
The extermination of my clan is imminent, but I am not an Uchiha

Reincarnating into the world of Naruto and becoming the young patriarch of the Hagoromo clan during the Warring States Period, Hagoromo Shigeru felt a lot of pressure. Because he faces the crisis of being exterminated by the Senju clan. In the coming years, Madara and Hasilama will reach their full power. However, since receiving the system, Hagoromo Shigeru has become increasingly aware of the danger of genocide. This is a translation of a Chinese story, even so I do my best so that the typical Chinese writing is not noticeable, I correct the names of characters, terms and some conversations. Link to the page where I took the story in case you want to read it directly: https://novelsknight.com/series/naruto-exterminate-the-clan-immediately-but-i-am-not-an-uchiha/

King_Ryuma · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Ninjas do not respect martial ethics

On the battlefield.

The surrounding Senju ninjas were analyzing Shigeru's information in their minds.

"That guy's technique!"

"There is no trace whatsoever." "

"Is it the Jinton that the Hagoromo family hasn't seen for a long time?"

Ding ding ding!

The swords clashed, sending sparks flying.

Tobirama looked at Shigeru warily, constantly looking for opportunities to counterattack, while mentally analyzing the weaknesses of Shigeru's technique.

Now it seems that this guy's technique can only be reused every two seconds.

As long as you take advantage of this gap and rely on your own vague perception, it is not difficult to resist the hateful Hagoromo.

However, there is no trace of the disappearance and appearance of this guy. If you want to defeat him, it will be almost impossible in a short time.


Shigeru took the opportunity to knock Tobirama's short sword away and kicked it.

Tobirama raised his arms to resist and took three or four steps back.

Uh-huh! ¡

Ice jump!

Shigeru disappeared in an instant, reaching Senju Tobirama's back and slashing with his sword.

Tobirama seemed to have expected it and turned around to resist with his sword.


The blades collided again.

Shigeru put away his sword and stabbed it diagonally from bottom to top.

Just when Senju Tobirama thought that Shigeru was going to repeat his old tricks.


A second passed before Ice Leap was cast.

Shigeru instantly appeared behind Senju Tobirama.

"Not good!"

Seeing Shigeru disappear in front of his eyes, Tobirama's pupils shrank in an instant, it was over.

Seeing that his plan was successful, Shigeru raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

The two-second cooldown time became one second. Unexpectedly, Senju Tobirama, you were careless.


Tick, tick…

Senju Tobirama relied on his senses to barely avoid the vital point, but because the short knife was stabbed into his lower back, blood was still flowing down the blade.

Sorry, we just met and we have to say goodbye.

Shigeru sighed in his heart and immediately took out his sword.

"Guh!" Tobirama spat out a mouthful of blood.

Shigeru slashed towards Senju Tobirama's neck with his sword again, intending to kill Senju Tobirama with a single blow.


Suddenly, a tall figure appeared behind Senju Tobirama.

Shigeru subconsciously changed his cut to block.

The next second, the huge force instantly knocked Shigeru down.


The middle-aged man holding a broadsword quickly extended his hand to support Senju Tobirama.

Senju Tobirama weakly covered the wound on his lower back: "Takema-San, kill him!"

"But you…" Senju Takema wanted to send Tobirama back to the Senju camp for treatment.

Tobirama shook his head, his face full of resentment: "My injury is not fatal, I can still survive for a while, he killed Kawarama, Takema-San, kill him and avenge Kawarama!"

Senju Takema looked at Tobirama, hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Okay!"

On the other hand, after Shigeru was hit, he rolled twice on the ground and stood up.

"Damn! Senju is so shameless. In a battle between young people, an old man sneaks up on a young ninja like me!"

After moving his wrists that were numb from shock, Shigeru couldn't help but curse.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he felt a dangerous aura staring at him.


Shigeru's hair stood on end instantly.

Just as Senju Takema's broadsword was about to hit Shigeru, Shigeru reacted and quickly used ice jump to appear on the edge of the ice field.

At this time, the ice field's shortcomings became apparent.

In an area with a radius of ten meters, the place for Shigeru to escape is very limited, not to mention that the ice jump has a cooldown time of one second.

