
The Evo of Remnant

Rex Salazar has cured the world of Evos and the world has been at peace for the longest time since before the Nanite Event. But when he wakes up in a strange new world where there's no Evos, Van Kleiss, or Providence but yet there's still school, he doesn't know how he's going to handle it. Will Rex be able to over come this new world he's in and will he be able to handle a certain team of Huntresses.

ShippudenGenerator · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

The Vytal Festival

It was morning in Vale and just outside of the town stood a little, square grave. It had sat alone on a cliff out in the mountains near Vale. The soul that the stone belonged to was Ruby's mother, Summer Rose. On the stone was carved "Summer Rose- Thus I kindly scatter."

A young girl kneeled down to the stone as she removed her hood, which turned out to be Ruby.

"Hey, mom. Sorry I haven't come by in a while. Things have been... well, things have been, pretty bisy. Oh, Dad's here, too! He's, uh, you know... Dad. He's still teaching at Signal. But he told me that he's going to be on some mission soon. I think he misses adventuring with you." Ruby then looked down at the ground with a sad expression. Then she looked back at the stone saying "I miss you too. Haven't gotten kicked out of Beacon yet! So that's cool. I think being on a team with Yang helps. Keep her in line... That was a joke. She's actually a really great fighter! You can tell she's learned a lot from Dad! Oh, so are Weiss and Blake. Oh! They're my teammates!" Said Ruby then gained an excited expression saying

"Oh and there's probably the best fighter as well as strongest in all of Remnant. His name is Rex Salazar. I'm sure you would like him. He has these cool powers that let him grow metal things out of his arms and legs. Sometimes his back too. He's super awesome and he's a part of the team. I'm sure you would gush over his powers like I do. I still can't get over how he does it. It's totally awesome. Together, we form Team RRWBY! And yes, before you ask, that does cause a lot of confusion. Anyways, I made a bunch of new friends, and then I met some... let's just say, uh, odd teachers. Oh! We've also stopped some bad guys, too! I guess it's like they say: "like mother, like daughter"!

"I still wonder why Ozpin let me into the school early. But, uh, I guess he'll tell me one day. You know how he is. It's funny, the more I get to know him, the more he's starting to sound like Uncle Qrow."

She then heard a bark from behind her and saw her dad and Zwei by a tree. "Oh! Looks like Dad's back! I gotta go! He's dropping me off at Beacon for the tournament match before he goes on his next mission. Wish me luck!" Said Ruby as she pulled her hood down and said "It was good to talk."

With that said, Ruby jogged back to her family as a they began to head to Beacon. 


The sun was shining as cheers from a crowd was roaring loud from the Amity Colosseum.  They were all watching the students from different Kingdoms of Remnant battle against each other.

In the field of volcanoic earth and icy glaciers below, Team RRWBY was currently fighting against Haven's Team ABRN.

High above the action, two familiar teachers were sitting at a sportscaster's desk, with a microphone between them and the holographic image of the four kingdoms' symbols united as one.

"Hello! It seems that we have another astonishing match ahead of us! Wouldn't you agree, Professor?" Said Professor Port.

"Doctor" yelled Oobleck as he was annoyed but then changed to excited as he said "And yes Peter, I think it's safe to say this match may be the closest we've seen of the of the four-on-four" "Ahem" "sorry four-on-five round of the tournament!

"For those of you just now joining us, welcome to the Vytal Festival Tournament, broadcast live from the Amity Colosseum!" As he gestured his hands to all of the colosseum.

"If this is your first time watching, allow us to break down the rules" said Port.

Oobleck held up three fingers as he said "The tournament is divided into three distinctive rounds: teams, doubles, and singles. Age and school year are irrelevant! In this tournament, your only attribute being tested... is skill" as the crowd shouted at his words.

Port agreed with Oobleck as he said "Correct! The winners of this battled will elect two of their members to represent them in the doubles round, followed by the winners of that round choosing one member to advance once again. The remaining combatants will then fight their way through the final bracket in the hope of achieving victory for their kingdom!"

"And yes, Peter, these certainly are some spectacular spectacles on which to spectate on! Especially with the team right in the arena now. I don't think anyone tuning in around the world is going to disagree with me on that!"

