
The Exchange!

What if your life changes in just a moment? What if you are not capable of controlling your life? What if other people decide what you should do next? What if all your dreams get destroyed? What if everything you knew about life disappears and nothing it’s the same? This is my story. A story that shows how cruel and evil life can be. But it also shows what things you should value in your life. It is one of the stories in which you are not able to control your future. So what will you do in order to make your own decisions in life? What can you change? To fight or not to fight? At the end of the day, all we have is who we are. Life is never easy as it looks like, but what is worse than other people controlling your future?

DaoistLTeBig · History
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62 Chs

Foxie who?

As I was about to check them all out, some clothes and a little bit of food, I hear Joshua saying:

-"Rough morning huh? I feel you."

I was kinda lost of words because I hadn't been talking to anyone lately. So I said:

-"You wouldn't even imagine what has happened to me…"

-"Yeah I understand, everyone has their problems that others can't understand or think of them.."

I replied back:

-"This is something that even in your deepest and worst nightmares you would never think of…"

-"Woahhh, now I'm becoming more curious and curious of what has happened.."

-"Well even If I told you, you still wouldn't believe it…"

-"You tell me first then I will decide if it's unbelievable or not.."

-"You are wasting your time with me.."-I replied back.

But Josh was so heartwarming and so nice that he kept insisting to listen to my story.