
Chapter 14 – From Rags to Riches: Revenge from Ex-Husband

Aside from Elder Young, Gilbert and Daisy also sat beside him in the hall.

Gilbert continued to glare coldly at Leon, as the incident in the villa already gave him a very bad first impression.

By contrast, Elder Young had a friendly attitude. He even ordered his servants to pour some tea and water for Leon without showing any hint of contempt or disdain.

"Let me introduce you to Leon, Grandpa. He's the one who saved me last night…"

  Iris then recounted the entire story.

"Thank you very much for saving my granddaughter's life, Leon. We'll always remember your kindness! A person's grace, no matter how small, shall always be returned in kind! Tell me, is there anything you'd like? Our family will do our best to fulfill your wishes."

Elder Young smiled cordially.

"Thank you, but I don't want anything…"

Leon shook his head.

He rescued Iris the previous night out of a genuine sense of justice. He never thought about getting in return, and besides, he theoretically rewarded himself as soon as he saved her.

Moreover, Iris already helped restore some of his dignity by teaching Brody a lesson on his behalf in the Civil Records Office.

They were already even.

"Are you sure? Think clearly. Once you miss this train, you won't be able to get on it again…"

Elder Young put down the teacup in his hand and a stern glimmer unconsciously flashed in his eyes.

He did not know if Leon was genuinely not expecting anything in return, or if he tried to milk the situation to his advantage, for example, by taking the opportunity to associate himself with their family.

"I'm sure. I don't want anything…"

Leon still shook his head. He was about to say something when he laid eyes on Elder Young's face.

He was unsure whether it was some kind of illusion, but he could vaguely see a few wisps of grayish-white aura and greenish-purple tinges on Elder Young's forehead and lip corners, respectively.

Seconds later, an unfamiliar memory flooded into his mind—a grayish aura on the forehead was the sign of life at risk of death, while greenish-purple tinges on the corner of one's lips signified a serious illness!

  Leon was stunned by the memory and jolted awake right away! It seemed to be some sort of inherited memories left by his ancestor the previous night.

He almost forgot about them because he had no time to delve deeper into those memories since the previous night's incident.

However, those memories have been deeply etched into his mind, and it came to the fore like a warning that was automatically issued when the time was right.

"Why do you look spaced out, Leon?"

Iris immediately sensed that something was not right with Leon, so she nudged his arm right away.

"Elder Young, the space between your eyebrows is glowing gray and the corners of your lips are tainted purple. You're going to pass on soon…" Leon blurted out.


Leon's words were like a nuclear bomb that stunned Iris and the others silly.

Elder Young even choked on the tea he sipped and spurted it all out.

"Try to at least show some sincerity, Kid. My father has been kind enough to invite you over here, but the first thing you do is curse him to his death! Are you trying to piss us off?" Gilbert roared and slammed his fists on the table before standing up.

Elder Young's face sank too. He earlier suspected Leon of rejecting the offer to gain something more, and it seemed that his suspicions were being proven right. Leon did appear to be playing some tricks, although it was as yet unknown what kind of trick he was playing.

At that moment, the slight affection he had for Leon vanished immediately.

"What's gotten into you, Leon? My grandpa is perfectly healthy. What nonsense are you talking about?!"

Iris also looked at Leon unhappily.

"I… I could be mistaken. Sorry, I didn't mean to…"

Leon's face turned red and he immediately apologized. Deep down, he berated himself for being such a blabbermouth.

"It's fine. This may well just be a misunderstanding…"

Elder Young's expression softened a little, but his impression of Leon became extremely bad.

Had Leon not saved Iris's life, the old man would have gotten someone to kick Leon out.

It was then that the sound of hurried trotting resonated through the hall. A housekeeper rushed right in.

"The great Holy Doctor, Graham Elliot, is here…"

"Let him in," Elder Young said quickly.

In less than a minute, a gray-haired, 60- or 70-year-old man walked in with his assistant.

"Graham, please take your seat!"

Elder Young was greeted by several people, all of whom addressed him with respect and politeness.

The man, Graham Elliot, was an eminent medical authority in Springfield City. He was a master of medicine and pressure point treatment, reaching the heights of perfection in his achievements. His level of mastery in both conventional and alternative medicine was unusually high, which earned him the title of Holy Doctor and the moniker, Pressure Point King!

