
Chapter 3

Carmela couldn't believe her eyes - her best friend, Nichole, was wearing the same red queenly gown, adorned with shiny diamonds and almonds, just like her.


She glanced at Max, who stood solemnly by her side, admitting that he had invited Nichole. The audacity of him to bring his affair to his grandmother's anniversary left Carmela seething with anger.


"Wow, you guys wore the same dress," Grandma Atom exclaimed, looking at Carmela and Nichole's dresses.


Nichole laughed, covering her mouth with her hand and waving her wig in the air. "Oh my goodness, I had no idea you would wear the dress. I hope you're not angry, Carmela?"


As Max and Grandma Atom looked expectantly at Carmela, she felt torn inside. Her anger wanted to lash out at Max and confront Nichole, but she knew she had to put on a fake smile.


"No... no, I don't mind. I don't even like the dress. Red is not my color," she replied, forcing herself to chuckle, and Grandma Atom seemed to appreciate her response.


As they continued chatting, two black Jeeps pulled up at the outskirts of the Atom's mansion. 

A man in his late 60s stepped out of the first car, accompanied by his wife, who was dressed in a black linen garment. They looked graceful as they walked together.


The door of the other Jeep swung open, and a masculine figure emerged. He was the second son of the Atom family, Gregory Atom. Beside him stood a young woman adjusting her short skirt - Vanessa Atom, the youngest daughter of the family.


"Goodness, you're all here," Grandma Atom exclaimed, rushing to greet them with warm hugs.


Good day, sir," Max greeted his father, Mr. Atom, bowing his head slightly. Mr. Atom nodded, his gaze shifting to Carmela, who stood frozen like a statue.


"You've forgotten how to greet your in-laws?" Mr. Atom sneered, disgust evident in his eyes.


Carmela lowered her head, her heart sinking, as she tried to apologize for any offense caused. 

She waited in silence, feeling the weight of his disapproval. However, before he could respond, Mrs. Atom interjected.


"I don't understand why she thinks so highly of herself. She's just an empty barrel with no child-" Her words trailed off as she glared at Carmela, but Max quickly interrupted.


"Mom..." he called out, attempting to intervene. Mrs. Atom snapped back, "What? Am I not speaking the truth?"


"It's okay. Let's not speak hurtful words to one another. Let's go inside," Grandma Atom intervened, guiding Mrs. Atom away from the tense situation.


After a while, as they waited for the other guests to arrive, the ceremony commenced. 

Gifts were exchanged, and couples took to the dance floor. Carmela looked around, searching for Max, but he was nowhere to be found.


"Aren't you going to dance with your husband?" Vanessa Atom teased a hint of malice in her voice. "By the way, where is your husband?"


Carmela's heart sank further as she realized Max was missing. She scanned the room, desperately trying to locate him, but he remained elusive.


"I'm sure he's tired of being near his barren wife," Mrs. Atom interjected, her words stinging with cruelty, as she approached them, holding a glass of red wine.



Carmela raised an eyebrow at Mrs. Atom, who couldn't help but revel in her discomfort. "Are you seeing that, Vanessa? Look at the way she's glaring at me," Mrs. Atom taunted, her eyes gleaming with malice.


Vanessa tried to defend Carmela, but she knew she didn't need anyone's support. She had grown accustomed to the family's mistreatment, especially from Mrs. Atom. She was done being bothered by their petty remarks. Her focus now was on keeping her husband away from her best friend.


"Please, ma'am, if you have nothing else to say, I'll excuse myself to find my husband," Carmela calmly stated, unwilling to engage in their drama any longer.


"Look at her, that witch!" Mrs. Atom cursed in anger as Carmela left.


Throughout the ceremony, Max's eyes remained fixated on Nichole, filled with fury. He approached her and asked to talk, but when she refused, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the restroom.


"What are you doing here?" Max whispered, his voice cold.


"So, you weren't going to invite me?" Nichole retorted, crossing her arms and pouting.


"No, I wasn't. And why are you wearing the same dress as my wife? I asked you to get something nice for her, not to copy her and embarrass me," Max lashed out in anger.


Nichole was taken aback by his rage. Max pushed her against the wall, his grip tightening around her neck. "What are you trying to do? I thought I made myself clear. I only love Carmela. She's the one my heart beats for. I don't feel a thing for you."