Port laughed as he said "Ahh, and why would they? And you are right about what you said earlier. One of the teams in the arena now is truly something that is a once in a lifetime experience. Now, let's get back to the match between Team RRWBY of Beacon and Team ABRN of Haven" said Port as he rolled his "r's" at the name of RRWBY.

Ruby was firing Cresent Rose at her opponent as Blake was fighting with Reese Chloris as Reese was to fighting with her hoverboard. Rex and Yang were fighting Arslan Atlan and Yang gave him a deceitful attack as he then saw Rex charging at him with his Smack Hands and with one fatal punch, Rex sent him flying back far and crashing into the dome.

"Ooo. And with that giant metal punch, Arslan is out of the fight. I must say, Team RRWBY has quiet the advantage, don't you think. With Mr Salazar on their team, I'm almost certain that RRWBY will be the victors in this tournament" said Port in a proud voice.

"Yes indeed. With his abilities, I don't know if there's anyone that could stop him but we will have to see. This will certainly be a tournament to remember" said Oobleck as he turned back to the teams and saw Nadir Shiko fighting Ruby and Blake and saw Rex sneaking his way over to them. They then saw him jumping up towards them then saw him turning around and formed his Slam cannon and caught Nadir in the Maw of his cannon and then shooting her out of the cannon and into the dome as well.

"Ooo, now that's what I call friendly fire" laughed Port as he continued saying "And with that, Nadir is out of the game.

"And that leads Reese Chloris and Bolin left in the game. And quiet frankly, I don't like their odds" said Oobleck.

Ruby and Blake were fighting Reese as Yang, Rex, and Weiss were fighting Bolin. They got into a defensive stance until Rex looked behind them and saw two ice pillars far apart from each other. He then got a new idea and looked at the girls saying


As the girls turned his attention. He smirked as he said to them "Giant Slingshot"

And the girls knew immediately what he was going to do and what they needed to do.

Rex ran over to one side of the pillars and formed his Blaster Caster and threw it around the other pillar. Weiss then turned to Yang as she was waiting for the signal. Bolin started charging at them as Rex said now.

Weiss created a big gust of wind and threw it at Yang. She flew back and landed on Rex's whip as she was facing her opponent. Weiss then quickly turned to Bolin and threw some fire at him to try and blind him.

When she did, Rex quickly pulled the whip tight as it shot Yang forward as he chanted

"Giant SLINGSHOT" and Yang was flying towards Bolin. When the fire disappeared, he looked ahead of him and saw a fist right near his face.

That same fist collided with his face, and with all her strength sent him flying back far and ended hitting the dome. Just like his other teammates and ended up unconscious.

"Ooo, ouch. What devastating punch for that man. And Bolin is out. Now that just leaves Reese Chloris. Though I fear for her. Things aren't looking in her favor" said Oobleck.

"Indeed, Professor. Team RRWBY's victory is at hand. But let's not get carried away. Perhaps Reese has something up her sleeve. Let's wait and see" said Oobleck before screaming "And it's Doctor. If I have to crave it on my forehead, then I will."

In the arena, Team RRWBY joined together and were facing Reese and her hoverboard. They all got into a defensive stance until they heard Rex saying "you know what guys. Why don't you take a break. Let me handle this."

The girls were surprised by this and were wondering why he wanted them to take a break. Weiss decided to be the first to break the ice saying

"And why would we do that." Asked Blake.

Rex smirked at her words saying "you guys have worked hard today. Why not take a rest."

"Sorry but we're not letting you take her down alone" said Weiss as she readied her weapon.

"Yea. Like I'll let you take all the glory" said Yang as she readied her gauntlets.

Rex sighed at this as he said "Alright. I didn't want to do this but you left me no choice." He then turned his head towards Ruby saying

"Hey Red. I got a new build I want to try out and I'd like to do it alone for now. Mind telling the others to stand down for the time being."

Upon hearing this, Ruby's eyes turned into stars as she was excited to see his new build. "Aaaahhh. A new build. This is going to be cool" as she continued to squeal.

She then turned to the girls saying "As your leader, I order you guys to stand down."

