
The Eye of Fate

"Fate Cannot Be Avoided but, Destiny can be made!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- POWER! Everyone dreams of having it but, only a few could. Masses admire and fear the ones who have it. Either way, if you have power, you will be a monarch... an absolute… This story is about an ancient soul who pursued absolute strength to be at the summit of a lawless world! All-knowing and All-Seeing trickster, that is capable of coming out of every situation scratch free and able to turn every disaster into an opportunity. Sometimes a Hero most of the time a Villain but whatever he is, he never loses! This is the journey of The Sorcerer to conquer his FATE and become the only absolute within the cosmos.

2kZ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
72 Chs


The group of four intruders entered the compound in a blistering fashion announcing their arrival to all. Every guard that tried to obstruct them along the way was eradicated without any mercy. Only ashes were left of those poor souls. But they couldn't continue on this bloody path for long, as they got far into the compound a group of dark-clothed figures surrounded them out of nowhere. All of them had their face covered. So none could identify them. But the group of four intruders knew that was the infamous Shadow Guards of the Shi family.

There were twelve of them. Among the twelve figures, one walked out while giving off an excruciating aura forcing the four to focus their attention on the lonely figure. The intimidating size and posture gave away the fact; that it was a man under that dark clothing.

The man stopped a dozen feet in front of the intruders. In both of his hands, he held two blue flaming short swords, ready to engage the enemy at any time.

"Who are you? Why do you charge into the Shi family compound?" The shadow figure asked in a cold creepy voice. One could feel the hostility and bloodthirstiness hidden beneath that creepy voice. Even though these people intruded and violated the rules of the family, he kept himself restrained as he felt their cultivations countering his aura easily. If given a chance he would like to avoid a confrontation.

"We come here to find Shi Gang to talk about something important. I advise you to let us meet him. We're not here to waste our time." The old man at the front answered unfazed.

"Who are you?" The creepy voice repeated.

As the old man was about to answer a delicate hand tapped his arm and interrupted him. Following, the young woman stepped up while taking out something from her robe and held it in the air for all to see. A triangular badge!

"Ssss… White temple!" One dark figure at the back shouted out loud which got all of them visibly tensed. So did the leading dark-cladded man. But he could not back down now.

"Why did the temple attack us? What did we do to offend you, people?" It's clear the hostility in his creepy voice was substituted and replaced with slight fear.

"We'll talk at the present of Shi Gang. Ask him to come out." The old man voiced his stance.

Shadow figure contemplated and made a decision. It was not much of a task as they possibly cannot decline any request from the White Overloads Temple. That was the law of the jungle weak always followed the strong.

He called one dark-cladded figure and asked to lead the four envoys into the discussion hall.

"Please follow him to the discussion hall I'll inform patriarch Shi."

"You people better hurry we don't have all day." Young Woman said coldly before taking their leave.

After they went, the leader of the Shadow guards sighed in relief. "Sigh… What do these people want? They came in so aggressively. We always had a good relationship with the temple. Why now?"

"Leader, what we do?"

After thinking a while he addressed the group of ten dark-cladded people. "Since they came in aggressively we had to be on alert. We have to provide extra protection to the patriarch. Call all the shadows."

"All of them?"

"Yes. We need all of them, those people were extremely strong. Normal guards could do the patrols till these people leave. Everybody spread out." Ten shadows zoomed into different directions to get their other members ready.

As everyone was distracted by the four envoys of the White Overloads Temple, a figure cladded in a dark hooded robe entered the Shi family compound. One noticeable trait of the dark figure was the hooded robe was identical to what the Shadow Guards of the Shi family wore.

But the aura the figure gave off was completely different. If Shadow Guards had a fiercer and colder aura, this person had none. A complete blank.

The hooded figure walked unhurriedly as if it was the most obvious thing in the world for a stranger to take a stroll through the Shi family compound. Since there were no shadow guards around, the figure had an easy time avoiding the normal patrol guards.

If one might have suspected that the hooded figure obviously knew about the chaos taking place within the Shi family and utilized the situation to their advantage, that would be true. Kayson who disguised as a Shadow Guard knew exactly what was going on inside the Shi family with the arrival of Overloads envoys.