In terms of identity, background, or family business, Graham was far inferior to such a renowned family as the Youngs. When it came to reputation and status, however, he was at least on par with Elder Young.

After all, anyone who fell ill would acknowledge him as the premier doctor in Springfield City. Many rich and powerful individuals have sought him out to treat them.

"I hope you'll excuse me for interrupting you all of a sudden, Elder Young. I wanted to reassess your condition…"

Graham cupped his hands and smiled.

Elder Young suffered a sudden illness half a month ago, where his chest felt tight and he had difficulty breathing.

Graham was the one who cured Elder Young's disease back then.

At that time, the two of them agreed that another review would be held in half a month, and if there no issues appeared in that later review, then the condition could be deemed completely cured.

"Thank you for taking the trouble, Graham."

"You're more than welcome, Elder Young. This is a must."

After a few simple courtesies, Graham motioned for Elder Young to sit down. He then started by taking Elder Young's pulse while checking the latter's complexion once in a while.

Graham's face slowly became stern.

Gilbert's heart skipped a beat, and he could not help but ask, "How is my father's complexion, Graham?"

"Elder Young's complexion doesn't look very good. His forehead has a grayish aura, and his lip corners are greenish-purple. This seems to be an ominous sign…" Graham frowned.

"Grayish aura on his forehead?"

"Greenish-purple lip corners?"

Everyone else, including Gilbert, was shocked to hear those remarks. They immediately turned to look in Leon's direction.

They remembered clearly that Leon said the same thing earlier!

"There's nothing to worry about though. Elder Young's pulse is normal, so everything should be fine…" Graham comforted.

"That's good."

Gilbert breathed a sigh of relief along with everyone else.

Although the conclusion Leon reached earlier was completely different from that of Graham's, they would almost certainly lean more toward Graham because the latter was a master of medicine.

"How about I use some equipment to carefully check Elder Young again to make sure that everything is alright?"

Graham pondered for a while.

Gilbert nodded. "Sure. We have some upstairs. Most of them are the latest advancements in technology."

Graham, Gilbert, and everyone else went upstairs. Iris followed along too because she was worried about her grandfather's health.

Leon, on the other hand, was the only one left standing awkwardly in the hall, since it was neither appropriate to go with them nor leave.

Not long later, Graham, Gilbert, and the others came back down.

"Everything was normal when I examined him earlier. Perhaps I was simply overthinking. Your poor complexion might just be a loss of vigor and blood, so I'll prescribe something to replenish them. Take it for a few days and observe what's wrong."

After Graham gave the prescription to Elder Young, he bid farewell and prepared to leave.

Elder Young opened his mouth to say something, but a sharp pain stabbed his heart and he began to cough violently. Within seconds, his vision went black and he fell to the ground.

"Dad! Are you alright?"

Gilbert was shocked by what happened and immediately carried Elder Young up. Only then did he realize that Elder Young's eyes were closed, evidently because he passed out.

"Graham, what's going on?! Why did my grandfather suddenly faint…" Iris asked anxiously.

"It… It can't be! Don't worry, I'll take his pulse."

Graham was just as surprised, and he immediately squatted down to check Elder Young's pulse.

Elder Young had a strong and normal pulse earlier but that had since turned weak and arhythmic. Even his heartbeat weakened considerably, and his life was at risk.

"His situation is very bad. I'll need to give him some pressure point treatment!"

Graham truly lived up to his name as a master of alternative medicine and remained calm in the face of a crisis. He rubbed his hands together and proceeded to do pressure point treatment on the old man.

His dexterity was second to none, and he first applied pressure to the Inner Channel Point before proceeding to the Divine Entrance Point…

"Wait a moment! You can't do it like that! You'll only kill the old man!"

Just as Graham was about to apply pressure on the, he was suddenly stopped by the nearby Leon.

"And you are?"

Graham glanced unhappily at Leon and felt offended that he was being questioned by some wet-behind-the-ears nobody.

"I think the first point you should apply pressure on should be the Middle Chest Point, followed by the Soul Palace Point…

A picture of the human body's pressure point treatment points appeared in Leon's mind and he unconsciously repeated it.

"Middle Chest Point and Soul Palace Point? Are you insane?"

Those two pressure points were known to be deadly pressure points in pressure point treatment. Not even the gods could save a person who had pressure applied to those points.

Graham wondered if Leon tried to save or kill the old man!