Weiss couldn't believe what she was hearing and was about to protest until Rex said "She's the leader. Better do as she says" as he said it in a smug way.

Weiss grumbled as she sheathed her weapon. Rex then began walking towards Reese.

Port and Oobleck were surprised by this and Port said "Now what's this. It's seems that Team RRWBY is letting Mr Salazar take the lead on this battle. What could it mean. Does this mean he has something up his sleeve. I don't know and it's just making me more curious. Let's see what this boy has in store for us."

Reese smirked as she saw Rex walking toward her. "I've seen what you can do, boy. But do you really think you can stop me."

Rex just simply said "I don't think, I know. Truth be told you're not an opponent for me."

"Oh and what am I" she asked.

Rex closed his eyes and said "let's just say... that you're my genie pig this time round" as he opened eyes with a devious look in them. Reese was a little taken back by this but then said "Genie pig for what" as she got in a defensive stance.

"Genie pig.... for my new creation" said Rex as he began thinking.

Soon he saw the blue prints in his mind began forming.

Rex then smiled as he then felt his nanites taking a new form. They began flow to flow into his arms and soon out popped his new build. A combination of a small box, where his arm was, with two big boxes on both side. And on the front side of his new build were 5 fingers on them, instead of 3 like normal.

Rex saw his new build and was excited to see the final product.  He saw that he had actual 5 digits on this build since his ones that had hands normally had 3 fingers. He was excited to see what this new build can do. He took a guess that this was a heavy hitting build so he knew he had this match in the bag. Well, even if he didn't have a new build, his other ones would be able to take her down but since he found new blueprints, he thought it would be a good time to test it out. Afterall, this was his second new build in Remnant and he was excited to see what it could doo. He gazed over at his opponent and said,

"You should be feel honored. You're the first person for me to test out this new baby" said Rex as he began to run towards her, and swung his right hand at her. She quickly jumped on her board and flew away from his punch.  She gained some distance from him and got off her board.

Rex saw how far she had gotten and took one look at his right arm and pondered at his new build. He then looked deep into his mind and gazed at his blueprints and then found out its function. He gained his confident smirk and looked towards Reese. He then bent his knees down a little and pointed his arm at the ground and got ready to attack.

"Hope she knows how to dodge. And I hope this doesn't break my arm" he thought as he began to activate the function of his new build.

The back part of his build began to move backwards, and a black rectangle was shown out of his arm. Then it stopped. Then in one quick swoop, the back of his arm shot forward and hit the main box that Rex's arm was in and once it had hit the back of it, the hand of the build shot out and struck the ground at a tremendous speed, causing a giant dent in the arena floor.

And in doing so, the fist hit the ground he was aiming at and it caused the ground to shake and crack and the earth began to break apart and was heading towards Reese.

As she saw the earth cracked towards her, she tried to jump away but the earth split and a huge chunk of rock was aiming towards her, Reese used her board to protect her and as she raised her board to protect her, the rock struck the board and caused Reese to fly back.

Oobleck and Port were surprised by this as Oobleck said "Well now this is something. It seems Mr Salazar has created something new. I say, I have seen many of his creations but never have I seen this build before. Oh the anticipation and excitement is killing me. Let's seen what this new creation can do" as they both heard many "Oohs" and "aahs" from the audience. Everyone knew that they were in for a treat as they anticipated how this battle would go.

The girls were watching on the sidelines and were shocked by what was in front of them. Rex had just formed another new build and it was two giant arm-like builds. And seeing that Rex was able to create such a power blow to the arena was crazy.

Ruby was the most excited and just kept gushing over Rex's new build. Oh, how she had so many questions and it was difficult for her to contain herself from running over to him.

Weiss looked at his new build in an intriguing manner. She was surprised by the new build and didn't leave where she stood as she wanted to know what this new build could do.

Blake stared at Rex's new build in curiosity and worry. She too was curious as to what this new build could do but she was also skeptical as he began to worry if he could build giant crusher-like arms, what other dangerous things could he make. She was still wary of him but as time went on, she began to see the heroic side of him and saw that he was a great fighter and someone to depend on. But she still feared where he possibly came from and what would happen if the wrong side got him or his powers. What would happen then.

