

On the dark stormy night, one could see a young man of age 28 was walking towards the edge of the city bridge. With the help of liquid courage, he was trying to end his tragical life by jumping from the edge into the flowing river anytime soon. A pedestrian tried to stop him but he just wave him off. He straightened himself against the guardrail and try to warm up his cold hands with his breath. He momentarily look down and was just shocked to see the distance between the river and bridge. For a moment he thought about discarding the idea of suicide but thinking about his past. He just let out a small chuckle, as to how could a man like him who was never given a fair chance in life can expect to have a sweet death.

As he was immersed deeply in his thought suddenly a loud horn could be heard. When he turned back he could see a car was coming in his direction but it was looking like a case of a break fail. He instinctively took a step back but could not balance himself due to the wet floor and fell from the bridge.

Half asleep the man begins to fall. He thought peacefully '' So this is the end right, Oh my where are my manners I have not even introduced myself. My name is Karl Anderson. I was just a tactician for an independent military group. Well, some think that is a cool job but I was nothing more than a lapdog. Soon after my birth, I was dumped in an orphanage, where my life was like a living hell. Due to my anti-social behavior, I was often tormented by physical violence and mental abuse. Sometimes even the caretakers took part in tormenting me by confining me in a dark isolation room with an ample amount of food and water for days.

At the age of 11, An old man came to an orphanage asked to adopt a boy as he has lost his wife and they were childless so he want an heir for his household. By some stroke of luck, He selected me by saying ''You look like less damaged scum than others fucking garbage here''.

As a naive child, I have accepted his offer. This decision changed my life in a bad way. He has forcefully made me attend martial arts to gain confidence and also self-defense to increase my confidence and survival. He told me that I am his heir to the mantle of black-hat. For the world, he was just an upper-class businessman but in reality, he was a top-notch mail brochure who keep the balance of power in the black market. From simple serial murder, scandals, illegal investment to human trafficking he gets every minute of information and sells them at a negotiable price. For the 3 years smacked down every tactic regarding the negotiation, investment, and information gathering. I was punished physically for every failure, there were deep burn marks, Scars from blades broken bones on my body. My whining or crying just elongates my suffering.

I have also been made to attend normal high school under the pretext of improving my social skills well it was just an excuse to camouflage my secret identity by dubious public identity.

Well, fucking bullying even continued during my high school as I have tried to intervene a jackass who was acting like a bully. I could not heavily respond to their attack as I was strictly prohibited to cause any nuisance. (Un)fortunately, the old man died but not fucking my life more. Due to one condition on his will, I had to join a mafia group in secret and make my life messier.

I had to live under that snake pit for years but could not protect my sanity if present before.

Then one day I made the biggest mistake to fall in love with a girl. Due to this I am here ending my life like a lovestruck fool. Some say you see your whole life in a glimpse before death. Well but I just felt like being sucked in the water stream. My whole body was becoming cold, my breathing was becoming hasty. It was like i was being engulfed by a dark hole.

An old bearded bastard also said 'Death is another adventure'. Hope the adventure would better this hellish life.

Well i know the mc history is not upto the mark buti will revised it later. The story will have some similarity between APOV and extra survival . But i will try to make it more pecuilar and unique. I am amaetur write just writing for fun so please bear the story with me. I am always ready for constructive criticism.

Sayonara till next chapter

lord_tasshacreators' thoughts