He was ready for this exact moment a week ago. Just as he came back traveling through time he ran into three disguised herb gatherers in the jungle. After following them he discovered a tomb of an alchemist he never knew existed in his past life. Later he managed to acquire it for himself. If it was someone else, they might use those pills for personal use or exchange them for wealth. But to Kayson they were much more than that.

To him, they were an opportunity to accomplish one of the goals he set for the planet far earlier than he initially thought. Elimination of the Shi family!

At the time, he knew someone powerful from the Overloads temple was searching for the tomb. And they were doing it secretly. Since someone was trying to keep all of these under wraps why don't he utilize it to invite trouble for the Shi family?

First, he used his slave's dead body for delivering a map of the tomb to the Shi family guards. The only thing he needed to do was let his slave get killed within an area where the Shi family guards patrol. Next came the involvement in the pill battle to crush alchemist Feng and push the Shi family further into despair.

So when they found the tomb they would be more than happy to use those pills to get out of the bad situation. As they were pressed for time, they probably don't have enough time to analyze the situation rationally.

Indeed, it helped the Shis to escape imminent downfall, but that invited more trouble than they could ever handle. Which was what Kayson wanted in the first place. And also he wanted to know about the Lee family that related to the White Overloads Temple as he had no recollection of them. Talk about a complicated plan!

Eventually, he reached the back of a courthouse and climbed over the fence onto a training yard that seemed unused for months. But what puzzled him was the human-sized cross erected in the middle of the field with chains attached. It looked like an instrument used to crucify people.

"Shi Chao is into weird things!" He muttered under his breath. What he looking at was the wooden cross Shi Chao used to chain the maid.

As a skillful infiltrator, he had absolutely no problem avoiding the maids and reaching the most luxuriously decorated bed chamber in the whole mansion. Whoever slept in that room was an individual blessed with comfort. He entered the room and stood still a second, barely noticeable mental energy fluctuation brushed through the chamber. Next, he walked to a certain corner of the bed and removed a loose floorboard to find a foot-deep square hole filled with colourful pieces of clothes.

"This guy really is a disgusting fellow." He whispered in disdain.

Suddenly a few objects ejected out of his space storage. He carefully stuffed them into the hole. Also as a finishing touch, a triangle-shaped object was added to the top. Next, everything was put into place so as not to leave any evidence suggesting an alteration.

"Let's find somewhere to enjoy the show." He left in a hurry, exited the backyard, and jumped over the fence. Some distance away there stood a tall old tree. And that was the place he selected to hide and observe the drama that was about to unfold.

"Bang" Just as he was making himself comfortable on a tree branch, a loud sound came from the front of the mansion. Someone had broken in. And they were not sneaky at all!

---A few minutes before---

Back in the Shi family discussion hall, Patriarch Shi Gang warmly welcomed the guests. It was ironic for the most powerful person within the star system had to welcome the people who broke into his family compound and ran amok with such respect.

It was not because of Shi Gang's fear of these people. It was his fear of what they represented. The White Overloads Temple! Overseer of every high political affair of the Lower Mortal Plane. If he dissatisfied them even with one word he and his whole family would be wiped off the face of the star system. So he had to bite the bullet and act smartly.

"Elder Lee, how can I assist you?" He inquired respectfully without indicating any hostility.

"I'm not going to beat around the bush. We don't have time to waste." The sixth elder said coldly, his following statement catching Shi Gang off guard. "Where's the tomb located?"

Patriarch Shi left flabbergasted. It was true his family was able to discover a treasure tomb due to their luck, but how the White Overloads came to know about it was a mystery to him. So he quickly analyzed there was no way these people were talking about the same one.

"Er… Elder Lee could you be more specific about this cave?" He was praying to gods while uttering these words, for the cave to be something else. But gods were not in his favor that day.

"Hump… I'm talking about the alchemist tomb you people managed to find. Where is it?" The elder was already reaching his limit. But most scary was the facial expression of the young woman. Her bloodthirsty eyes kept fixated on patriarch Shi from the start of the conversation.

It made him stutter. "Er… We… Er… there's one at Green Giant… I mean a cave… we found. I don't think it was the one elder talking about."

