
The ex-wife of an educated youth

Once drunk, Wei Jingjingshui was the most powerful rough man Lu Zheng in a period article she had read. She was the early-deaded cannon fodder educated young supporting actress. The supporting actress is obviously good-looking and beautiful, but she is infatuated with the hero's educated youth Jingchen. In order to anger him, she did not hesitate to marry herself to the poorest rough man in the village. Although she knew that Lu Zheng would be prosperous in the future, she also knew that he had always liked the heroine Lin Xia, so she planned to live in harmony with Lu Zheng and live together. But I didn't expect that on the night of the wedding, I would still be twins. Wei Jingjing planned to divorce Lu Zheng and give birth to the child alone before Lu Zheng found out. Unexpectedly, the rough man, who usually has no expression, blushed in front of her: "Jingjing, don't want me."

Kimmichii · History
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25 Chs

Chapter 8: Eat my meal and pay back the money

Wei Jingjing must be doing a big deal when she goes to the educated youth. Her things are still there, and she has to take them away.

Jiang Li saw that Wei Jingjing was going to the educated youth office. She saved the thought of watching the play and quickly finished the work at hand, and followed her with a hot sweat.

Zhao Xiaolan also finished her work and was ready to go back.

She looked at Wei Jingjing's back in front of her and sighed in her heart. Don't come to Jing Zhiqing again, right? Alas.

Zhao Xiaolan actually thinks that Wei Jingjing is good and Lu Zheng is also good. She feels that the two of them can live a good life.

There are a lot of people in the educated youth. It's time to get off work, and everyone is waiting for dinner in the dining room.

As soon as Wei Jingjing came in, she received a lot of strange eyes.

There was also a male educated youth who whistled to her: "Wei Jingjing, what are you doing here again? Looking for Jing Chen?"

"Yes, didn't you say you didn't want to see Jingchen again? Why did you come here?"

"I think she just can't bear to part with Jing Chen and pester him again."


Wei Jingjing looked at this group of teasing male and female educated youths indifferently. After a long time, she suddenly thought of something.

She originally wanted to go straight to the room where she had lived before to find something, but now she stood in the canteen and smiled at everyone, "I'm here to ask for money. I borrowed more than 30 yuan to go out before. Please ask the person who borrowed the money to return the money to me."

"And, oh, many people ate the food I cooked before. I didn't seem to tell you. It also costs money. Not only does it cost money, but you should remember that I spent a lot of tickets when I bought something, right? Take them all out. I'm sure you must have money.

Most of the educated youths who just said sarcastic words here have borrowed Wei Jingjing's money. They still have two roommates of Jingchen. Previously, Wei Jingjing wanted to make a good impression on Jing Chen, but they never asked for it.

Of course, they didn't think about returning it when they borrowed it.

At this time, Wei Jingjing came to collect debts, but under the onlookers of so many people, the educated youth office not only had educated youths, but also several villagers who helped cook.

The villagers looked at each other and shouted, "If you owe money, just pay it back. Look, you eat meat every day. It's better to pay back the money quickly!"

They have long been unhappy with the requirements of these rich children of educated youths to eat meat every now and every now. Although their educated youths pay for it themselves, the meat is a scarce resource everywhere, and the people in their village are not enough!

Originally, there was no precedent for the educated youth office to buy the meat in the village, but Captain Lin's daughter, Lin Xia, said something before, which probably meant to care for the educated youth, and the villagers reluctantly agreed. Who knew that they had to eat once or twice a week?

Moreover, Wei Jingjing has married to Dalin Village. Although her previous behavior was very bad, she was a part of them anyway. There is no reason not to help her own people.

Several educated youths who just wanted to speak with a loudspeaker can't say a word now.

"Wei Zhiqing, do you think you can slow down for a few days? I'm short of money these days..."

"Yes, Wei Zhiqing, I can't take out the money you suddenly ask for. Wait a few days!" A male educated youth said with a playful smile.

Several other people who had borrowed money or had Wei Jingjing's meal were also relieved and began to reason one after another.

"Wei Jingjing, you didn't refuse those things when we wanted them. I acquiesced that you gave it to us."

"Yes, yes, if you had asked for money, I would definitely not eat it. It's not good!"

Before Wei Jingjing had spoken, the villagers were indignant.

