
the explorer's book

a 17 boy named Howard found a strange book in his new apartment. after opening it Howard he is faced with the question [ do you want to explore a new world? ] not thinking much about it he agrees. and the next thing he knows that he Is in dark void with no visible end and the only thing he can see is the book he saw previously. - - - I am a new writer and this is my first novel, English isn't my first language but I'll do my best to make this novel readable, and i hope you enjoy it. - - some constructive criticism would be helpful

Enmesarra_1 · Fantasy
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9 Chs


After looking at the book for a few minutes or seconds... I don't really know, a wonderful idea came to me

If you don't have someone to talk to, talk to something. It seems that movies really are the best teacher.

I started to look for something to talk to.

the rat's head? No, I can't talk to the head of something I ate. I would feel guilty throughout the conversation. It would be awkward.

His limbs? No, I used one of them to cut up the rest. I can't talk to them knowing that I their own brother to kill them.

the book? the book!! Of course, it was with me from my sense the moment I arrived in this world , and it is somewhat conscious? I mean he heard me when I said "yes", maybe there is artificial intelligence in it.

It also just saved my life, so it's already a good friend. You know what they say: If you can't kill it , hit it with your friend until it dies.

So the matter is settled, from now on your name will be Joe, because it is easy on the tongue and simple .

" hello Joe, my name is Howard Phillips, but you already know that, I'm sure we will be good friends , in fact we will be the best friends ever !"

" wow, I feel like 7 years old , but with friends this time "

Am I trying to ignore what just happened by creating someone to talk to ? Hmm...no , I'm just bored .

Anyway, what personality I want to you to have , Joe ?

Hmm ...no , I'll just go with the flow

{Dude , you don't have to act like this is the first time we meet, l mean you made me so I'm kind of a part of you , be yourself with me. }

Am I going crazy ? Or I'm already crazy?

Not wanting to think about it anymore, or afraid would be a better term , I silently walked into the cave .


After five or six hours...I'm not sure, my sense of time became distorted.

I heard something that made my heart beat faster with excitement.

What I heard was nothing less than the sound of a drop of water hitting a stone floor!! Well, it's not like there's anything else to collide with, regardless, a drop of water!! 

I never thought I would be as excited about something as I am now. Finally, water!

I ate the monster and drank its blood, but it did not quench my thirst. No, it made me thirstier

{I don't think thirstier is a real word , you should say more thirsty}

What ? No ...just ignore it and it will be gone .

Ignoring the voice in my head I walked faster, I couldn't run because I was injured, and after ten minutes I saw the most beautiful thing I've seen in this world so far.

Drops of water dripped from numerous stalactites from the ceiling of the cave at a height of 5 meters, falling and landing on the ground.

What a waste of precious water, as I sat under one of them so that a drop of water fell into my mouth, and after thirty minutes I finally quenched my thirst.

lying on the wet ground. From the drops of water falling on it, I fetl sleepy, reminding me that I needed some rest.

I had the most restful sleep since the beginning of my life in this world, in circumstances in which I would not have slept three days ago.

Now I am happy to sleep here with my stomach full of rat /cat flesh and the water I drank Directly from deposits on a cave ceiling.


"AHHH... this is life " i said waking up from the best night or day in my life

{I agree , your current situation is way mush better than before}





" I really don't need this right new "

{ dude , at least hear me out on this }


{ I'll count this as a yes , anyway, you can consider me as your assistant or friend whome you made so you don't feel lonely.

or the books voice if that makes comfortable but I only know what you know, or your conscience , but I am not a cockroach.

in the end I am just a voice in your head, a very charming voice, but I'm still a voice caused by your craziness perhaps, the point that I am completely harmless }

"So I'm crazy "

{It's only natural considering your circumstances.

In the end, you are just a normal teenager, let alone you. Even adults will go crazy after going through what you went through.

Forget the anime and novels that you have watched and read. Going to another world is a terrible experience because you are in an unknown place, away from the rest of humanity.

From your homeland, from everything you know as civilization, humans are weak beings if they are away from the herd, and now you are far from your herd...

I hope you enjoyed the chapter

at least 3 chapters every week

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