
The Extra's Evolution

In a bewildering turn of events, the main character (MC) found himself suddenly transmigrated onto an airplane. Initially, he was at a loss for what had occurred, but as time passed, he discovered the truth: he had been transported into a sci-fi fantasy novel. It was a world where survival was impossible for the weak, as a future filled with villainous attacks would claim the lives of countless individuals. In this chaotic world, only the protagonist's life was guaranteed, while the fates of other characters remained uncertain. Arjun, a mere extra, could meet his demise at any moment, oblivious to the reasons behind his impending death. Armed with this knowledge, Arjun embarked on a journey to become strong, using his knowledge from his previous world to survive. Little did he know that destiny had other plans in store for him, leading him down a treacherous path where he would save numerous lives and emerge as a hero to the common people. His life would be characterized by unforeseen twists and turns, forcing him to make critical decisions that would shape his extraordinary destiny. Once an ordinary person in his previous life, Arjun now embarked on a path of greatness. Arjun had to contend with a multitude of adversaries, including villains, demons, and individuals driven by greed, all of whom sought to sow chaos in this modern era. Each encounter would test his resolve and push him to the limits of his abilities. Furthermore, the world he now inhabited was populated by various species such as elves, dwarves, mermaids, and more. Arjun goes further in his complicates journey. As Arjun ventured forth, his fate became intertwined with the destiny of the entire world. He would face numerous trials, confrontations, and unexpected allies, all while striving to maintain his humanity in the face of overwhelming challenges. The choices he made would not only shape his own future but also determine the course of an entire realm, where the forces of darkness and light clashed in an epic struggle. Armed with determination, knowledge, and an unwavering spirit, Arjun set out on his extraordinary path, ready to face whatever perils may come his way and emerge as a beacon of hope in a world teetering on the edge of destruction. * * * * * * * * first time writing a novel, so please try to ignore my grammer mistakes this novel cover is AI created by someone else if someone wants me to remove that. contect me in the review section

aniket_keer · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Chapter 17 Team Work

* * * DONN ( HIRO ) POV * * *

When my team and I were looking for a monster, that Rent had talked about, I didn't find anything and every teammate was sweating from heat.

( This place is very hot, we should finish here faster and go to the forest faster )

Donn (Hiro) was looking at his teammates while worrying because this place is very dangerous, first, this place is hot, heat is making us hard to breathe, and sweat is also very annoying, and also draining our energy.

[ so where is that lizard? ]

Donn asked Rent while smiling, rent who hears that answered that.

[ maybe nearby, that monster can't go far away from his Territory ]

Rent was saying that, because monsters who lived always have their own territory and mostly the time, they live in that.

Normally monsters don't go out from their territory, they only go out, when they want to expand their own territory and challenge other monsters.

When they were looking for that monster, suddenly one loud voice came from afar.


When they turned to that voice, they found one T-rex monster was looking.

Donn who saw that was shocked, where that monster came from and asked Rent that.

[ rent, you said that monster was a lizard ]

[ yes but it seems, that monster has evolved ]

[ then what do we do? ]

[ run ]

They tried to flee from here but the monster was faster than them and caught up to them.

And when they are in a bad position, donn think about using his full power or not, because if they don't, then they will be going to lose.

( should I use my will? or wait some time? )

But when he was thinking, a sudden shout came from behind.


Donn turns behind and sees Arjun, who was in mid-air, swinging his sword, when he swings his sword, a massive air pressure pushes the monster back and Arjun lands on the ground successfully.


Rent asks Arjun in a loud voice while breathing fast, Arjun who turned to Rent and answered him.

[ I am here to help ]

( what !!? he is the lowest level )

Donn who looked at Arjun thought that, how the weakest student, Arjun can help in fighting that monster.

[ WHAT !?? but that monster is Dangerous,

how can you help us? ]

Arjun who didn't answer him, turned to where the monster was, Surprisingly that monster was standing.

[ I think we can talk later, after, we come safe from here ]

The monster was in a rage and started to run toward Arjun and roaring very loudly.


* * * *

[ dhudh dhudh dhudh ]

and that monster who is running very fast, shaking the ground with its every step, and other's also had fearful looks in their eyes, because after Arjun attach, that monster was much more faster and loud than the previous time when they were fighting that, but now that monster is in rage and ready to destroy everything that comes's in front of him.

When the monster was about to collide with Arjun and his teammates, that monster opened his mouth and tried to eat Arjun with his teammates.

But before that monster can do that.

[ ₹π∆£$¢~|√~ ]

Sela chanted a spell and made a shield between Arjun and the monster and the monster wasn't able to eat Arjun but that monster tried to break the shield with his Teeth.

