
The Exotic Conqueror

Kasper Gelt, a powerful sorcerer was killed when his planet was invaded by a superior race. His soul was transmigrated into the body of a certain Alfred Elrod in another planet named Nolmar, of a distant universe. The planet was still young, peaceful and had abundant mana and natural resources. Unfortunately for Kasper Gelt, Alfred Elrod was a nobleman tried and found guilty of treason and was locked up to be executed in the most excruciating manner. Kasper Gelt, managed to escape but was the most wanted man in the empire, he would later go on to uncover the darkest secrets, mysteries of the seemingly harmless planet. Conquering the dark forces of Nolmar and uncovering shocking conspiracies.

AM_Raphael · Fantasy
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26 Chs


In the dimly lit chamber, their eager research suddenly came to an abrupt halt. An ominous feeling settled in as Kasper sensed a presence lurking in the shadows. Martel's instincts kicked in, and he exchanged a tense glance with the others.

"We're not alone," Martel whispered, his voice trembling with concern.

Elara's heart raced as she looked around the chamber, her eyes scanning the dim corners for any sign of an intruder. Orin clutched the diary tightly, ready to protect their discoveries.

Moments later, the heavy footsteps of armored soldiers echoed through the corridor outside the chamber. The sound sent a shiver down their spines.

Kasper knew that their location had been compromised, and their lives were now in danger. Panic washed over him, but he knew that panicking wouldn't save them. They had to escape, and they had to do it quickly.

Elara's eyes met Kasper's, filled with fear and determination. "We need to leave, now!"

But escape wouldn't be easy. The chamber was their sanctuary of knowledge, but it was also a trap, a hidden gem that had lured them in. The soldiers were closing in, their armored boots growing louder with each passing second.

Orin, realizing the dire situation they were in, made a difficult decision. He looked at his companions with a solemn expression. "I'll stay behind and create a diversion. You two need to escape."

"No, Orin, we can't leave you behind," Elara protested, tears welling up in her eyes.

Orin's resolve was unwavering. "It's the only way. You need to protect the knowledge we've uncovered. Find a way to use it against those who seek to control it. I'll hold them off."

Without waiting for a response, Orin moved to a corner of the chamber and began to chant an incantation. The air around him crackled with magical energy as he prepared to create a diversion.

Kasper and Elara knew they had no choice but to heed Orin's sacrifice. With heavy hearts, they fled the chamber, their footsteps echoing through the corridor as they left their dear friend behind.

As they made their way through the darkened passages of Lord Alfred's Estate, the sounds of battle erupted behind them. Orin's courageous stand had bought them precious time, but the soldiers were relentless in their pursuit.

Their escape was fraught with danger, and the fate of their friend weighed heavily on their hearts. But they couldn't afford to stop. The knowledge they had uncovered in the chamber held the key to a greater truth, one that could change the course of their world's history.

As they ventured deeper into the labyrinthine estate, they clung to the hope that Orin's sacrifice had not been in vain and that they would find a way to use the secrets they had uncovered to challenge the forces that sought to control them.

Their journey was far from over, and the shadows of uncertainty loomed ahead. But they pressed on, guided by the memory of their dear friend and the determination to uncover the secrets that had eluded them for so long.

In the aftermath of their escape from Lord Alfred's Estate, Kasper, Elara, and Martel found themselves in a hidden refuge, their hearts heavy with the knowledge that Orin had stayed behind to create a diversion and was now in the hands of the enemy.

Days turned into weeks as they struggled to regroup and make sense of their situation. They knew that the knowledge they had uncovered in the chamber was crucial, and it was their duty to protect it. But they also couldn't abandon Orin to the clutches of the king.

Meanwhile, Orin was held captive in the grand palace of the king, where he had been subjected to relentless questioning and intimidation. The king, believing that Orin possessed vital information about the chamber and the artifact, had spared his life for the time being.

In a dimly lit chamber deep within the palace, Orin sat bound to a chair, his face a mask of determination. The king paced back and forth, his frustration growing with each passing day.

"Tell me, scholar, what did you find in that chamber?" the king demanded, his voice laced with menace.

Orin remained steadfast, his lips sealed. He had been taught the value of knowledge and the responsibility that came with it, and he wouldn't betray his friends or the secrets they had uncovered.

The king's patience wore thin as he resorted to various tactics to break Orin's resolve. He offered promises of riches and power, and he threatened Orin with dire consequences if he continued to withhold information.

But Orin wouldn't budge. His loyalty to his friends and the cause burned brighter than any fear of the king's wrath. He knew that the knowledge they had uncovered was too important to fall into the wrong hands.

As the days turned into weeks, the king's frustration grew, and Orin's determination remained unshaken. The battle of wills continued in the shadows of the grand palace, with the fate of the artifact and the destiny of their world hanging in the balance.

Little did they know that their paths would soon converge once more, and the secrets of the chamber would hold the key to a future they could not yet imagine.