
The Extra Wants Control

Our protagonist, once a homeless child navigating the city's harsh realities, clawed his way towards a better life. He stole coins to buy knowledge. However, the prestigious university scholarship he craved was a rigged system, awarded to a politician's son who needed the name, not the education. Descends into a life of crime.After being forced to taint his pride his death is ordered with his own making the final blow. god "congratulations you're given a chance at a new life..." him " why?" god "cause you had a tough life so im being generous... and making you reincarnate in a mana world..." him " bullshit..." On the brink of oblivion, a dubious offer arrives – a second chance from a strange god. Haunted by the shadows of past 'generosity', Rei struggles with suspicion. Accepting means becoming a pawn, rejecting means eternal damnation. With no good options, Rei plays along, unaware his role thrusts him into a cosmic conflict. NONHAREM.

Kas73_ · Fantasy
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164 Chs

Battle Royale 6

The valley pulsed with the raw energy of desperation. Neveah, a phantom woven from the very fabric of darkness, drifted through the carnage, his movements devoid of sound or flourish. His crimson eyes, the only spark of life amidst his inky cloak, scanned the battlefield with a cold, detached intensity. He wasn't driven by bloodlust this time. He'd satiated that hours ago. This, the final act of the exam, was about observation, a clinical assessment. He needed pawns – expendable pieces he could manipulate in the intricate games to come. More importantly, he needed to understand the strengths and limitations of the Blessed he would inevitably face.