The first thing that stood up was Aunt Ma in the morning. She was called to help cook at noon every day. In the past, this group of educated youths called Aunt Ma sweetly, but now they all look like this.

Besides, in the morning, Ren Wei Zhiqing also said that he wanted to live a good life with Lu Zheng!

That's completely the good people of their Dalin Village.

How can there be a reason to let the people in your village be bullied?

"What did you say? Now the supplies are in short supply. If you don't have gratitude for eating the things of the Jingjing girl, you are still repudiing the debt? I think you educated youths are not as good as our uneducated villagers. At least we know that if you eat other people's food, you will either return it or pay for it! If you want to repudiate the debt here, I will go to the village head, the secretary, and the captain! Anyway, you have to spit it out!"

Wei Jingjing added, "You can still call the police. If you don't pay off your debts and break the law, if you don't pay back the money, I'll call the police in the afternoon and arrest you one by one for labor reform!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Wei Jingjing felt that her sleeve had been pulled. She looked back and saw that it was Jing Chen.

He just took a shower and changed into a clean white shirt. His freshly washed hair was not dry, but he looked very well-behaved and youthful.

Wei Jingjing lowered her head quickly. The beauty misleads people. She almost became fascinated.

"What's the matter, Jing Zhiqing? Do you want to pay back?"

She asked in a forced voice.

Jing Chen was stunned. As soon as he came out of the shower, he heard that other educated youths were embarrassed about her, so he quickly went to the room to get the money and tickets.

He came to pay back the money, but he was not used to Wei Jingjing's direct words.

"Yes, do you think this is enough?" Jing Chen spread out his hand.

Wei Jingjing took a look and only took out a fifty-mo ticket and a catty of meat ticket inside.

In fact, Jing Chen seldom eats what she makes, and only eats a few bites when the original owner can't do it.

"That's enough. Thank you, Jing Zhiqing, for giving everyone a good start." She quickly said to the group of educated youths who were still sitting and unmoved, "You are also numb, especially those who owe me money. Pay me back quickly!"

Jing Chen continued, "You can also take the rest, just let me help everyone return it."

"No." Wei Jingjing answered coldly, and then took a few steps away to come to Aunt Ma's side.

Jing Chen still wanted to say something, but Wei Jingjing didn't look at him at all. He awkwardly put away the money and stood aside.

Aunt Ma saw Wei Jingjing's attitude towards Jing Chen clearly, and she also let go of the heart hanging for Lu Zheng just now.

Jingjing girl is not procrastinating at all, and she doesn't take advantage of others, let alone entangled with Jingchen anymore.

If you know your mistakes and can correct them, you are a good girl!

Aunt Ma helped Wei Jingjing next to him: "That's right! It's natural to repay the money you owe! How much money do you owe to pay back? If there are more girls, they won't want you!"

Then she turned to the man behind her and said, "Go and ask the secretary and the village head!"

Just then, a clear female voice sounded behind: "What's wrong? Is Wei Jingjing coming to make trouble again?

Her voice was obviously still holding back her smile.

Wei Jingjing turned around and saw that it was Jiang Li.

Jiang Li looked at her and said condescendingly, "Wei Jingjing, we don't welcome you here. You'd better leave while the head of Zhishu comes. We don't want to embarrass you!"

Zhao Xiaolan saw the money in the hands of the educated youths and Jing Chen. She pulled Jiang Li's sleeve and wanted to remind her that Wei Jingjing didn't seem to be here to make trouble.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Li shook off her hand and looked at her angrily. "You have been talking for Wei Jingjing before. She is a bad person. You are a bad person. You are also a bad person. Don't touch me!"

When she was in the field just now, she saw that Zhao Xiaolan was unhappy.

When Wei Jingjing usually speaks ill, there is no female educated youth who does not come up to her, only this Zhao Xiaolan, who is dumb.

Now I still want to plead for Wei Jingjing, no way!

Wei Jingjing looked gratefully at Zhao Xiaolan, who was still worried outside the door. What is never missing these days is the person who has fallen into the well.

Then she smiled and stretched out her palm to Jiang Li:

"Jiang Li, I'm here to ask for money. I remember you asked me before that you borrowed a lot of money and tickets and ate a lot of things from me, right? Pay back the money."

What she said was understated and blinked playfully, looking angry at Jiang Li.