At this moment, the distance between the two was less than twelve meters. For Senju Takema, whose strength was close to that of an elite jounin, this distance was just a matter of the blink of an eye.


The broadsword fell heavily, and Shigeru was instantly thrown out of the ice field by the enormous force.


Shigeru rolled on the ground in embarrassment several times. Senju Takema's enormous power left his arms numb and he couldn't even hold the knife.

"Go dead! Hagoromo clan brat!"

The enemy Senju next to him looked at Shigeru with a fierce smile. The long knife in his hand stabbed at Shigeru who was lying on the ground without hesitation.

"Don't even think about hurting the young patriarch!"

Fortunately, the Hagoromo clansmen were not negligent. Seeing that Shigeru was in crisis, a member of the Hagoromo clan instantly appeared and stopped Takema's sneak attack with a fierce smile on his face.

"Doton: Earth Dragon Bullet Technique!"

Senju Takema formed a seal with his hands and a dragon head appeared on the ground. Several bullets of solid earth shot out from the mouth of the dragon head, hitting Shigeru who was lying on the ground.

"What the hell …"

At this moment, Shigeru's mentality exploded.

Senju Takema took him out of the ice field, and at this time, Ice Jump couldn't be used at all.

In the face of powerful ground bombs, it had no power to defend itself.

After all, he is now only a little stronger than a special jounin and has not yet mastered many ninjutsu, but Senju Takema's strength is close to that of an elite jounin.

Under such a large strength gap, Shigeru was injured. At that moment, he simply had no room to resist.

Could it be said that I just traveled back in time for a day and are already going to die?

Just when Shigeru abandoned the resistance in despair.

"Raiton: Flash!"

A blue light passed through him.


The sword light was accompanied by an electric current, instantly shattering the flying ground bombs.

Immediately afterwards, a trustworthy figure appeared in front of Shigeru.

"Zenitsu…" Shigeru looked at Hagomoro Zenitsu's back with excitement.

At this moment, Zenitsu's body seemed to be emitting light. In Shigeru's eyes, she was so kind and dazzling.

"Senju Takema, you are so shameless. You fought so well with me, but you came to sneak attack this young man!" Zenitsu looked at Senju Takema with an angry expression.


Senju Takema snorted coldly. He picked up Senju Tobirama, who was stabbed in the back, and used the blink technique to leave the battlefield.

"Young patriarch, are you okay?"

Seeing Senju Takema leave, Hagoromo Zenitsu originally wanted to chase after him, but hesitated and then asked Shigeru.

Shigeru shook his head and stood up with trembling arms.

Damn, that Senju Takema is an animal, he's so strong.

UH Huh!

Hagoromo Zenitsu casually slashed at a Senju that was sneaking up on him.

After seeing that Shigeru was fine, he joined the battlefield again.

"Sigh, I don't know how today's battle will end…" Shigeru muttered in his heart.

After looking around and observing the situation on the battlefield, Shigeru joined the war again.

Although his numb arms had not yet recovered from the numbness and he could not hold the sword stably, he still had no problem using ninjutsu with the seal.

Cooperating with the surrounding tribesmen, Shigeru used the Fūton technique: shuriken to carry out sneak attacks from time to time, and the effect was surprisingly good.

It's a pity that this can only deal with some chuunin and genin. For those special jounin and jounin, with Shigeru's current state, it may be a bit helpless to deal with them.



The battle lasted more than an hour. On the battlefield, the sounds of explosions of detonating symbols, the sound of ninjutsu bombardment, and the sounds of swords clashing could be heard all the time.

The two clans had already suffered heavy casualties, but neither Senju nor Hagoromo had any intention of retreating.

In this case, unless both tribes intend to retreat, whoever retreats first means they were defeated.

However, the battlefield is sometimes unexpected, but it is reasonable.


Suddenly, two extremely powerful chakras erupted behind the Hagoromo clan.

Not long after, a jounin from the Hagoromo clan quickly arrived not far from Hagoromo Ryokawa: "Patriarch, it is not good. Senju Bōra suddenly led the Senju elites to appear behind our clan. "Kazuo-Sama at this moment directs the people to resist with all your might!"