
The ex-wife of an educated youth

Once drunk, Wei Jingjingshui was the most powerful rough man Lu Zheng in a period article she had read. She was the early-deaded cannon fodder educated young supporting actress. The supporting actress is obviously good-looking and beautiful, but she is infatuated with the hero's educated youth Jingchen. In order to anger him, she did not hesitate to marry herself to the poorest rough man in the village. Although she knew that Lu Zheng would be prosperous in the future, she also knew that he had always liked the heroine Lin Xia, so she planned to live in harmony with Lu Zheng and live together. But I didn't expect that on the night of the wedding, I would still be twins. Wei Jingjing planned to divorce Lu Zheng and give birth to the child alone before Lu Zheng found out. Unexpectedly, the rough man, who usually has no expression, blushed in front of her: "Jingjing, don't want me."

Kimmichii · History
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25 Chs

Chapter 23 : The girl in the city is tricky and can say anything

Wei Jingjing's heart beat fast when she got back in the car.

She spent two yuan to buy five catties worth of meat tickets, some cloth tickets and industrial tickets, and found a man who spent three yuan and two yuan to pull five feet of light green twill cotton cloth.

Can she really sell things? If you can, you can earn money by yourself, and you can save money without the money sent by the Wei family. Maybe you can save money decently.

Wei Jingjing decided to try something low-cost first.

When she was about to get out of the car, Wei Jingjing was melancholy. The station was still half an hour away from the village, which could almost toss her to death.

As soon as he got out of the car, Wei Jingjing saw Lu Zheng.

It's time to get off work at noon. He designated that he would come as soon as he did it, with sweat on his forehead.

"Lu Zheng!" Wei Jingjing waved in surprise.

Lu Zheng came over and took Wei Jingjing's things and carried them on his back.

"So heavy?" He was a little surprised as soon as he took it off. At least he weighed forty or fifty pounds. How did he carry this small body?

Wei Jingjing was very happy, and she felt that Lu Zheng's consideration was not to be picky.

In any era, it is the rarity of ssr level.

"I bought a lot of things, Lu Zheng. I will definitely make you fat in the future!"

Lu Zheng's sweat scratched across his forehead. He said dullly, "I don't want you to raise it."

Wei Jingjing laughed and thought of his unhappiness in the morning.

What's the reason?

She was not angry. In the past few days, she also figured it out that she was such a twisted man.

"I'm going to raise you. Who let you be my man? I want to make delicious food for you every day. If you don't eat me, I will..." Wei Jingjing suddenly became a little dumb in the middle of the words.

Lu Zheng couldn't help lowering his head, with a little conchment in the corners of his lips.

Little girl, do you want to threaten him with anything?

Wei Jingjing looked at Lu Zheng's mocking face and said angrily, "If you don't eat me, I'll work every day. If you grow a cocoon, I'll be pissed off!"

Lu Zheng smiled softly.

The girls in the city are tricky and can say anything.

Wei Jingjing stared at Lu Zheng's side face for a while, and then lowered her head in embarrassment.

She always knew that Lu Zheng was very good-looking, but his side face was better-looking. Lu Zheng's jawbone was as sharp as a knife. His hair was dark and thick, and there was a pair of affectionate peach blossom eyes under his heroic sword eyebrows, but there was no emotion in his beautiful eyes.

Lu Zheng never laughs. It should be said that he has little expression.

But Wei Jingjing knew that her man, looking cold, was actually very careful and soft-hearted.

If only he didn't like Lin Xia, he would like her.

This bold idea made Wei Jingjing a little depressed.

She said several times in the past few days to live a good life with him, but he didn't say a word.

But he gave her his purse in the morning, which should mean that he also wanted to live with her, right? There was a ripple in Wei Jingjing's heart.

A smile appeared on her face again.

Live a good life first, and then conquer the man. What's so difficult? Isn't it said that conquering a man's stomach first?

Wei Jingjing felt that Lu Zheng's stomach had been completely conquered by her. She wanted to beat the iron while it was hot and quickly conquered the people together.