"Intentionally trying to deceive the representatives of the Temple is a punishable offence!" One old man at the back growled. A heavy pressure leaked from the old man, enough to make patriarch Shi feel vulnerable. "Your family seemed to become way too comfortable with the temple. We might have to teach you, people, a lesson." He was ready to charge at Shi Gang any second.

"Elder wait!" The young woman interrupted just at the last second. She was looking into the distance with narrowed eyes. The next moment she closed her eyes and was immediately followed by a flood of highly intense mental energy waves. She seemed to be focusing on something in the distance.

Suddenly everyone felt a murderous intent surface within the mental power wave just for a second. "Follow me!" She commanded the three old men and zoomed out of the discussion room without even glancing at Shi Gang. Three old men didn't utter a word and followed suit.

The young woman's arrogant behavior left patriarch Shi baffled.

"Who is this girl? To command the elders of the White Overloads Temple?" Suddenly his eyes widened, and his skin became paler than a sheet. "Could it be…?" He quickly followed and caught up to the four people. The direction they were heading, added more to his discomfort. The only building in that direction was his son's courtyard.

And that was exactly where they came. "Bang" The young woman didn't stop and break through the gate. She entered the mansion and all the maids went into a frenzy as a strong gale of wind invaded the mansion. She stopped in front of a certain room. As Shi Gang recognized the room. He felt his stomach curling. It was Shi Chao's room.

The group entered the room following the women. The room looked highly luxurious. Decorations and wall arts were top quality. The huge golden bed added a majestic aura to the room. But the woman didn't even bat an eye. As someone from the White Overloads temple, this amount of luxury was not even worth paying attention to.

"What is it, young Mistress?" The sixth elder asked.

'Young Mistress… It's her!' It solidified Shi Gang's fears. He felt his legs going numb. The lady in front of him was one of the most feared and respected individuals in the whole galaxy. The only daughter of the Lee family. The same Lee family had total control over a branch of the White Overload Temple in their galaxy.

"I felt a familiar aura." Her voice sounded stoic.

She bent and moved away a floorboard to reveal a square hole. It was filled with various stuff. The most eye-catching ones were the undergarments of women! A huge collection in various colours and patterns!

Three old men looked at Shi Gang in disgust. Patriarch Shi felt a deep shame engulfing him. His face reddened from embarrassment. Damn his degenerate son!

But the young woman remained stoic, she pulled out a few books, and on top of them had placed a triangular badge.

Three old men immediately recognized it.

"Young mistress, is this the badge you gave away to Dante?"

"Yes. Heh… I really want to know how this thing ended up here." An intense killing intent suddenly exploded. Her eyes fixed on Shi Gang.

"Capture this person." The command was given.

"Young mistress Lee, please let me explain." Shi Gang shouted in surprise.

But the three old men followed the order immediately. Patriarch left shocked at how the situation changed so drastically. It was a simple interrogation, now somehow it had turned into a battle.

Just as three old men neared him, twenty dark shadows fell from the roof and surrounded Patriarch Shi defending him. It broke his stupor.

"Young mistress Lee, what is the meaning of this?"

"You don't know?" It was the old man who questioned him. "Then how are these books here?"

"I really don't know elder. This is my son's mansion so I cannot say how they came here." The words left patriarch Shi's mouth before he could though about them. Now he had implicated his son in this mess!

"That means we need to question your son." Interjected the young mistress Lee.

"He's currently going under a punishment inside the family ancestral ground. He cannot come outside!"

"What, first you said you don't know. Now, these things are in your son's room. Also, your son is in punishment and we cannot meet him. Do you take us for fools?" Growled one of the old men.

"No, please don't misunderstand. If we try to forcefully take him out of the ancestral ground, he will die. I cannot do that."

"Like I care about your degenerate son! Elders I'll leave it to you to handle this!" She said in a calm manner yet everyone was clear about the underlying absoluteness in her voice.

Then a full-scale fight broke out. A devastating fight, that could destroy the whole mansion and push the whole Shi family compound into chaos.

While the battle was going on, some distance away on a tall tree, the sole instigator of this whole bloody conflict, was enjoying the development of the events.

Finally a fight scene!

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