
the explorer's book

a 17 boy named Howard found a strange book in his new apartment. after opening it Howard he is faced with the question [ do you want to explore a new world? ] not thinking much about it he agrees. and the next thing he knows that he Is in dark void with no visible end and the only thing he can see is the book he saw previously. - - - I am a new writer and this is my first novel, English isn't my first language but I'll do my best to make this novel readable, and i hope you enjoy it. - - some constructive criticism would be helpful

Enmesarra_1 · Fantasy
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9 Chs


"please...help me"

This childish voice, which sounds like the voice of an eight-year-old child about to cry, came from an injured child with black hair and big black eyes filled with tears, as if he was about to cry.

His face, which still contained baby fat, was scratched and dirty, as if he had rolled on the hard ground with his face.

His body, which was stuck in the crack in the wall, was full of injuries and dried blood. It seemed as if he had been stuck there for a long time and could not get out of there.

He extended his hand to me, silently asking me to pull it back and free him. His eyes, red from crying, seemed to be filled with hope.

Feeling an unnatural pity for this injured child and a sense of sympathy, I was about to extend my hand only to be stopped by Joe's voice screaming in my head.

{Pretend you don't see him and slowly move away from the crack and don't

Make eye contact with him! }

I hesitated for a moment, contemplating the moral dilemma of leaving an injured young child alone in a dark cave to die of either thirst or hunger, whichever came sooner.

This moment of hesitation proved that I was wrong and how foolish I was when I looked in front of me to see that the child had disappeared and was replaced by two bright red eyes with no sclera, iris or pupil, just two orbs of bright red in the complete darkness that looked at me as if I were a piece of the food.

{Run away!}

This time I did not hesitate and ran as fast as I could with my foot that was almost healed

While I was running, I could hear something hitting the air behind me, but I did not hear the sound of footsteps.

{Keep your head down!}

I did exactly what Joe said without thinking, just to avoid something that would have hit me in the head if it hadn't been for Joe's warning.

The blow was so strong that I felt the air hitting my face

{Roll forward!}

I rolled on the rough ground, narrowly avoiding what could be my death.

how did you know ? Because I felt the ground shaking as a result of the creature's blow

{Grab one of the mouse's paws and swing it behind you quickly!}

I did exactly what Joe said and swung as hard as I could to feel the beast's flesh being cut and hear a sound similar to a dog growling, but in pain.

{Throw the claw and run fast!}

After taking a look at the red eyes that looked at me with clear hostility and hatred, I threw the claw at the monster and ran.

While I was running, I heard the sound of bones breaking. It must have been caused by the monster eating the claw and chewing the small bones in it.

After the chewing sound ended, I knew it would focus on its meal before it runs ran away

After a while, I didn't hear it follow me.

It must have gotten desperate and let me go

I didn't have time to relax because I heard the sound of the monster's steps this time, the sound of what looked like hard shells colliding with the ground.

{Turn back and kick high as hard as you can! }

I turned around quickly, which wasn't difficult because a lot of running had already affected my already injured leg, so I didn't run fast even if I wanted to. The rough ground also helped .

Raising my foot to kick, I felt it collide with cold, crusty, hard skin. I did my best to kick it up and swing the claw at the creature that was within range of my hand.

Feeling the warm liquid that I assumed was the creature's blood and hearing its pained growl again, I began to feel happy about my impending victory.

But my happiness quickly ended and was replaced by a feeling of burning pain in my left arm from the strong bite of the creature and its teeth digging into my flesh.


{ Be quiet ! Do not attract other monsters, cut the monster with the claw and it will leave your hand when it dies. }

I felt adrenaline increasing in my veins to help me survive and continue cutting down the monster that threatened my life

{Do not attack its lower half, it is full of scales. Attack his upper half, it is easier to cut. Do not focus on the depth of the attack, but rather focus on cutting the largest area of its skin.}

I didn't think much or I couldn't think much because I was in a hurry to finish this monster, so I followed Joe's advice

I began to feel that the creature's six teeth - three sharp teeth in each jaw - were beginning to loosen, so I quickened my pace of cutting the meat...

hope you enjoyed the chapter

sorry for not updating,i was busy with my personal life, family, i returned to school so i can't write much chapters

but I can guarantee that I will publish at least one chapter a week, it will often be more because each chapter will be short , like shadow slave

i won't give up on this story , and i hope you won't too, i know it's less than ten chapters, but i have already planned the storyline and the outlines, the world and its inhabitants , characters , Romance, etc...

i know the beginning of the story and its ending and what between, so you don't have to worry about bad ending like attack on titan

if you have any questions, opinion , or ideas please write a comment

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