
The Extra Ordinary

Nicholas lived happily with his family until one day he gets a dream of what seemed like a slaughter of humans by monsters. Soon after, he comes to discover his supernatural abilities. As supernatural beings to infiltrate the city, he is tasked with protecting his home and everyone he loves. Little did he know that there was a much bigger burden. Bigger than protecting his home or his country since the day he was born. What is this burden? What is his destiny? Find out in this epic tale of "The Extraordinary".

JubalResh · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Gift ²

The mathematics teacher wrote on the whiteboard, "2x+4=8, what is x?". "Me, me...", Jimmy yelled, raising his hand to get the teachers attention. "Yes Jimmy". "Well, um.. um... What's the question?". " Jimmy the question is clearly written on the board", Mr. Calvin replied, trying to suppress his anger by clenching his fist. "Oh! I see. That's easy. x is a, is a... x is...". "x is a what?", Mr. Calvin shouted. "An alphabet", he replied slowly, closing his eyes a little. The entire class erupted in laughter. You can always trust Jimmy for a good joke. His ridiculous answers to questions always brings life to a dying class. Everyone laughed except Mr. Calvin of course. This is not the first time Jimmy would say something stupid and Mr. Calvin never finds him amusing.

"Jimmy!! out of my class". And this is also not the first time that Jimmy has been sent out of mathematics class.

As soon as Jimmy went out, in came Principal Kalehein with a girl bedside him. "Good morning students". "Good morning Principal Kalehein", they chorused. "Today you'll be having a new classmate. Her name is Gwenda Stalman. Gwenda, say 'hi' to your new classmates". "Hi", she replied shyly, holding tight to her bag straps with shaky hands. " Okay Gwenda. You may take a seat", he said as he walked out of the classroom. She sat on the only empty seat at the back of the class, close to the window. " So, where were we?", Mr. Calvin asked. "Jimmy! Out of my class", one of the students replied and the class thundered with laughter. Including Mr. Calvin this time. "rrring", went the school bell. "Okay class, that would be all for today".

"Hey, Nicholas wait up". "What's up Jason?". Jason has been my friend since grace school. Pretty much makes him my best friend. "What do you think of the new girl", Jason asked, holding Nicholas hand firmly with a broad smile on his face. "She's okay", Nicholas answered, trying to change the direction of the conversation. "She's okay? What kind of compliment is that?", Jason asked feeling unsatisfied. "Fine. She has a nice curly dark hair, pretty eyes, straight legs and a finely cut lips. So what?". "I think you should go for her". "You what? Hell no! Thats not happening man", Nicholas replied with a shrug. "But... speaking of the devil", Jason smiled as he watched Gwenda approaching from behind Nicholas. "What?". "Wait for it". "What?!" "Wait for iit?". "Wait for what?", Nicholas replied helplessly. "Now!", Jason yelled as he pushed Nicholas, causing him to bump into Gwenda and zoomed of.