
The Execution

Noah, a popular high school student who is known to be perfect on almost all aspects is living his fairytale-like life when it suddenly took a dark turn.

Hotwheelsva · Realistic
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An Angel & A Demon

Around noon in the School Grounds of Prestige Academy. Many students flock around here; Those who group up after their class ended and those who are waiting for their peers before going into class. When a student with distinguished appearance walk by, many student stopped on their tracks as they begun to look at him. Some were even glaring to him.

"Hey! that's Noah right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Wow, I only heard of it but i can't believe it seeing him with my own two eyes, he's really handsome. Those white hair, and purple eyes, just by looking at him makes my heart flutter." Her voice full of conviction.

A child loved by the heavens, Noah Moridale. An elegant body, Gorgeous looks, and majestic aura that surrounds him, having the qualities of a king, some says that he's the perfect ruler of the continent. He became popular within the university due to also being talented in many things. Moreover, because of his kind attitude and personality he is liked by many.

"He might be my long lost prince charming! Just imagining myself wrapping around that elegant body of his. Its pure Heaven!" She exclaimed.

"Dream on! there's currently a rumor going around that he's currently dating the student council president, Alisa. So there's no way in hell for someone like you to be his girlfriend." He mockingly said.

The girl angrily raised one of her eyebrows and asked. "Alisa? You mean that stuck-up bitch who looks down on everyone just because she is the top student of the academy?"

"Yeah, I hope it is nothing more than just a rumor, because being involved with a well-known family doesn't usually end well."

"That's why a someone like Noah must be cherished, so please embrace my love, dear Noah."

Outstretching her arms wide towards Noah. Looking like a madman, one of her friends smacked her head.

"Stop doing that! You look crazy. And for god sake! we're in the middle of the school grounds. It's demeaning looking at you." His voice, sounded embarrassed due to his friend.

Minding his own business, Noah walked within the grounds. Ignoring the people around him as they kept muttering to each other. When suddenly, a girl approached him from behind.


"Ah! Ch-Chloe?... why did you that? you know I'm easily startled." Noah Stuttered as he tries to calm down.

"Hahahahaha, sorry."

Chloe Khelland, the only friend of Noah who he treasures, since childhood. She is cheerful and lively. Having a short light pink hair and red eyes, she is known to be academically genius in human anatomy. Because of having a good relationship with Noah, she gets along with him pretty well. she also possesses an outstanding acting skills which is not known by many. Due to this, people who witnessed her acting first-hand for the first time were left speechless.

Noah sighed and asked Chloe. "Then what is it? did something happen?"

Tilting her head, she responded. "No, but your birthday is just days away right? are you gonna throw a party or something?"

"Maybe?" Noah replied half-assed trying to take revenge on her.

"Come on, don't be like that. Am i not your best friend? Your childhood friend??..."

Being bombarded with questions, he replied insistently. "It's a secret Chloe, i can't tell you or else it won't be a surprise anymore, even though it's you."

"Oh... Okay..." Chloe responded in a dreadful manner while looking like a wet dog whimpering outside during a rainstorm.

Using her talent and taking advantage of Noah's kind personality, she tried to make him look bad.

"Hey Come on, don't be like that, you're making me feel bad now." Scratching the back of his head looking apologetic.

Chloe who couldn't resist seeing Noah's reaction burst out laughing. " Pfft! Hahahaha! I'm just kidding lol, it's funny to tease you, didn't you know that?" Looking like a maniac due to laughter, Noah left her behind as he hurriedly headed to their classroom flustered.

"Hey, wait up! I'm sorry Hahahaha..."

* * *

After the school hours ended, a girl can be seen in the hallway of the school packing her things in a locker. at the same time, the sunset's crepuscular rays can be seen through the hallway. The image of leaves in late autumn falling within the road was reflected in the girl across the hallway...

Alisa Zacia, the top student and also the student council president of the university. Coming from the most well-known family, she stayed as the rank 1 in the whole school and became the the president of the student council because of her family connections and academic achievements.

She got called upon by her friend in the hallway.

"Esteemed Ali, Hey!"

"Oh Louise, Its you."

Leaning close to her, she asked curiously. "Why? were you expecting someone?"

"No, Its just that I thought there was another person crazy enough to scream my name so loudly in the hallway."

"...Wow, you're so mean!" Louise pouted as she got called crazy for screaming.

Alisa then added. "And I told you to never call me by that name didn't I?"

"Sorry! It just became a habit of mine, Teehee." Replied playfully.

"So, What do you want?" She asked while crossing her arms.

"Nothing, i was just gonna ask you if you have heard of the rumor circulating between you and the 2nd year student, Noah?"

"You mean the rumor that presumes we are dating?" Alisa queried.

"Yeah, that one! what are you gonna do about if? Because if you don't do something, it could lead to something bad when your family knows of it."

"Don't worry about it, I'll take action regarding that issue before they get notified since I do not want to anger them."

As she closed her locker, Alisa's image can be seen. Her reddish-black hair flowing down through her shoulder and green eyes were reflected through the mirror, showing nobility that only the daughter of the most notable family could have.

Alisa then whispered to herself. 'Yeah, as the only daughter of the Zacia family, there shouldn't be any case that could endanger my family's reputation due to this stupid rumor. I have to take care of this problem as the student council president...'

Please feel free to send any feedbacks to help improve my writing skills as I'm still a student.

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