the four guards.

The shockwave reached them at extreme speed disrupting the air. Kayson's unexpected method of the attack caught all four of them off guard. They held their defensive position but what could those weapons do against a full-blown energy attack? Only Origin Realm cultivators could have defensive mechanisms against energy attacks.


The energy surged through them like a tide wreaking havoc in their bodies. It was not the power of the energy that affected the most but the frequency of the buzzing. They felt an uncontrollable violent energy merging into their flesh and bursting them open. Blood gushed out from their orifices making them howl in pain. Yet the violent energy didn't stop from there it slithered through their bodies as if they had a mind of their own. They penetrated their hearts and started to pressure them from the inside. They tried their hardest to control the violent energy that invaded their hearts but to no avail. The energy was going to burst their hearts no matter what.

"Ah…" Bone-chilling cries of four guards reverberated through the ruined mansion alarming all in the vicinity except one.

Kayson paid no attention to the wailing guards. To him, they were already dead. He smashed his legs onto the ground forcefully and pushed himself up while spinning in the ground. After a few spins, he gathered a high momentum which he used to release the highly charged spears at the two guards rushing at Ming Ze.

Two spears zoomed at them creating ripples through the air. The two guards felt the incoming danger at the last second which gave them just enough time to react and block the deadly attack.

"Dong… Dang…"

Spears were reflected by their shields. Yet they stumbled back. Hao Yan who was a few feet away from the guards didn't let the given chance pass. She pounced at the nearest guard. A fierce reddish energy swirled around her hand shaping into a vague resemblance of a tiger paw.


She released her punch. A faint tiger roar was heard. The tiger paw made of reddish energy tore through the air and smashed onto the back of the guard. He screamed in pain as the energy attack charred his unprotected back. The smell of burnt flesh mixed with the air.

At the same time, the guard next to him made a series of painful hiccups. Alarmed, Hao Yan turned to her side only to see another disgusting sight. But this time up close.

The masked man stood there, a foot away from the struggling guard. She didn't have any clue how he appeared there that fast, but it was obvious why the guard was struggling. He couldn't breathe. The masked man had his clawed hand sunk into his neck crushing his windpipe. Blood spewed out of the gullet like a never-ending stream. The masked man didn't stop there. He lifted the man off the ground just by the hold of his neck. The man started to throw his limbs everywhere hoping to get away from the death hold. As the man was about to kick the masked man, he jerked out his clawed hand in an instant.

"Slush… Bang"

Another twitching body added onto the ground as half of the man's throat was ripped out by the metallic claw. Following that sound, four similar echoes could be heard from the distance. The four guards who got attacked by the energy wave also hugged the ground as lifeless bodies.

"Plop" Kayson let the disgusting human flesh slip out of his clawed hand and fall onto the ground.

"Hff…" He let out a long breath.

'There's nothing so soothing than the silence followed by a slaughter.' He thought while fondly cherishing the memories of all the bloodshed he caused throughout his eons-long life. He didn't know when he developed such a twisted taste toward butchery. The bloodier and more gruesome the killing got, the higher the amount of excitement it gave him.

That thought reminded him of, one of the times the Goddesses of Fate warned him.

'Maybe she was right. I have gotten addicted to the feeling of power I have over these lowly beings. The rush, I'm feeling when I can crush them whenever or however I want… hmm… it's intoxicating…!'

A sinister smile emerged on his face. Luckily his face was covered by the mask if not Wuju and Nivia would run for their lives in the face of such sinister behavior.

Apart from the morning and groaning of the guard who got attacked by Hao Yan, everything else became silent and peaceful.

Kayson slowly turned at the disrupter of the peaceful environment. The guard had fallen on his stomach and was wailing as smoke was rising from his burnt back. Kayson slowly picked up a sword laid on the ground and phased at the howling figure gracefully.

Again it was his elegant behavior in the middle of the gory scene that put off the three people who were observing him. It was eerie and disturbing.

He stopped at the guard and inspected him a little then suddenly…


The sword went straight through his head and embedded to the ground silencing him.

All the fifteen Nascent Realms that Wuju talked highly of lay as corpses on the ruined mansion ground within a few minutes.

Next, Kayson's eyes landed on the very person who brought in the group of guards, Wuju!