
The Extra's Odyssey

"You need to be insane to be sane in today's world." *** I died. But unlike the death I was expecting, I received a piece of good news and bad news. Good News: I reincarnated! Bad News: I reincarnated inside my favorite novel!!! You are asking me why this is bad news? That is because... In this world, even the main cast was going to die halfway through the story! The only character who won't die no matter what was the protagonist. And of course, I wasn't the protagonist. Nor was I the character who had a special background to make you think of him as a hidden protagonist. Give me a break alrea- Am I smiling? .............................. Check: **IMPORTANT:- Read before reading the novel*** in the auxiliary volume

Ryukurou · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
240 Chs


--(Nathan's POV)--

"Hehehe..one dagger for one hit. Let's see who will go down first."

I wiped the blood from the corners of my lips and turned to Vile reaper.

His eyes had turned bloodshot, and he was dangerously glaring at me.

'So much for wanting your opponents to fight back.'

There was one dagger stabbed in his abdomen and one at his shoulder. It would take them a few more minutes before they disintegrate.

(Good, we'll win at this rate!)

'No, we are losing.'

The dagger stabbed at Vile reaper's shoulder was aimed at his neck. He had somehow, at the last second, managed to dodge.

On the other hand, I was heavily bleeding, had more than a few broken bones, and was exhausted. 

'Should I use [Synchronization]?'

I thought of the easiest way to win the match. But then I immediately denied the idea.

The rulers of the universe, the 13 strongest beings, the Monarchs.