
the explorer's book

a 17 boy named Howard found a strange book in his new apartment. after opening it Howard he is faced with the question [ do you want to explore a new world? ] not thinking much about it he agrees. and the next thing he knows that he Is in dark void with no visible end and the only thing he can see is the book he saw previously. - - - I am a new writer and this is my first novel, English isn't my first language but I'll do my best to make this novel readable, and i hope you enjoy it. - - some constructive criticism would be helpful

Enmesarra_1 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

" please... help me "

Hell, maybe you are far from any herd. What is the saying again? Oh yes: With division we are broken and with unity we prevail.

You are alone now, far from any unit or group, and this is your opinion, by the way, because I am part of you.

You just needed someone else to say it to you.

In fact, most people know what to do and have already made their decision, but they ask others about it Anyway, for many reasons;

One of them is that humans are social beings by nature and they like to feel that someone is there for them, or if they fail or turn out to be wrong, they blame others: "Why didn't you warn me?" or "Why did you tell me to do this?"

because we don't like to feel that we are wrong or just Because they feel bored and everyone hates boredom, our brains simply cannot tolerate it.

What you need to understand is that if and when you feel lonely, confused or bored, I am there for you. You are there for you as long as you live. }

"So you're a voice in my head because I'm crazy, and I'm crazy because I'm weak, right, and you're the version of siri for crazy people"

{ Basically, but I'm not like Siri. I'm kind of like your alter ego.

For example, if you're emotional, I'll be the voice of reason.

If you're going to do something that you doubt, I'll voice your doubts and discuss it with you.

When you forget your dreams, I remember them.

I can think of things, possibilities, and solutions that you wouldn't think of. Because you are simply limited, I see and hear the things that you unconsciously or consciously ignore.

I feel them as well. All of this is just to increase our chance of survival,

I know what you think , do not be worried if you lose consciousness. I cannot control your body. I am like your right arm, but better.}

" really? Think of something I wouldn't think of, and it must be useful "

{ Remove the lower jaw of the animal and eat the rest of the contents of the skull, then place it under one of the stalactites so that water can drip into it to store it for drinking or cleaning.

You will not think about this because it is disgusting, but it is practical, so I am the one who thought of it. }

".... that's very smart , why didn't i think of it , thanks dude "

{My pleasure, By the way, you named the creature a rat because you didn't want to tarnish your image of cats by calling it a cat}

" you're really are me ,huh"

After chatting for a bit with myself, I started eating the rat's skull , which was difficult , but I finally did .

During it ,I noticed a sticky liquid with a strong smell on the teeth of the rat, thinking that it might be the poison from before. I spread it on the monster's claws, which I decided to use as weapons.

You can't hit monsters with a book when you have claws, right?

{ good thinking , if the rat has it ,it most be effective on some creatures in this environment, it must be a very strong poison seeing that it had an effect on you even with your immunity .

By the way, you can read your book even if you can't see it , And if you throw it away, it will come back to you with an idea, because it is linked to you.

This information was in your subconscious. If you want to read its contents, just think about it. }

Hearing this , I started thinking...

But I got nothing , so I tried what anyone would do " open status " only to be faced with disappointment, so I tried something else.

" open page one "

[ name : Howard Phillips.

age : 17.

Titles :-

the explorer : the explorer's book holder, as long as the explorer lives his book will remain with him .

Effects: immunity from toxins and diseases: ordinary poisons and diseases will have no effect on you , the effectiveness of weak titled poisons and diseases greatly reduced , the effectiveness of strong titled poison and diseases slightly reduced.

Increase learning speed,and Increased potentials for physical improvement.

Your body adapts faster than its species' normal rate.

You have perception higher than the normal perception of your species. ]

" wait , weren't there a paragraph about what titles are ? Does it changed itself ? "

{Don't worry, even if you forgot something in the page or anything else, I won't, I remember everything in i}

" you sound more and more like siri "



After a day my food went out, so I tried to explore a little, see if I can get something to eat.

While I was examining the cave wall with my night vision, which was improving very quickly, looking for any exit, passage, or anything useful, I arrived at the fourth crack in the last five minutes.

I heard a child's voice

" please... help me "

I hope you enjoyed the chapter

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at least 3 chapters every week

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