
The Evolution of a Goblin to the Peak(fan-fic)

Follow the adventure of 2 siblings as they make friends and enjoy life

the_gamer_8106 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


They got up early in the morning and had breakfast, they did not need food to survive because their body was like a slime and survive off of mana but the feel,s its quite good to eat, after eating they headed towards the institute on their way they met sota and chatted with hi till they got there.

They opened the door and stepped inside. There, they saw a lot of people were already in their seats.

The other examinees looked at them and they just ignored those gazes. they took out his stab and looked at their seat number.

"Seat 52, 53, 54 huh?"

They looked around and found their seats in the back. They sat there and observed their surroundings. The people here were too tense as he could see sweat forming in the forehead, even though the weather was quite cold today.

The whole room was devoid of any sound as nobody dared to make noise here.

Souta turned his head to the left side, he saw a beautiful girl seating beside him. She has beautiful silver hair that drapes down to her shoulders onto her back. Her golden pupils that have a hint of red were like a piece of expensive gem. She was wearing a simple white blouse and a black mini skirt with red linings.

Souta could feel some sort of strange aura coming out of her. Yeah, it was really weird. It feels that was not her true appearance and she's concealing her real identity.

The girl noticed his gaze so she turned her head and looked at him in the eyes.

"What is it?" She asked with a cold tone.

"N-nothing..." Souta gulped and turned his head. He was captivated by those beautiful eyes of her. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves. When the siblings saw this they started laughing.

After thirty minutes, a man with short orange hair wearing a black coat entered the room. He walked straight to the table in front which was reserved for the examiner.

He placed down the bunch of paper he was carrying on the table before looking around when he saw the siblings he raised his eyebrow and said nothing.

"Cough... I'm John Myer your examiner in the written exam." The man cleared his throat and introduced himself. "There are seventy-two examinees in this room so don't cause any noise as you all could overwhelm me."

Some of the examinees sighed in relief when they heard his words and tone. They were glad that he's not a strict person like the other examiner. It feels like a huge burden has been lifted off their shoulders.

"As you have know, the entrance exam have two types. The written and practical exam. You need to pass this two for you to enter the institute." Jhon, the examiner, said while looking at every people's face inside the room. "Alright, we will start the written exam now."

Jhon placed a stack of papers on the desk of the people in the front row. "Take one and pass the rest to your back."

The examinees started to pass the test paper around. In just a minute, all the people here were holding a test paper.

"The passing score is 70 and below that is fail so answer it carefully. You all have two hours to answer the test, that's it and good luck." Jhon said before sitting down in the front. He was observing every examinee looking out for cheaters...

Time passed by quickly and one by one the examinees finished answering their test papers. And they, Ren and Remi, were the first ones who finished answering the test. Everyone looked at them in surprise and said nothing and started answering their own questions.

"Since you've all finished before the time, you both can go now to take the practical exam." John said as he arranged all the test papers. the siblings had already left the room and the girl followed them when Souta saw this he also left the room

The others followed them and went to the place where the practical exam will be held.

The practical exam was where the place were examinees going to showcase their skills and abilities.


They were in a very wide place. Dummies for practicing close combat were neatly arranged at the corner. There are also weights and shooting targets here. This place was one of the training grounds of the Ladro Institute.

Those things that were needed in training were all made from tough materials. It couldn't easily break or shatter.

Even using yellow equipment wasn't enough to break those things here in the training ground.

The examinees were gathered in the center of the training ground. In front of them was a man wearing a black tank top. His muscles were bulging out of his clothes.

"Yo! I'm the one that's going to test you." The examiner said with a smile on his face. "I'm going to record your abilities here and check if you're really eligible for the institute."

"Who want to go first?" The examiner asked while looking at the examinees.

"Me." Souta raised his hand while walking to the front.

"Okay, as long as you've hit me that's enough. I will give you one minute." The examiner said with a smirk. He then placed an alarm.

Souta nodded and the other examinees took a distance away from the two.

"I'm going." Souta smirked and he dashed towards the examiner. He doesn't need to defeat the examiner, he just need to showcase his abilities. He knew that even if he use his full power he wouldn't be able to defeat the examiner.

Souta opened both of his palm and casted two spells simultaneously.

[Fire ball]

[Ice shot]

The two spells went straight towards the examiner. He was surprised for a second but he quickly regained his composure. He lifted up his thick arm and waved it towards the two spells.

Bang! Bang!

The fire ball and ice exploded in his arm. But it didn't leave any scratches at all.

Souta expected so he once again dashed towards the examiner using the skill [Dash].

"Your going for close combat." The examiner looked at Souta who arrived in front of him.

"Of course, after all this is my specialty." Souta said and he threw a powerful punch containing his mana.


The examiner tilted his head and avoided the punch. Then he noticed a light above him. He looked up and saw two fireballs going straight at him.

"Good!" The examiner smiled and took a deep breath. Powerful mana burst out of him. Pouring his mana, he blew the two fireballs away. He then quickly waved his arm towards Souta.

Souta bent his body barely avoiding the arm of the examiner. He kicked the ground and using his feet as a medium, he casted [Ice Shot] twice. He then opened his mouth and [Fire ball] came out.

"This level of control...?" The examiner crossed his arm before him to blocked the spells.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Souta was about to attack again when a powerful aura swept out. He then saw a fist appeared in front of him.

"You're still smiling, huh?" The examiner said as his fist was going straight to Souta's face. The shadow of his fist slowly covered Souta's smirk.



A sound of alarm echoed in the whole training ground.