Nichole was speechless, her voice choked in fear as Max's grip tightened. Trembling with terror, she struggled to catch her breath.


How long would she keep toying with Max and his marriage?


"L-let go off my neck, I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant!" Nichole's voice trembled, and Max immediately released his grip, stepping back in fright. At that moment, Carmela emerged from behind the restroom door, her eyes wide with disbelief.


How could it be? Was Nichole telling the truth? Was she carrying Max's child?


Tears welled up in Carmela's eyes, but she stayed silent, listening to their conversation.


"I'm pregnant. What else? I'm carrying a child in my womb," Nichole said, her emotions in turmoil - joy, fear, worry, and sorrow all intermingled.


Would Max accept his responsibility or push Nichole away?


"Why are you telling me this?" Max's face contorted with a frown.


"Because you're the father," Nichole replied without hesitation.


"How? We just had sex once-"


"Are you going to deny your d just because it happened once?" Nichole interrupted, her words rushed and anxious.


Carmela took a step back from the door, her heart pounding in her chest as she heard Nichole claim that the child was Max's.


How was this even possible? Carmela's mind raced with questions as she turned away, feeling overwhelmed.


"Really?" Max exclaimed, a brief smile appearing at the edge of his lips. He couldn't deny his excitement at the prospect of being a father, even if the circumstances were complicated.


He wondered why it was so easy for him to impregnate Nichole while he and Carmela struggled to have a child.


Despite his momentary happiness, he still felt concerned. He knew he had to confront the truth and sort out his feelings for both women. Max couldn't afford to lose Carmela, as she meant everything to him.


How would he accept the child and tell his wife without making her angry?


"Yes.." Nicole raised her brows, and Max breathed hard. "What are we going to do?"


"Nothing, we can't let Carmela know." He turned away from her and faced the mirror in the restroom.


Nicole's figure appeared behind him, saying, "Did you think Carmela would stay with you if she found out you are facing some financial challenges you are passing through right now in your company? She only married you because of your money." Max raised his eyes to meet Nicole's.


"I can't leave my wife; I love her," Max firmly said.


"What about my baby?" Nicole rubbed her belly, and Max turned to her, holding her soft hands.


"I'll think about it, I'll find a way."


After the two discussed in the restroom, Max walked out first and discovered that his wife had already left.


In an hour or two, he was already at home. He opened the door to the mansion, and slowly his feet stormed on the footrest.


"Carmela!!!" He called, and the light turned on immediately.


"Yes, Max, have you finally noticed that I left early?" Carmela was sitting at the dinner chair, frustrated. "Tell me Max, did you ever love me?" She stood up in a rush, moving the chair back.


"Carmela, what do you mean?" Max approached her where she stood. As he reached her, he wanted to lay his hands on her, but she shrugged his hands away.


"Don't touch me, just answer the question." She moved inches away from him. Max noticed that she was upset about something, and if he didn't apologize to her now, he was going to lose her forever.


"Is this about the dress that Nicole wore? I can explain-." Carmela flared up.


"Don't call Nicole into this. I don't need your explanation about her wearing the same dress as me. All I need to know is if you ever loved me."


A brief silence filled the room, and the couple exchanged glances at each other. Carmela was waiting for his response to be yes. Max, on the other hand, was confused. He didn't know where he had wronged her, and he didn't know what to say. Yes, he loved her, but if he told her, would she believe him?


"I-I don't know." He looked away, and tears slowly rolled down Carmela's eyes.


"Here, sign the papers." She stretched her hands forward and turned immediately to the papers in her hands.


"What's this?" Max collected the paper from her hand, and slowly he realized that he had made a terrible mistake. "No... no, it can't be. This isn't real. Is it because my company is facing a financial crisis that you want to leave me now?" Max asked, his heart sinking at the thought that Carmela might have married him for his money.


"Yes, it's because of that. I can't stay with you." Although she wanted to hurt Max in return, she was more hurt that Max could believe Nicole's claim about her intentions.


"Forget it, I won't sign the papers." Max ripped the papers apart.


"What are you doing?" Carmela screamed, holding his hand as he tore the papers in front of her.


After he was done, he stormed out of the mansion, leaving Carmela behind, both of them feeling a mix of anger, pain, and confusion. Their once strong and loving relationship now faced its most challenging test.

Next chapter