
The Extra Wants To Live

[WPC APRIL WINNER 2024] Lucas Voss was a normal adult in his late twenties. He doesn't know how or why but he got transmigrated as an extra inside of the novel he read till 5th volume. The problem for Lucas was that his life was in danger as soon as he entered the novel. Why? Because Lucas was transmigrated as the 4th Prince who is an extra and was about to die with an Illness that couldn't be cured. Not only that novel he transmigrated into was 'Cold-Blooded Emperor Rules.' The protagonist of that novel killed every member of the royal palace to become emperor of the empire. How will Lucas survive? Will he die like the extra that he is? or will he fight against fate to survive in this cold-blooded novel and become more than an extra? The only way to know is it read this novel!

Ink_Weaver122 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
108 Chs

Horseback Riding And Swordsmanship [1]

Although the week given to Carl may seem like a lot of time, it is in fact such a short time that it can be considered as nothing.

First of all, the day went by quickly as Carl received and checked various items.

Then, He had to spend another full day familiarizing himself with information about Baron Hilfin, which he had no idea where it was located, and reports on monster subjugation. This was of great help to Harmon.

Three days passed by studying the information and tactics of the monsters that had been reported through the report, and gathering 30 soldiers to go with Carl and getting their faces stamped.

And by bringing Catherine and Bilford, another four days passed by in the blink of an eye.

It was already the fifth day, and Carl was in a situation where he had to go out to exterminate the monster two days later.

The problem is that, because he was too busy, Carl couldn't even try the things he needed right away, such as practicing horseback riding or learning swordsmanship.

Even for ordinary nobles, it is common for them to learn horseback riding and basic swordsmanship before they turn 10 years old. However, it was a huge shock to everyone that the 16-year-old prince could not ride a horse.

Carl spent the whole morning in the library to improve his culture and his poor handwriting, which was unacceptable for a prince, and barely found time to visit Catherine in the afternoon.

Although Catherine was dissatisfied with being a knight of Carl, she was at least satisfied with the privileges she enjoyed as a knight of the imperial family.

She was training alone without any disturbance in a large room located in a remote part of the imperial palace. Normally, she would have been wasting her time doing this or that troublesome thing because she couldn't stand the pressure of high-ranking nobles.

"Lady Catherine, I need your help."

But in the end, since Carl came to visit, it might not be that different.

Catherine sighed inwardly, but answered calmly without changing her expression.

"Yes, please do so."

'We are leaving in two days, so what's going on?'

Catherine thought so, and Carl's words made her feel dizzy.

"I want to learn horseback riding and swordsmanship."

First of all, it was shocking that Carl didn't know that even though hewas 16 years old, and then she was shocked that she didn't know why Carl came to herself instead of learning it through the imperial family.

"Yes, let's go right away."

However, since it was Catherine's way as a knight to follow without saying anything, she coolly took Carl and headed straight to the training ground.


"Yes, Lady Catherine."

Bilford, who is still just a squire, runs quickly, and Harman, Carl's servant, also notices and goes off to do his job.

As a privilege granted to the imperial family, Carl was able to use the imperial family's exclusive training ground within the imperial palace.

Horribly, there were young royal family members who were not yet 10 years old, holding their mothers' hands, riding horses and swinging swords for education.

Carl has quite a few younger siblings.

However, their names were not mentioned in the original work, and they actually do not have much power.

After Adrian became emperor, he was completely purged, showing his heartlessness, and like Carl, he was nothing more than a 'device'.

The problem here was that it didn't seem right for Carl, a 16-year-old adult, to be educated by Catherine, who was just a knight, with them.

From the beginning, the 1st to 3rd princes were all very talented, and they were raised with enough support to receive separate training as soon as they were a little older.

They had never even used this training ground properly.

"… … ."

"… … ."

While Bilford and Harman went to fetch the horses, Carl was a little uncomfortable with Catherine, who was not moving, so he fidgeted with his hands and opened his mouth to lighten the mood.

"Lady Catherine, do you have any questions?"

"No, I don't have any questions."

"… … ."

She almost forgot to say it, but that's because it's one of the top questions she don't want to hear in an awkward situation with a superior.

Of course she have no questions. She probably don't even want to know in the first place. And even if she have questions, it's okay to not ask.

In response to Catherine's firm answer, Carl fiddles with the awkward chestplate and the hilt of the sword worn at his waist.

Catherine slightly rolled her eyes, looking a little embarrassed. It would have been more convenient to overbearingly look down on her and give random orders, but unlike a prince, Crl treated Catherine, a mere knight, very politely and cautiously.

"I know that you are dissatisfied with me."


Catherine's fingertips trembled at Carl's low voice.

"I know what the Lady thinks of me. But, sorry, no, no. … I need Lady Catherine."

Carl erased his apology. Even such a feeling is a luxury.

Catherine pondered Carl words for a moment, and after much agony in a short period of time, she opened her mouth.

"I don't know why you chose me."

"… … ."

However, once she made up her mind,

Catherine was the woman who would follow her, and those words sounded sharp, as if she was interrogating Carl.

Fortunately, Catherine, who knew that she was not one to talk too much, quickly added an afterthought to prevent any misunderstandings.

"I come from a poor family, and my skills are so-so. Lord Carl could have chosen a better knight."

In response to Catherine's words, who knew her painfully well, Carl pursed his lips and glared at the royal children who were acting funny in the training ground.

"I currently have no power to control the high-ranking noble families. I wanted a knight who had no backs like you Lady, so you couldn't escape from me."

"… … ."

Those are cruel words. But at the same time, it is also an honest statement.

"And your skills…"

Carl turned his head and looked up at Catherine, who was standing behind him to his right.

"… Any imperial knight would have a minimum level of skill. I chose Lady Catherine because she was more desperate than anyone else there."


"I needed a knight who would not run away when he/she cornered with me, would not cut my head, but would fight to the end to protect me and open a way for me to escape. Lady Catherine was the thirstiest person there...Just like me."

Catherine did not respond to Carl's words.

No, she wanted to say something but she didn't know what to say.