

Warning: This book is heavily AI-made. ππππ In his previous life, Vincent had been a revered influencer known as "Alpha AF," championing masculinity and strength. Now confined within this oversized and robust figure, he understood the need to exercise caution, to blend in seamlessly with this new world he found himself in. Memories from his past life flashed before his eyes, evoking a mix of excitement and nostalgia. He had once been a captivating figure, renowned for his seduction skills, infamous for selling his crash course, "Be the Alpha in 10 Days." Vincent had charmed countless souls and reveled in his own notoriety.

SP_FANFICTION · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

The Troubled Atmosphere

Beneath the scorching sun's relentless rays, an enigmatic chill delicately grazes the senses. Heavy raindrops descend, as if mourning for a world shrouded in shadows. The captivating interplay of searing heat and gentle showers creates a mesmerizing paradox. Nature, in all its splendor, is transformed, caught in an enchanting dance of mysterious events.

The serene Path of Whisper, usually a tranquil sanctuary, now unveils itself as a winding labyrinth of possibility. Tree branches gracefully sway, casting magical shadows that defy daylight. Breezes, once a gentle caress, now carry mystical murmurings that evoke wonder and awe.

It is as though the very essence of the land has surrendered to an unseen guiding hand, a conductor orchestrating intrigue. The air holds a hint of anticipation, signifying the adventures that lie ahead. Goosebumps rise upon the skin, primal instincts urging one to embrace the challenges of this transformed world.

The Path of Whisper winds through the Far West, remaining distant from the deep confines of the Forest of Whispers. Here, on the outskirts of the wilderness, an unsettling silence hangs heavy. The once harmonious symphony of chirping birds and rustling leaves has been replaced with stillness.

Creatures, usually playful and free-spirited, now exhibit peculiar behavior. Their movements become erratic, driven by unseen forces. Birds circle the sky in disjointed patterns, wings fluttering chaotically. On the forest floor, creatures howl and screech, their cries piercing the once tranquil ambiance.

Yet, amidst this strange chaos, a solitary creature roams the twisted paths of the forest. A serpent king, garbed in a crimson hue, slithers and coils around towering trees. His frustration, anger, and embarrassment echo through the clearing, creating an atmosphere of unease. With each passing moment, his wrath intensifies, fueled by his vexation.

The forest's inhabitants cower in fear, silenced by the overpowering presence of the serpentine ruler. They dare not make a sound, for even the slightest rustle of leaves could trigger his wrath. The forest trembles under his malevolent gaze, held captive by an entity seemingly bound by its own grievances.

As a solitary carriage traverses the muddy road of the Path of Whisper, it pushes forward. Blue dragon insignias adorn its sides, proudly displaying a symbol of power and majesty. The once vibrant blue dragon flag, weathered and soaked, still defiantly flutters in the gusts of wind.

Within the lavishly decorated carriage, Vincent Valentine sat with his portly physique, his jet-black hair falling in disarray around his face. As he gazed out the window, his dark blue eyes scanned the gloomy surroundings. The recollections of his time on Earth slowly faded into distant echoes in his mind. However, in that moment, something else captured his attention.

Vincent turned to his steadfast maid, Rin, who occupied a seat across from him. Her hair, a striking silver shade, cascaded down her shoulders, and her own dark blue eyes mirrored his concern.

"Rin, have you noticed the strangeness of the atmosphere lately?" Vincent inquired, his voice filled with mystery and unease. "The scorching sun above, and yet it's still raining. And these howling sounds of the animals and mythical creatures in the forest; they seem endless."

Rin's expression mirrored his worry as she nodded in agreement. "Indeed, my lord. The behavior of the animals and flying beasts in the Forest of Whispers has become increasingly erratic. The howling creates an eerie aura that permeates the surroundings."

A flicker of concern crossed Vincent's face as he leaned closer to Rin. "But Rin, I fear it's not just the weather and the atmosphere that troubles me...but"

Rin reached out and gently touched Vincent's hand, her tone brimming with reassurance. "My lord, please remember that I am not merely your maid. I am also a 5th Star Zephyra wizard, bound to protect you. And you, my lord, are a 2nd Star wizard yourself. Together, we possess the power to overcome any challenge that arises."

Her words offered a small spark of reassurance to Vincent's doubting heart. He nodded, a faint smile gracing his lips. "You're right, Rin. We've faced far worse together. We shall persevere."

As the carriage rumbled on, Rin's foot slipped on the polished floor, causing her to stumble slightly. She caught herself quickly, her eyes widening as she realized what she had let slip. A playful smirk appeared on her lips as she teasingly quipped, "Although, Lord Valentine, I must admit, traveling at this snail's pace does make me question if this carriage can withstand your noble weight."

Vincent's surprise quickly turned into amusement, and he chuckled softly. "Ah, Rin, always quick with your words. Remember, appearances can be deceiving." He smirked, matching her playful tone. "But yes, perhaps we should consider a weightier carriage for the future. For now, let us focus on overcoming the challenges that lie ahead."

In the midst of a forest path, Rin and Vincent find themselves sharing a rare moment of light-heartedness. Their laughter echoes through the trees, forgotten. The warm breeze brushes against their faces, carrying away their troubles.

