

Alex Rockefeller is a son in law of the Assex family. He is bullied by his in laws because he is a poor person. But this changed when he received his father's gift. He found out he was a billionaire. Alex worked hard to be strong for his loved ones.

DaoistiWcaVj · Urban
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783 Chs

Chapter 519

Chapter 519

Aunt Rockefeller had a devastatingly beautiful, stunning look and a sexy, hot body while exuding a strong feminine allure. She was truly a peerless, rare beauty in the world.

However, she had a temperament on her that no ordinary men could approach her. Her face was so cold that it seemed that it could make people catch frostbites in their minds.

However, whenever a fiery greed was born, it would vanish without form immediately.

Alex could not help but think, 'Facing such a woman, even if a man covets her beauty, he would probably retreat from the awkward situation in the end. No desire would be born in his heart at all. He would also be ashamed of himself and feel inferior.'

Aunt Rockefeller was sitting in front of the window. She swayed the tall glass of wine in her hand as her eyes were on the traffic outside, not knowing what she was thinking.

Alex asked, "Are you really my aunt?"

However, she did not seem to hear him.