

Hi my name is Timothy Lawton. But that is not my real name or maybe it is. I don’t know it is so confusing. Last night I had a dream. (Yup I think you know where this is going.) In that I was playing a game called DANCE OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS. And then I remember going for a job interview and having an accident. And yeah I realize where I am now. I am inside that fucking game. Or maybe in a word that is very similar to the game that I played in previous life.

arnav_chandra · Video Games
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3 Chs



Hi my name is Timothy Lawton. But that is not my real name or maybe it is. I don't know it is so confusing. Last night I had a dream.

(Yup I think you know where this is going.)

In that I was playing a game called DANCE OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS. And then I remember going for a job interview and having an accident.

And yeah I realize where I am now. I am inside that fucking game. Or maybe in a word that is very similar to the game that I played in previous life.

You must be wondering how I know this world is based on the game that I played in my previous life so the answer is - internet. After having the weird dream I searched the internet and many things were same.

Humans, elves, beastmens, ogres, demons, monsters, artifacts, swords and magic, dungeons, guilds and guild masters. Top aristocratic families and famous academies. Famous personalities.

For those who don't know DANCE OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS is an EROGE.

{NOTICE; EROGE is a game category which sex scenes are given great importance. EROGE or Ero Games are games in which sex scene and erotic simulations are given more importance than story, plot, logic, character-development, world building, interactions and power balance.

Even in anime and manga there is an erotic genre called hentai and doujin. Now if you are a man of culture (like me) then you know that in hentai and doujin only sex scenes are given priority and things like logic and plot are totally ignored.

Why? Because viewers and readers wants only sex scene when watching and reading hentai or doujin. They don't care about logic and plot.

Similarly gamers only want sex scenes when playing EROGE. Just like how hentai watchers and doujin readers don't care about plot and logic. Eroge players also give importance to sex scenes and don't care about logic and plot as well}.

Now back to the main topic-

Game starts with a cutscene where it is revealed that you are the HERO embarked on a journey to defeat Níðhöggr also known as Demonic Dark Dragon. A godbeast who threatens the balance of the world.

500 years ago Níðhöggr was sealed by Ehecatl also known as Heavenly Light Dragon. But know the seal is weaken and the demons are doing their best to destroy the seal.

The young hero finds that he has the blessing of Heavenly Light Dragon, Ehecatl. And he could communicate with the dragon.

The story is based on modern world setting, and academy, swords and magic genre.

But unfortunately the name of the young hero is not Timothy Lawton. (In simple terms I am not the hero). Now the question arises who I am or whose body did I possessed? Answer is an extra. In the game I was a sword instructor from Twilight Academy. And the hero was from a common origin with no special background at all.

And because of his otherworldly potential he was favored and hated by many. I was in the latter group, THE HATERS. Now why I hated him was simple. It was because a certain academy instructor took interest in him. And that instructor was Adrienne Croft. She was a Master ranked mage and quite a beauty.

Being a Master ranked mage at such a young age of 24 was quite an achievement. And many admired her. Even in my previous world she was every gamer's waifu. She had a fan page and many weebs followed that page. Obviously she was Timothy Lawton's crush. And Timothy didn't like the fact that the hero was getting more and more attention from her. So he (Timothy Lawton) did what every Extra does- challenging the protagonist (hero). And since it was an EROGE where plot and power balance is totally ignored.

The protagonist beats the crap out of him (Timothy Lawton). And then Timothy used some artifacts prohibited by the duel rule but still the protagonist beats his ass.

The Academy officials come to know about the blunder committed by Timothy. And thus suspends him for an indefinite period of time. After that poor Tim never made an appearance in game. (At least that's what everyone thought).

But it turns out that he made a pact with an arch demon and became a devil-contractor and later comes to kill the hero. But the hero still beats him. And if you thought that it's over, then nope. He come again and again as the game plot proceeds.

And thus he was regarded as a one of the most hated character of the gaming history. He is very much like TEAM ROCKET from Pokémon. Just like how they created small troubles and hilarious traps for Ash in every episodes. Timothy also did the same to the hero in every chapter.

Personally I liked him as he was a comic-relief character. But that doesn't mean I wish to transmigrate in the game world and possess his body. If anything at least let me possess the body of the hero. That guy's power was off the charts. He literally defeated Níðhöggr in few slashes.

Not to mention he has his own harem of beautiful girls. And he could have sex with them anytime. (Hahn I am so jealous).

Well I can do nothing now. What's happened cannot be undone. And there is still around 8 years since the main story starts. So I have a lot of time to prepare and become better. Plus maybe it's better that I am not the hero.

Why? It is because they are calamity magnet. And wherever they go trouble follows them. And since I am an extra even if I don't participate in the story it's not like the plot would deviate from the original. Right!


Looks like I have a lot of thing waiting for me.