
The Extra of the Novel

First time writing with the help of an AI

poonie_jr · Action
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2 Chs

After Death

In a world where the demons remained sealed for almost a century, a young man named Alex possessed an innate desire to protect humanity from the looming threat. With an unwavering determination, he set his sights on the renowned Star Academy, the pinnacle of knowledge and magical prowess, where he believed he could acquire the skills necessary to thwart the demons' resurgence.

As Alex embarked on his journey, he discovered that he possessed a unique connection to the heavens. Unbeknownst to him, he was chosen by the gods themselves to play a crucial role in the battle against the demons. His path was intertwined with destiny, a destiny he had yet to unravel.

Upon arriving at Star Academy, Alex immersed himself in a rigorous training regimen, honing his combat abilities, mastering powerful spells, and studying ancient texts. He formed alliances with fellow students, forming bonds that would strengthen their resolve in the face of adversity.

As his knowledge grew, so did his suspicions about the demons' resurgence. Whispers of dark cults and malevolent forces began to circulate within the academy's walls. Alex sensed that the truth was far more sinister than he had initially imagined.

Driven by his newfound awareness, Alex delved into forbidden archives, unearthing forgotten prophecies and hidden truths. He uncovered fragments of an ancient prophecy that spoke of a chosen one who would ultimately fail in his mission to save humanity. The weight of this revelation began to weigh heavily on him.

Conflicted and burdened by the prophecy, Alex confided in a wise and trusted mentor at Star Academy. The mentor revealed that while the prophecy foretold his failure, it also carried a glimmer of hope. It spoke of a second chance, an opportunity for redemption, and a deeper understanding of the world's secrets.

With this newfound knowledge, Alex became determined to defy the prophecy's grim fate. He gathered a group of trusted allies, forming a secret fellowship called the "Eclipse Guardians," dedicated to protecting the realm and uncovering the truth behind the demons' resurgence.

As the Eclipse Guardians delved deeper into their investigations, they discovered a hidden society known as the "Ebon Circle," whose members sought to unleash the demons and bring about chaos and destruction. Their leader, a malevolent sorcerer, wielded dark magic that threatened to unravel the seal.

Guided by their shared purpose, the Eclipse Guardians embarked on perilous quests to dismantle the Ebon Circle's operations. They engaged in covert battles, unraveling the sorcerer's plans one by one. However, with each victory, the realization of the prophecy's shadow loomed closer, casting doubt upon their ultimate success.

In a climactic showdown, the Eclipse Guardians confronted the sorcerer and his loyal followers within the depths of an ancient temple. As the battle raged, Alex found himself face-to-face with the sorcerer, the embodiment of the prophecy's foretold failure.

In a moment of revelation, Alex understood that the prophecy was not meant to be a curse but a test of his resolve and determination. He embraced his role as the Chosen One, drawing upon the heavens' blessings and unleashing powers he had never tapped into before.

With a surge of divine energy, Alex engaged the sorcerer in a battle that shook the very foundations of the temple. Despite the sorcerer's dark magic, Alex's newfound powers proved formidable. As the battle reached its climax, a blinding light enveloped the chamber, signaling the triumph of light over darkness.

In the aftermath, the demons' resurgence was thwarted, and the realm was saved from imminent destruction. The Eclipse Guardians emerged victorious, their unity and unwavering determination prevailing against all odds. Their heroism became a symbol of hope for a world teetering on the edge of oblivion.

While the prophecy's shadow had cast doubt upon Alex's destiny, he proved that one's actions and choices could defy even the most foreboding fate. With the demons vanquished once more, Alex realized that protecting humanity was not a one-time victory but an ongoing commitment, a duty he would tirelessly uphold.

As the years passed, Alex continued his journey, seeking knowledge, understanding, and the means to prevent future threats to his world. The Star Academy, recognizing his unwavering resolve, named him a revered mentor, passing down his wisdom to future generations.

And so, the legacy of Alex, the Chosen One, lived on, inspiring countless heroes to rise in the face of darkness, challenge their destinies, and protect the realm from the ever-present threat of demons.


Felix POV:

"It finally ended the novel I have been reading for the past 4 years with a satisfactory ending. But I am sad knowing that it ended "

After closing the phone I used to read the novel, I went to the nearby store to buy some cup noodles. Suddenly a wave of dizziness hit me and began to hear voices.

"Entertain us with a satisfactory ending"

That was the last thing I heard before I died. Even before my death I was not thanking or thinking about anyone as my family or my friends tried to use me for their own benefit, until the end I don't have anyone to call as family or friend. With these thoughts, I embraced the death which was looming over me.

But instead of my death, I find myself perfectly fine in an unfamiliar room that looks like way advanced compared to technologies found on earth.

As I was contemplating my current situation I stumbled upon my phone which has an unread message which is enough to take my breath.

"Congratulations Mr.Felix, you have passed the entrance exam and you are assigned to enroll in the Star Academy"

After this I know how much I fucked up, I got reincarnated as an extra in the novel.