Yang stood there as she put her hands on her hips and formed a a sultry smile. She was excited it see what this new build of his could do. And she too began to wonder, like Blake, of what he could also create.

Rex then quickly charged towards Reese while she was down. She saw he was running towards her and knew that this wasn't good. Just with one punch he managed leave a giant dent in the arena and managed to knock her back from a distance. She knew that she couldn't stop him in he current state so she knew she had to get a distance away from him. She quickly turned around and ran for her board. She grabbed her board and tried to fly far from the group but then something wrapped around her leg and before she could see what it was, she was yanked by the thing around her leg and she fell off her board and landed on her side. She grunted in pain and turned around to see what had stopped her. She turned to see the Rex's left arm and been replaced by a whip-like build, which was his caster blaster, but saw his right arm still had his new build.

Rex released his grip on her leg as he deactivated his whip, but kept his new one on his left arm as he gained a confident smirk. Reese stood up to try and look at him to see what he was going to do.

"Welp. It's been fun but I'm hungry so I'm going to end this now" said Rex as swung his left arm back, but as he did that, he thought at about something similar to his build from a show he watched and he thought that he would have some fun, as to give an awesome use of his abilities. He then shot his arm forward, towards her as he then chanted,

"STROOOONGGG   RRRIGHTTT" as his hand then shot out form his arm box and a blue wire rope could be seen attached to the hand and flew its way towards Reese.

Reese knew that she was done and before she could even move, the fist had collided with her at a tremendous speed and strength and it caused her go flying far, so far that she ended up hitting the wall of the arena and came falling down with a thud. She couldn't take it anymore and just collapsed to the ground in defeat.

The crowd cheered as Port shouted "And with that Team ABRN is out of the game. And Team RRWBY is the winner. Though that was to be expected, in my opinion."

Rex retracted his fist and as it recoiled itself back into place, Rex turned back towards his team, and saw them with shocked faces. White eyes and hanging down jaws was all he saw from them, which was what he was expecting. He just chuckled and said "Ladies, I present to you, The Jack Slammer" as he raised his fists high in the air. Ruby squealed at how awesome the name was.

The girls were more surprised than anyone that he just created a new build that could leave a giant dent in the arena and could also be used to launch a giant fist, like a rocket launcher and it made them a little scared, as they didn't want to get punched by this new build, especially the function that acted like a crusher. Then they heard a loud squeal as they knew it was Ruby. The squeal broke everyone out of their train of thought as Weiss was looking around and sounding surprised "We...did it?"

Yang just chuckled at Weiss as she said "Duh of course we were going to win. With Rex on our side, Beacon is sure to win. Right,Ruby" as she turned and saw Ruby squealing in excitement as she ran over to Rex and began asking him lots of questions until she said

"Is anyone else starving" as she suddenly hunched over.

Blake agreed Ruby saying "I may have worked up an appetite."

"I agree with the two of them" said Rex. And with that said the team began walking to the food stands.

They were all chatting to Rex about his new build and how he had come up with his new build. He wasn't sure how to walk them as he too wondered what made him think of that design.  While the team kept chatting with each other, They were then stopped by a voice saying "Hey! Might be hard to eat without this."

They all turned around and saw Emerald holding a wallet with Lien in it as Ruby frantically patted around her outfit saying "No, no, no, no!"

Emerald laughed as she said "Good to see you, Ruby."

Ruby took her wallet as she said "Oh! Thanks, Emerald! Oh. Guess I dropped it. Girl pockets are the worst!"

"What's up, Em?" Said Yang

"Just left the stadium after your amazing fight! You guys were awesome! I was especially surprised your performance Rex. Even saw that new build of your. That was so cool."

"Heh. Thanks. Yea, I'm cool like that" said Rex.

"I heard your team progressed to the next round too" said Blake

"You know, I feel that we haven't seen your other teammates" said Rex with tiny bit of suspiciousness in his voice, barely noticeable by any.

"How'd they do in the fight?" Asked Yang.