But in a cruel twist of fate, the serene atmosphere shatters as the sound of rattling pierces the air. The ground quakes beneath them as a massive serpent emerges from the shadows, its cold, reptilian eyes fixating on their carriage. Panic and fear grip their hearts as the snake's enormous jaws devour the wooden structure in one swift motion.

The chilling screams of the carriage driver fill the air as his lifeblood spills onto the ground. Rin and Vincent, jolted back to reality, find themselves thrown to the ground. Rin's mastery over the element of Zephyra, her control over the wind, has saved them from the destruction of the carriage.

As they scramble to their feet, the rain pours down relentlessly, drenching their disheveled forms. Vincent, his memories from Earth lost but momentarily returning, can only utter a profanity-laced exclamation.

"What the fuck!" Vincent's voice echoes through the forest, his terrified expression mirroring the sheer dread that swirls within him.

With the deafening sounds of the storm and the colossal serpent slithering closer, Rin and Vincent take a moment to collect themselves and assess their situation. The scorching sun above them struggles to break through the dark clouds, lending an eerie contrast to the chaotic scene before them.

Summoning her inner strength, Rin gathers her composure and grabs Vincent's trembling hand. With a flick of her wrist, a gust of wind lifts them off the ground, carrying them safely away from the encroaching jaws of the malevolent serpent.

Gazing back at the wreckage left behind, Rin can't help but feel a surge of bittersweet emotions. The carefree laughter they had just shared feels distant and fragile in the face of the newfound danger they now face. The memory of that fleeting moment seems like a distant dream.

But as they escape the clutches of the red snake with the dragon head, Rin and Vincent know that their journey is far from over. After surveying their surroundings, Rin and Vincent realize they are lost in the forest.

Meanwhile, On the outskirts of an ancient ruin,

overshadowed by gigantic trees that seemed to defy nature itself. The day was an eerie mix of rain and sunlight, casting an ethereal glow upon the desecrated landscape. Amidst the downpour, the scent of burning wood permeated the air, as if the surroundings were still aflame.

In this harrowing scene, the mutilated bodies of seven individuals were strewn across the ground. Their lifeless forms were half-burned, crimson streams of blood trickling from their wounds. One unfortunate soul had met a particularly gruesome fate, his head impaled on a tree branch with eyes frozen in terror. A branch protruded from his wide-open mouth, a grotesque tableau of agony.

The corpses wore once pristine white robes with black-green trimmings, now saturated in the crimson hue of death. On their chests, a golden emblem of dogs marked them with numbers like 2, 4, 8, and 5. Each victim bore the marks of a master-level swordsman, the precision of the cuts leaving no room for doubt.

At the center of this blood-soaked tableau, the group's leader knelt before a woman with fiery red hair. Despite his missing leg and arm, he held his head high, enduring the excruciating pain. The woman, with a sadistic smile on her face, extracted one of his eyes while securing his head with her other arm. His screams echoed through the desolate area, mixing with the sound of the rain.

The woman showed no mercy, reveling in sadistic pleasure as she tormented her captive. A menacing smile played upon her face as she proclaimed, "Look at these eyes—hazel, huh? I thought they would be black, like the hearts of you worms."

The leader, undeterred by his imminent demise, mustered a frenzied smile, his voice tinged with madness. "I have roamed the world since the tender age of seven. I have sailed with pirates, crossed paths with wizards, nobles, and gladiators. I have witnessed the whole spectrum of life's vices and virtues. But in the end, I pledged my wretched and sinful soul to the One Truth, Eternal White ha-ha-ha-ha..ahhhhh"

As he spoke, his laughter echoed through the rain-soaked air, earning him nothing but the woman's further wrath. She inserted her thumb into his empty eye socket, causing him to howl in pain. "Do you still think you deserve to laugh?" she sneered.

Amidst the torment, the leader's smile grew more frenzied, almost monstrous. Blood mixed with rainwater trickled down his lips from his eye socket, the symbol of his resilience. Finally, he managed to utter his final plea, his voice choked with agony. "You are young, blessed with skills beyond your years. If you hand over that girl, there is still a chance for your redemption. Kneel before the world turn into darkness. You must kneel before the Eternal White, kneel before ..... t..the truth that governs our existence...kneel before he Desec-"

But the more he spoke, the angrier the woman became. Anguish transformed into palpable rage as she summoned the depths of her soul power. With a swift motion, she turned her burning arms towards the man's head, engulfing him in an unyielding inferno. As his body burned, he gasped out his final words, his voice carrying an undeniable fervor.

With knowledge of his inevitable and fated demise, his lips, blackened by fire, parted, and with feeble strength, he uttered a question, his tone emanating desperation. "What... What is your name?"

In her heart, she held disdain for those accountable for the downfall of her homeland. Yet, she approached the him, to Respect  warrior Honor  , without wavering, and declared,

" Cassandra Bloodheart, Daughter of Agoth,"

He exclaimed "Glory to the Celestial Truth," his voice seething with loyalty. "Glory to the Eternal White," he repeated, his sentence cut short by his inevitable demise.

In an instant, the leader's body ignited, consumed by the merciless flames. His agonized screams mingled with the chanting, an unholy symphony of pain and devotion. The rain poured relentlessly, extinguishing the burning flesh until only the smoke rose, mingling with the ominous gray clouds above.

In the aftermath of the chaotic scene, with the rain washing away the remnants of life and laughter, Cassandra stood amidst the destruction, her eyes reflecting a chilling determination.


