
the explorer's book

a 17 boy named Howard found a strange book in his new apartment. after opening it Howard he is faced with the question [ do you want to explore a new world? ] not thinking much about it he agrees. and the next thing he knows that he Is in dark void with no visible end and the only thing he can see is the book he saw previously. - - - I am a new writer and this is my first novel, English isn't my first language but I'll do my best to make this novel readable, and i hope you enjoy it. - - some constructive criticism would be helpful

Enmesarra_1 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

crazy smile.

Feeling the blood flowing abundantly, I removed the head of the creature, which finally died after minutes of contact, clinging for its life from my hands.

After his body fell to the ground, making a splashing sound from the blood spilled on it, I sat on the dirty ground, exhausted after the adrenaline wore off. I began to think about what had just happened.

"What just happened?"

I asked the only other person here, Joe, in a loud voice while holding my injured arm to prevent more blood from leaking out, which was a miserable failure.

{First cover your wound with rat skin.

This should stop the bleeding and give your blood time to clot and close the wound, then we'll talk. }

After wrapping the skin around my wound, leaving myself naked, I remained silent, a clear sign that I was waiting for answers to my question.

Which I didn't have to do for a long time because Joe started explaining right after I wrapped my wound.

{This is a monster disguised as a child...

No, excuse me, this was a monster disguised as a child asking for help in order to lure you close enough to catch you off guard.

Most likely he relied on illusions to show you a pathetic picture, represented by a helpless child stuck in a dark cave, like you, and I mean no offense by this, I'm with you on this, for you to sympathize with him, he must have had some kind of mind reading on a superficial level, because If he were able to read your mind entirely , you would be dead by now.

How did I know all this? I collected the evidence that was in front of you, but you did not notice it due to illusion, fear, or surprise.

I knew something was abnormal when I saw a child in a place like this, especially since you were able to see him clearly in the complete darkness even though you couldn't even see your hand clearly.

He also wasn't wearing any clothes, but he wasn't naked at the same time. Half of him was covered in scales, but I ignored this as if the only thing that mattered was that he was injured and pathetic.

You didn't even know if "he" was a boy or a girl. "His" features were neutral and "his" pathetic voice was also neutral. You assumed "he" was a boy because of "his" short hair.

I am referring to him as male temporarily, but you should not forget that we do not know anything about his gender or if he even has a gender, so keep that in mind.

But the most important evidence is that he could speak English, and we are in another world.

There is not supposed to be English here.

If there were a rat-cat monsters in your previous world, I think you would know about them.

But how did I guide you to dodge his attacks ?

Thanks to your title, your perception and night vision are superior to any other humans, at least that we know of, the only reason you couldn't dodge him on your own is because you were so afraid, that the only thing you could think about was running away.

I didn't have this problem, so guided by your super senses, I helped you dodge his blows. Thank God he wasn't that fast.

It seems he relied on his delusions.

But why did I ask you to attack him with the claw?

This is because the claw contained a poison that could affect you.

You, who are immune to normal poisons, it did not affect you severely, which means that its poison is a weak titled poison.

I was hoping that the poison would affect him.

I told you to throw the claw, to be a distraction, to give you time to prolong the distance between you, and at the same time a trap, because the claw is filled with poison.

After he ate the claw, the poison must have entered his digestive system.

I was hoping that the poison would affect him if he swallowed it.

But I did not rely on that, so I told you to scratch as large a surface area of his skin as you can, so that the poison will spread faster, since the veins are closest to the skin, and the arteries are deep and difficult to reach, especially since you do not have much time.

My plan worked. The veins would pump the blood, which contained the poison, to the heart, and the heart would in turn excrete it to the rest of the body, resulting in his death sooner rather than later.

To be honest with you, I was risking our lives, because I was not sure that its anatomy resembled that of a human or mammals in general, and again I am not sure what this creature was, or if it had immunity to poisons, or this poison in particular, given that both monsters were In the same environment, it is not far-fetched to develop immunity to rat venom

But that's not important now, set on a clean ground... Less dirty ground.

And think about the second page of the book.}


"Just do as i say and you will be surprised "

' i hope it's a good surprise, i dont tink my heart can take anymore...'

Ignoring my pian from my damaged body , especially my arm , i did as joe said , and the suprise was that the second page wasn't blank anymore

While i was reading the page a smile made its way onto my face.

{ You have a crazy smile on your face.}

hope you enjoyed the chapter.

sorry for not updating more often, but school is killing me.

1 chapter every week.

Have some ideas, questions ,or opinions about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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