
Alex's parent's and Prophecy

Hmm you brought a girl with you it's unlike of you. Are you not feeling well let me check your temperature. (Touch's Alex's forehead.) It's normal maybe you got hit on your head let me call a physician.

Stop your drama old man I am fine you don't need to call anyone. Hmm yeah I see you are fine now and who are you calling old man young lady tell me am I not handsome than him. Huh I.. ahem. Don't make her feel uncomfortable with your drama. I came here to talk to you and mom its very important so stop your drama.

Fine moodbuster come here and sorry young lady about my earlier behaviour I was just shocked to see my secluded son with a women. Huh it's okay sir.

My dear baby finally you have decided to visit us. Pft..pft baby.. haa..ha.haa.( hmm Alex glares at sophia and his father who were laughing uncontrollably).Mom I am old enough for you to call me that. No baby you are not at least not in my eyes right young lady. Huh yes ma'am after all in every mom's eyes their child is always small( Sophia got emotional, sadness were clearly seen in her eyes and Alex felt it through his bond so he tried to change the topic. These gesture of Alex and sadness of Sophia were caught by Alex's parent's but they did not forced the matter ahead.)

Mom can we get back to discuss the important matter. Oh yes Alex so what you want to discuss that you have called us in these secret chamber. Mom first let me introduce you to this girl. She is Sophia White a..an..and her element is seventh element of magic. (Gasp) Nature element( they were still in shock and trying to process it when Alex gave them another shock of their life.) Yes not only that but ( He looked at her hesitant and said) she is not from our planet. She is from a planet call Earth.

(Alex's parent's hearing these stood from their seat and started looking at each other, their face showed many emotion shock, disbelief, then realization giving birth to excitement and joy. Seeing these Alex's was dumbfound but before he could ask them his parent's started speaking.)

Alex today we are going to tell you something important so try not to speak in between understood. Yes Mom and Dad. Good so Sophia you are from Earth right. Yes ma'am. Do you believe in prophecy? Yes I do I have read tons of novel's regarding properchy you can say I am a biggest fan. (Chuckle) Good now I am going to tell you a properchy made by previous Queen of Elements it's connected to you so listen carefully and if you have doubt you can ask me after I am done, okay. ( In mind* related to me ?) Okay ma'am.

(The properchy was) When the world's destruction will be at it's peak then a girl will be born, she will hold immense power of universe, everything will be in her control and she will change the world, In good way or bad way it will depend on her.

These was the prophecy made by the previous Queen of Elements. Do have any questions dear?Yes ma'am first what do you mean by Queen of Elements? Well dear first you have to know about different type's of elements, There are Seven Elements which exist in these world Air, Water, Fire, Earth, Sky, Weather and Nature, first five are of basic type, sixth one is rare and seventh one is legendary type do you understood. Yes ma'am now can you please enlighten me how I am related to prophecy?

Hmm you have legendary type of element like previous Queen of Elements a person who has seventh element is called Queen of Elements. That means she is Queen of Elements. Yes Alex not only that but all types of element will be attracted towards her, she can use all elements but when she will use seventh element all elements user under 1000 meter range will feel it and will be attracted towards he so Sophia until it's not very important do not use your seventh element.

Huh yes ma'am well one more thing I don't know how to use my magic. Don't worry till the time being I will teach you fire magic and Alex will teach you water magic also you will be enrolled in academy for magic under the fake identity and you will learn earth magic there. Sophia you should keep your element secret in everyone's eyes your element should me Earth it's slightly same to your element so one will doubt it. Ma'am what do you mean by till time being?

Well during vacation you and Alex will leave for an Island where his grandfather live he has seventh element like you but he is living a secluded life to prevent other elementalist from robbing his element from him. What! element can be robbed? Yes with the help of frobbiden ritual you can take away anyone's element and own it that's why those demons were after you.

Oh now I understand but how can I have magic? I am from Earth and its a place where normal humans live. Dear I am sorry but for now I can't answer you, So first you should focus on present when time will come I will take you to a person who will answer all your question. Okay ma'am I will try my best.

Now that all things are clear you should go and rest Alex take her to the guest room. Yes mom come Sophia follow me. Thank you ma'am and sir now I will take my leave.( After they left Alex's parent's)

She has a pure soul and heart (Alex's mother). Yes she also has good manners truly like a queen. But time will change her good or bad it depends on her choice( Alex's father). Don't worry we will try our best and help her so that she walks towards a path of good. After all Alex's Destiny is also bounded to her. Destiny has brought them together and now time will show what will happen in future.

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