Emerald tiled her head up in thought, remembering how she blasted opponents with Theif's Respite, then slashed behind her as Mercury kicked out a shotgun blast with Talaria. Cinder did the same with her own target, landing the poor soul at the feet of their teammate, a mysterious black-haired girl who delivered a stomp on her victim's face into darkness.

End of Flashback

Emerald then said "Really well."

"That's great. Uh. Why don't we all go and get a victory food together?" Said Ruby.

"Oh, gosh, that's so nice of you, but my teammates are all kind of...introverted. Really socially awkward" said Emerald trying to get out of the situation.

"Ooh, yeah. I could see that" said Yang.

"Oh, yeah, looks like Merc and I are going to move on to the doubles round. What about you guys?"

"Well, as the leader of this team, I thought long and hard about this decision" said Ruby in a depressed manner.

"We put it to a vote" said Weiss bluntly.

"Yes and I had to think on that vote" said Ruby.

"We voted for Rex and Yang" said Blake.

"Yea with me, we will defiantly win that next round" said Rex in a proud way.

Yang pounded her hands together saying "Yeah, we're going to kick some butt!"

"Well, if Mercury and I see you down the line, don't think we'll go easy on ya" laughed Emerald.

Yang and Rex smirked at Emerald as Yang said "Wouldn't have it any other way."

"Alright, well we're going to catch some more fights" said Emerald as she walked away.

When she got far away from them, she gained a disgusted look on her face as Mercury caught up to her.

"So, how are the new friends?" Smirked Mercury.

Emerald scowled at his words saying "I hate them. How can they be so happy all the time!?

"Did you at least get what we want?" Asked Mercury.

Emerald answered his question saying

"It's the bimbo and Rex. In other words, we're screwed. With his abilities, he's for sure going to make it to the finals."

"Hmm, probably. But if he does, we can use his abilities to our advantage" Said Mercury. Emerald nodded at what he said as they began walking away.

Team RRWBY was sitting at booth and had ordered their food 5 bowls of noddle, with one having fish in it. Rex tried his hardest not to snicker at Blake for being too obvious but it was difficult.

Weiss then pulled out her card as to pay for the food but it ended up getting denied.

"What. Denied. I was barely into my monthly allowance. Blake and Rex looked down at their food and the shopkeeper quickly took Blake's food as she cried "nooo" but Rex quickly acted and took the food began running away as he ate the noodles saying "you'll never catch me, Johnny Law."

The shopkeeper yelled at Rex as he threw a broom at Rex and hit him square in the head and Rex fell down. The shopkeeper then took his bowl away and dragged Rex back to the counter.

"Maybe I could help" said a voice. They turned to the side of them and saw JNPR heading their way with Pyrrha holding a card.

"Aw, you don't have to ..." said Yang

"But she could!!!" Said Rex and Blake.

"Well, I think you all earned it after that battle" said Pyrrha.

"Especially with that awesome new build Rex made" shouted Nora.

"Indeed. That was an impressive new build" said Ren.

"Yea. That was awesome" said Jaune.

Later on, the two teams finished their food as Jaune was feeling sick and Nora encouraged him to aim at the enemy if he was going to puke. They then heard over the PA system "Would Team JNPR please report to the battlegrounds immediately!"

They then heard Oobleck saying "Yes! Like they were scheduled to, several minutes ago!"

"Well, it looks like this is it" said Pyrrha.

"Go get 'em!" Chanted Ruby.

As team RRWBY entered the Coliseum and headed to their seats, Mercury and Emerald were behind them and began walking to their seats as well. And cinder was waiting for them.

"So, who's it going to be" asked cinder as the two sat down.

"Rex and that yellow bimbo" said Emerald.

"Of course, they would choose him to be in the next rounds. As to be expected" said Cinder slyly.

"It's going to be difficult to try and take them down. They're the strongest ones on their team. If I'm being honest, we don't stand a chance against them. Rex is basically a walking impenetrable fortress" said Mercury.

"Come now, Mercury. Rex may be as strong as an impenetrable fortress but every building has a weak spot and we will find that weak spot and we will....

Tear him apart piece by piece until there's nothing left of him....

As cinder finished talking Port began the count for JNPR against their opposing team

"Three, two, one, begin!...."