She couldn't help laughing.

Lu Zheng felt very strange.

Why does this woman look sad for a while, smile happily for a while, seem to be thinking about something for a while, and laugh out loud for a while?

If the godmother in the village saw it before, she would have to shake her head.

Why are the women in the city so strange?

As soon as he entered the village from the station, someone ran towards Wei Jingjing. Before Wei Jingjing could see who it was, Lu Zheng stood in front of her.

"What are you doing?" He asked in a cold voice.

The person who came was Zhang Hua, Zhang Xiu's sister.

She came for Wei Jingjing. Wei Jingjing was blocked and she was still a little unhappy, but the man looked so fierce that she had to say, "I have something to do with your mother-in-law."

But she was a little shocked. Didn't they all say that the marriage between Wei Zhiqing and Lu Zheng was forced by Wei Zhiqing? Why doesn't it look like it?

And Wei Zhiqing is not like the legend. Didn't her sister save her yesterday?

If it hadn't been for Wei Zhiqing... Zhang Hua didn't dare to think about it.

"What's the matter?" Wei Jingjing poked out a head and frowned. Doesn't she know this person?

Zhang Hua also smiled when she saw Wei Jingjing's bone-like face, "Wei Zhiqing, I'm waiting for you here. You are now the great benefactor of our family!"

"Ah?" Wei Jingjing was stunned, and then soon remembered Zhang Xiu yesterday. She was surprised and said, "Sister Zhang Xiu is born?"

Zhang Hua was still heart-throbbing when she thought about what happened yesterday. Her mother didn't tell her until the baby was born.

She smiled with relief, "Yes, I gave birth to a girl, white and fat."

Hearing this, Wei Jingjing couldn't help being happy. Yesterday afternoon, she was shocked. She planned to ask later, but now she knows that she is relieved.

"Hon, my daughter is good and sweet, so please help me congratulate Sister Zhang Xiu~"

The corners of Lu Zheng's eyes flashed.

Well, he also thinks his daughter is good.

Zhang Hua is also very happy. Few girls in the village said that their daughter was good, and her sister's conscienceless sister-in-law was even more.

She smiled kindly: "I forgot to introduce you just now. I'm Zhang Xiu's sister, Zhang Hua. My father specially asked me to stay here to keep you back. I want to treat you to lunch."

Wei Jingjing looked at Lu Zheng with some hesitation.

She knew that Lu Zheng had few friends in the village for some historical reasons. If she only invited her, she would not go.

Zhang Hua saw Wei Jingjing's hesitation and quickly said, "My father also said that if Lu Zheng hadn't helped you, you wouldn't have found that Zhang Xiu was on the verge of giving birth. You saved the lives of my sister and my niece, so let you go together! Now my sister is at my father's house, and you can still see the little doll in the past!"

"Really?" Wei Jingjing is looking forward to it.

She likes children, soft and very good.

She squeezed her lips and asked Lu Zheng, "Are you going?"

She wants Lu Zheng to go. Lu Zheng has only one person in the village who can talk to him. It would be nice if he had more friends.

Another point is that in a short time, the ten-year-long thing will be over.

He doesn't have to be excluded in the village anymore. When he is admitted to college in another year, he can completely get out of this matter.

Lu Zheng's eyebrows jumped, shook his head and whispered, "Go ahead and have fun for a while."

Wei Jingjing stood next to Lu Zheng obediently and refused apologetically, "Sister, I just forgot that I still have something to do at home. It's very urgent. How about next time?"

Zhang Hua didn't understand what Wei Jingjing meant. She took a look at Lu Zheng and felt more guilty. For Wei Jingjing, she couldn't force her to stay.

"Okay, then you must come next time!"

Wei Jingjing agreed with a smile.

Lu Luzheng went back quickly, and Wei Jingjing sensed the low pressure in the morning, and she trotted after her.

When he got home, Lu Zheng put the things and went to the edge of the jar, scooped a large ladle of raw water, and drank it.

I just felt that the past fires that ignited in my heart had been extinguished a little.