
The Extra in a Fantasy-Romance Novel

------ After the first rays of sunshine hits is face, Cassian knew he wasn't at his run down apartment that even a speck of light wouldn't want to touch. Suddenly in the body of a Wealthy Son from a Marquis Family Cassian decided that he's going to live in this world with a peace of mind and without a speck of worries. But after his esteemed Father suddenly informed him that he's going to the fames Darton Academy. Cassian like a lightning strike remembered the Fantasy-Romance Novel that he once read with the same Academy name where the story takes place. Of course it's just a coincidence, right? ------ English is not my native language. Please correct me when you find grammatical mistakes.

BekirDWF · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 1: A new beginning (1)

When the first rays of sunlight touched Cassian's face, on one of the few days when he wasn't woken up by his crazy neighbours, Cassian knew something supernatural was going on.

In his experience, it was the first time his dilapidated apartment had ever seen sunlight.

After a long debate whether to go back to sleep or to explore the strange situation, Cassian decides to slowly open his eyes to scout the surroundings.

The first thing that caught his eye was how big the room was.

"Wow, it's bigger than my whole flat".

Cassian whispered softly under his breath.

The whole interior looked very old-fashioned as if it had never experienced the wonders of modern technology.

'Very rich'

Cassian thought to himself with a strange glint in his eye.

With a furrowed brow Cassian made his way out of the comfortable bed. standing upright he noticed that his body was much smaller than he was accustomed to. with a swift stride he made his way to the far too large and probably overpriced full-length mirror.

In front of the mirror, Cassian realised how young this body was. it should be no younger than sixteen years old. but what struck him most were the snow-white eyes that looked like the first snowflakes of winter. With the unkempt black hair, it had a strangely pleasant charm.

´With the clean face this body is quite handsome'

Cassian thought with a satisfied smile.

With the somewhat athletic body that speaks to the fact that the previous owner had exercised a little, Cassian could hardly complain.

"Knock knock, young master are you awake?"

As Cassian was still admiring his new body, he suddenly heard a knock which was followed by a soft masculine voice that sounded cautious as if he was afraid of waking someone up

"I am awake"

Cassian replied with uncertainty. He has only recently woken up in this body, of course, he was still unsure how to best deal with this situation.

"I'm glad to hear that, young master, the mistress and master are waiting for you for breakfast".

The voice behind the door answered with a joyful voice.


Cassian replied with a slightly muddy tone.

´sometimes it is better to say less than too much'.

Cassian thought to himself as he was still overwhelmed with this situation.

"Your clothes are ready on your sofa master Cassian"

"Thank you"

Said Cassian with a slightly nervous tone. Apparently my name is the same as my previous life.

´Should be a good thing at least I don't have to get used to a new name'.

Thought Cassian

On the way to his clothes, Cassian thought about how to find the room for breakfast.

"Could be a bit of a problem"


After a few awkward conversations with the workers and a few wrong turns, Cassian finally managed to find the right room.

From the look of his room, Cassian was sure that this mansion was big, but as he followed the large corridors, he really realized how big everything was.

´I'll eat quickly and then I'll go straight to the library. I need to learn more about this place or my life in this world will quickly become problematic´

Standing in front of the door, Cassian thought to himself with conviction.

Slowly he opened the door and walked into the room with an ordinary expression on his face.

The first thing that struck him, besides the size of the room, were the two adults sitting in front of the table.

"Good morning"

Cassian said with a slightly respectful and warm tone.

"Morning Son"

"Good morning"

Said the two with a casual tone as if it were a routine that the two go through every day.

On the way to the table, Cassian decided to sit not far away but not too close. It should be the safest option in his opinion.

The man who was still reading his newspaper seemed like an estimated noble. With his black hair combed back and his serious look, he seemed like someone you just have to respect.

The lady next to the gentleman with her eyes closed enjoying her tea had a touching aura around her. With their long straw blond hair and pretty face, the two looked like a perfect pair of nobles.

Cassian watched the two before turning his attention to the food on the table. He wondered how to eat without looking like an uneducated monkey.

"Did you sleep well Cassian?"

Before he could face his non-existent table manners, he suddenly heard the voices of the lady who had just finished her tea.

"Yes I did, thanks for asking"

He said with a slight respectful tone.

'the same eye color'

he thought to himself.

The lady with the same snow-white eyes had a slight smile when she heard his answer.

After that, a soothing silence returned to the room. At least for the couple who behaved as if it were a normal occurrence.

Cassian would rather go to the library quickly than deal with this situation.

While he was still busy worrying about the whole debacle, he suddenly heard the serious voice of the esteemed gentleman from his side.

"Don't forget Cassian, in 2 months you'll be on your way to Darton Academy and you should start preparing yourself for the trip".

"Yes sir I will"

Said Cassian after a quick glance at the gentleman with a very respectful tone.


Apparently he was satisfied with the answer as he then immediately returned his focus to the newspaper with a slight smile on his face.

'Darton Academie where did I hear that before?'

Cassian quickly returned to his thoughts, trying with great effort to remember where he had heard that name.

He opened his eyes with a slight expression of surprise on his face.

'That can't be possible, can it?'

He remembers his days when he spent nights reading novels on his cell phone. He remembers a particular novel that he read one day not because it was good but because it was bad but I read it anyway.

It had the same name for the academy

'The adventures of the prince of light´

That was the name of the novel he read.

'I hope it's just a coincidence because if not I'm really screwed'