
The Evolutionary Catastrophe : Conquering the Supernatural

After a catastrophic event in 2036, Earth is destroyed, and all life is wiped out. However, one man, Hayato, survives due to an unfinished immortality formula he had been developing. He awakens in an advanced spacecraft created by an alien species, the Tenshi-tora, who saved him and merged their DNA with his own. As he adjusts to his new physical and mental abilities, Hayato learns about the Tenshi-tora and their mission to collect information about Earth before it was destroyed. He also discovers that his immortality formula was successfully recreated by the Tenshi-tora. As Hayato begins to explore the ship and interact with the alien species, he realizes that his presence on the ship is not a coincidence. The Tenshi-tora have plans for him, and his unique DNA and abilities are a crucial component of their plans. However, Hayato is torn between his thankfulness to the Tenshi-tora, who saved his life, and his desire to uncover the truth about what happened to Earth and the fate of humanity. As Hayato delves deeper into the mysteries surrounding his new life and the Tenshi-tora, he faces dangerous challenges and discovers that he is the only survivor of the cataclysmic event. He must fight to survive and uncover the truth while navigating his complex relationships with the alien species and other survivors. The Last Survivor is a thrilling science fiction novel that explores the themes of identity, loyalty, and survival in a world where everything and everyone Hayato once knew is gone. (every chapter that release the synopsis will update)

hayato_20 · Fantasy
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idea were dropped

sorry but this novel were dropped