Just a guy who loves Fan fics high School dxd and decided to do it his way PS (English is not my source language so I hope it doesn't suck if you can say it in the comments)
When Rias, Akeno and Kiba noticed Koneko crying in Mike's arms, they thought he did something to her
Rias - "Get off you pervert!"
Mike - I'm not a pervert! , At least just a little ...
"How many times do I have to say that!"
Mike - "Koneko your friends have arrived", says Mike while stroking Koneko's head
Koneko - Shakes his head and keeps hugging Mike
Rias - "I look like a pervert" Akeno and kiba nod
Mike is speechless
When he talks about it they feel a huge amount of energy being released from a nearby place
When Rias feels this energy she has a pale face
Rias - This energy is stronger than my brother's.
Mike - "I know this energy, what is Jasmine doing?" he thinks
Soon they run to check who is releasing this huge amount of energy
As they run, Rias notices that Mike was accompanying them and was surprised, for not being able to feel any power from him and yet he was able to accompany them, which should not be possible for a human.
Soon they arrive at the place where the energy was released
It looked like the energy came out of the abandoned factory ahead.
Mike looks around and notices that Sona with his nobility has also arrived, he remembers that he used her as an excuse
Mike turns his face to not be recognized by her
At that moment a wall in the abandoned but opposite factory collapses and a fallen angel falls coughing up a lot of blood
Rias - "What's going on here Sona?"
Sona - "I don't know"
Soon they hear footsteps from inside the factory and Jasmine appears walking with a furious face
Rias - Who are you? What are you doing in this city?
Rias tries not to irritate that person because he can feel a frightening energy coming out of him and knows that probably not even his brother who is Maou could defeat him
Rias - "Why is someone so powerful here and I didn't know", she thinks
Jasmine - Who are you?
Rias - I'm Rias Gremory
Dia Rias With pride when he pronounces his family's Gremory
Jasmine turns to another girl
Sona - I am Sona Sitri
Jasmine - And what do I have to do with it?
Sona and Rias choke on what they were going to say
Rias and Sona thought she would at least call after hearing about their family but apparently she didn't give a damn
"Well it's not so strange after feeling the power that she is releasing" the two think
Jasmine looks in the corner and notices Mike trying to hide
Jasmine - What are you doing Mike?
Sona and Rias turn around and notice Mike with his hands on his face
Sona is surprised to remember meeting Mike at the restaurant and Rias because he met such a powerful being even though he was an ordinary human
Mike - "Hi Jasmine what are you doing? You promised me not to kill anyone"
Jasmine - "I didn't kill anyone"
Mike looks at the fallen angel who seems to be on his last breath
Mike - "Alright then!"
Sona - "It's not okay! You can't start fighting in the city"
Mike - "What happened, Jasmine?"
Jasmine - "I was walking around when I noticed this fallen angel attacking a girl and bringing it to this abandoned factory, When I saw what he planned to do, I was very angry and released some energy"
Mike - "Where's the girl?"
Jasmine - "She passed out after she felt some of my energy up close," said Jasmine embarrassed
Sona and Rias are speechless
"A little energy?" they think
Rias quickly emerges from his stupor and asks Mike
Rias - Mike What is your relationship with her?
Mike - Jasmine? Well she's my girlfriend
Mike says as he approaches and hugs Jasmine and Jasmine returns the Hug
Sona and Rias are shocked
Sona looks at Jasmine, "Are you dating a Common Human?"
Jasmine - "Mike is not a Human he is ...
Before she finishes speaking Mike puts his hand over her mouth
Mike - "I am an ordinary human"
Mike thinks - "If they know that I'm a dragon, they won't leave me alone, but I have Jasmine and Ophis so I wouldn't have so many problems I think ... leave that for the future".
Rias - "An ordinary Human wouldn't have been able to keep up with my speed, what's his secret?"
Mike Puts his hand on his face and raises his head 90 degrees
Koneko and Kiba who were watching him do it found family
Mike - "So you noticed"
Mike - "I didn't think I would have to reveal my identity anytime soon"
Sona his Nobility Rias and Akeno are curious about his identity
Mike - "Actually, I'm the king of the harem"
Mike - "I know you must be very surprised, but there is nothing I can do"
Rias and Sona turn to Jasmine and ask "Is he always like this?"
Jasmine Koneko and Kiba nod and a helpless look
Jasmine - "Also keep him away from the lolis"
Right now everyone looks at Koneko
Koneko - "What ?!"
Koneko is furious that they are saying that she is a loli and does not even notice her ears and tails that appeared
They look at her head and notice two cat ears
Rias - "Koneko, your ears"
Koneko puts his hand on his head and notices that his ears are gone
At that moment they see a figure that even Jasmine couldn't keep up with, appearing next to Koneko
Koneko - "Mike?"
Mike runs over to Koneko and starts stroking his ears
Mike - "So Cute"
Koneko makes a happy expression
Jasmine - "Saw"
Everyone who agrees with the head
Mike - "Why did your Ears appear ?, Wait is that a Tail?"
When Mike holds her tail she falls limp in his arms
Mike turns around and notices everyone looking at him with disgust
Mike - "I didn't know that was her weak point"
Rias turns and asks the question that was bothering her
Rias - "How can you be friends with him Sona?"
Sona turns confused
Sona - "I only saw him once"
Everyone gets confused
Mike puts Koneko on the floor and goes to Jasmine
Mike - "It's time to go"
Jasmine - "Alright"
Rias - "Wait! Who are you?"
Mike - "Just an ordinary Human."
Jasmine takes Mike's hand and they disappear
Rias - "Where did you meet Sona?"
Sona - "I met him at the restaurant with my sister, he said he was a fan of her"
Rias - "I need to talk about this with my brother"
Hours later ...
In an office in hell Sirzechs Lucifer Rias's brother read the letter while laughing
Sirzechs - "So my sister met with a funny guy".
Grayfia his wife who was on your side is not as good an expression as his
Grayfia - "In the letter it says that this girl released a more powerful energy than yours, aren't you worried that she will become an enemy's ally?"
Sirzechs - "powerful people like her didn't easily become someone's ally, What makes me curious is this human who said that she is her boyfriend, he is certainly not an ordinary human to date someone so powerful".
Sirzechs - "Here in the letter it says that he is a handsome and funny guy with a dream of having a harem"
Grayfia - "What's wrong?"
Sirzechs - "Grayfia I think it's time for you to find someone you really love, our wedding is just a facade".
Sirzechs - We were married just to end the war, I never even touched you for that.
Grayfia - "Is that what you want?"
Sirzechs - "Yes, I will give you the mission of watching over this human, or at least being on his friendly side, who knows while you are there, find your love".
Grayfia bends over and says, "Even though we never really loved each other, you were a good husband" after saying that she disappears.
When Sirzechs notices that Grayfia has disappeared he jumps up while shouting
Sirzechs - Finally! , She won't make me work all day! Poor guy who ends up with her.
If Grayfia had heard what he said, she would have left more work for the next few years for him to finish.