The monster was using his full force, and cracks started to appear in that shield.

[ lookout ]

Rent shouted that and everyone, jumped in the other direction and Arjun who was still standing raised his sword.

And when the shield is broken, Arjun swings his sword with full power that, makes powerful wind pressure, that shield particularly blows away with high speed, Arjun's sword also blows thousands of green Particles that are shining green.


And that monster flew around ten Metres away, everyone who took that as a chance, attacked the monster from all directions.

But before anyone could do that, the monster threw a very big flame on the ground and the fire started to cover all places near the monster.

[ Everyone, don't stay still, cover him from all directions ]

Rent had Battle experience, so he knew about Strategies for fighting monsters, Covering a single monster from all directions is easy and works most of the time.


The monster was roaring and throwing flames on the ground to stop them from attacking.


Arjun swings his sword for the third time and from the air pressure, the fire vanished in one second.

And before the monster could do anything, rent and don. ( Hiro ), hit the monster's feet with a reaper and that monster fell to the ground.

Mila, who swung her sword at a monster nack with her sword and made a Deep cut and that monster roared loudly.

But before anyone could kill that monster, the monster swung his tail, one fire was his tail tip, the monster hit rent with its tail and made him fly.

Rent falls on the ground and some blood comes out of his mouth, Sela who was still a little far from the monster, comes near rent and casts a healing spell on rent.

[ π£¢$℅\#$%& ]

Rent didn't heal that much but his pain was mostly gone.

[ thanks Sela ]

Sela answered him, Sela was not helped in offensive battles but in Defence and healing is very helpful.

[ it's okay ]

Chase who saw that started running toward the monster while shouting with a punch on his hand, he punched the monster's head Continuously.


The monster tried to hit Chase with its tail like he hit Rent, but Mila came in and cut the monster's tail with her sword.


The monster roared and shouted, but the chase was still hitting the monster with punches.

And kill, who was trying to hit a monster with a bow but was not able to because of the monster's hard skin.

But now the monster was stable in one place, so he launched a bow and hit the monster's left eye.


Donn was making cuts on the monster with his reaper, and the final blow, who did that was Mila.

She thrust her sword into a monster's head, and when thrust her sword, the monster suddenly went silent.

After a few seconds, we made clear, that the monster was now dead, we take a breath of relief, and Mila took out her sword from the monster's head.

[ ahh ahh ahhh ahhh .... ]

Everyone was breathing very hard, but the thing was they were now safe.

[ Arjun, I said not to move from that place unless urgent ]

Rent was asking Arjun because he was not supposed to come here.

[ Yes, that I followed ]

Rent was looking at Arjun, why Arjun was lying with a straight face in front of everyone when, all knew he was lying.

[ don't lie ]

Rent was tired, so he didn't want to argue, but he wanted to know, how he found that exactly where he was.

[ I'm not lying, I came here because that was urgent ]

Arjun was saying that with a straight face, he was like he didn't do anything wrong.

Well he was right, that time was urgent and if he didn't come to help, then there are chances that they could lose to that monster.

[ okay, we will talk Later, first, we have to get out of here ]

Rent was in urgent and didn't want to waste much time, so he didn't talk much.

[ Okay ]

After that, everyone started to walk where they came from and after five minutes they found that cave way where they come from.

Everyone started to walk toward that cave Everyone started to enter that passage but before Arjun, rent and Donn could enter with everyone.

[ rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle-rattle ]

The ground started shaking, and lava flowed out like a fountain from the near passage.

[ LOOK OUT !! ]

Rent shout and push us from the front and we fall on the back.


The donn who was confused asked, while looking at the passage, I was also confused about what was happening.

[ I don't know but stay in one place ]

Rent who was also confused, said that to donn suddenly rocks started to fall from the above passage and blocked that passage.

After some time, the rumbling calmed down and we looked at each other.

[ what do we do now? ]

I asked while looking at the passage, that the passage was now blocked because of rocks and I am sure that opening that passage is impossible.

[ we can't do anything for now, let's just wait for someone to come to help us ]

He was right, we can't possibly do anything other than wait for someone.

[ Okay ]

We started walking toward high ground, and sat on the high floor, that ground I had cooled down with my cooling air sword, so sitting on that ground was easy.

[Arjun, how did you learn that? ]

The donn who was also sitting with us suddenly asked me.

[ huh !?? what? ]

I asked him, making a confused face, I know what he was talking about, but I was acting like, I didn't understand him.

[ I mean that, your move when you blow away that monster with air ]

[ yay, I also want to know, if you are comfortable ]

Both were looking at me and I didn't know what to say.