
The Evil Within My Soul

Levin found himself in an empty, dark void. He had no memories of his past life, except for one thing: he died. Thanks to an unknown Goddess, he was reincarnated into a different world filled with magic and adventures. However, he quickly discovered that this world was more than it seemed. Without any real powers, Levin found a way to become the strongest human that ever existed in that world.

YeYaYe · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

The Training (1)

Levin stood in the courtyard, the early morning sun casting long shadows across the cobblestones. At six years old, his training had already begun in earnest. Today, his father had arranged for a new teacher, a stern-looking man named Master Haldor, to prepare him for the Royal Academy.

Levin glanced around, his mind racing.

Seriously, do I really have to do this every day? Can't a guy get a break?

Master Haldor's voice broke through his thoughts. "Levin, focus. The Royal Academy isn't a place for slackers. If you want to stand a chance, you need discipline and strength."

Levin straightened up, trying to appear serious. "Yes, Master Haldor."

The training started with basic exercises. Levin was made to run laps around the courtyard, do push-ups, and lift small weights to build his strength. Despite the grueling routine, he kept his complaints to himself.

I can't believe I'm doing this. I should be playing with toys, not lifting weights.

After what felt like an eternity, Master Haldor called for a break. Levin collapsed onto the grass, panting heavily. His mother appeared with a jug of water and a warm smile.

"You're doing great, Levin," she said, handing him a cup. "Keep at it."

Levin took a sip, feeling the cool water refresh his parched throat. "Thanks, Mom."

His father joined them, a proud look on his face. "Remember, Levin, the Royal Academy will open many doors for you. It's worth the effort."

Levin nodded, trying to muster some enthusiasm. "I know, Dad. I'll keep trying."

The rest of the day was filled with more training. Master Haldor taught Levin the basics of swordplay, how to hold a sword properly, and the initial stances. Levin's small hands struggled to grip the wooden practice sword, but he persevered.

If I can just get through this, maybe I'll meet some cute girls at the academy. That'd make all this worth it.

As the sun began to set, Master Haldor called it a day. "Good work, Levin. You're making progress. Remember, strength comes from within. Keep pushing yourself."

Levin nodded, feeling a mix of exhaustion and determination. "I will, Master Haldor."

After dinner, Levin sat by the fireplace, reflecting on the day's training. His muscles ached, and he felt a deep sense of weariness.

Man, this is tough. But I can't give up now. I need to be ready for the academy. And who knows, maybe I'll impress some people along the way.

His mother sat beside him, her presence comforting. "You've done well today, Levin. Just remember, it's okay to rest too."

Levin leaned against her, feeling the warmth of her love. "Thanks, Mom. I just want to be ready."

"You will be," she assured him. "You have a strong spirit, and that will carry you far."

Levin smiled, feeling a surge of determination. He knew that the path ahead was long and arduous, but he was ready to face it. The thought of the Royal Academy and the adventures that awaited him there kept him going.

As he lay in bed that night, Levin's thoughts drifted to the future. He imagined himself standing at the gates of the Royal Academy, ready to embark on a new chapter of his life.

Okay, Levin, you've got this. Just keep pushing, and one day you'll be the strongest there is. And maybe, just maybe, you'll find a cute girlfriend too.

With that thought, Levin drifted off to sleep, his dreams filled with visions of the future and the challenges that lay ahead. He knew that he had a lot to learn and many obstacles to overcome, but for now, he was content with the progress he had made and the journey that awaited him.

Levin woke the next morning with renewed determination. He shuffled to the courtyard, still groggy but ready to give his all. Master Haldor was already waiting, his expression as stern as ever.

"Another day, another lesson," Haldor announced. "Today we focus on agility."

Levin groaned inwardly. Great, more running. Maybe I'll sprout wings and fly by the end of this.

The morning was spent dodging and weaving through obstacle courses. Levin stumbled and fell more times than he cared to count. By midday, he was covered in dirt and sweat, his muscles screaming in protest.

During a brief break, Levin flopped onto the ground, staring up at the sky. "Why does it have to be so hard?" he muttered to himself. "All this just to get into a school."

But then he remembered his little daydream from the night before. The cute girls, the admiration.

Maybe a little fantasy isn't so bad if it keeps me going.

He imagined walking into the Royal Academy, heads turning, whispers of admiration. Yeah, that'll be the day. And if it happens, all this pain will be worth it.

Master Haldor called him back to training, and Levin hauled himself to his feet. The afternoon was spent sparring with wooden swords, his tiny hands struggling but never giving up. He took every correction, every bit of advice, determined to improve.

As the sun set and training ended, Levin's body felt like jelly. He stumbled back to the house, where his parents greeted him with encouraging smiles and a hearty dinner.

Later, as he lay in bed, Levin's mind wandered again to the academy. The thought of meeting new people, making friends, and maybe even finding someone special was a beacon of hope. It made every grueling day of training seem like a step toward a brighter future.

Alright, Levin, you've made it this far. Just a few more years. Keep at it, and maybe, just maybe, you'll find that cute girlfriend you've been dreaming of.

With that thought, Levin drifted off to sleep, his dreams once again filled with visions of what lay ahead. The journey was tough, but the promise of the Royal Academy and the adventures—and perhaps romance—that awaited him made it all worth it.

As Levin lay in bed that night, staring at the ceiling, his mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and images. The day's grueling training had left him exhausted, but his determination was unshaken. He had come a long way since he started, but he knew he still had a long journey ahead before he could stand at the gates of the Royal Academy.

Alright, Levin, you've survived another day. Just keep pushing. The academy is just the beginning...

He thought, trying to motivate himself. His thoughts began to drift, and he found himself imagining what life at the academy might be like.

The more he thought about going to the royal academy, the more he got excited about it. Not only does he have. A weakness for girls, but he is somehow sure, that he will be one of the best students there.

My schooltime will be great ! Can't wait to the star on the campus and have countless schoolgirls fall in love with me...hehehe

He pictured the grand halls filled with students, each one striving to be the best. He imagined himself walking through those halls, his confidence radiating as he passed by. And then, in his daydream, he saw them—his imagined future classmates, girls with sparkling eyes and friendly smiles.

Maybe there will be some cute girls at the academy. Girls who are impressed by my skills, who want to get to know me. The thought brought a small smile to his face. It was a childish fantasy, but it gave him a burst of motivation.

Levin's imagination ran wild. He saw himself standing in the academy courtyard, surrounded by admirers. There was a girl with long, flowing hair who watched him practice his swordplay, her eyes full of admiration. Another girl, petite and energetic, cheered him on as he performed a complex magical spell. They giggled and whispered to each other, casting glances his way.

Yeah, that'd be nice. Maybe I could even make some friends, find a girlfriend. Someone who likes me for who I am, not just because of my power.

The fantasy was a welcome distraction from the aches and pains of his training. It made the hardships seem worthwhile. He could almost hear their voices, their laughter, as he imagined sharing stories and adventures with them.

Levin knew that his journey to the Royal Academy was far from over. The path ahead was filled with countless challenges, but these daydreams gave him a glimpse of the rewards that awaited him.

His mind returned to the present, and he made a silent promise to himself.

No matter how tough the training gets, no matter how many times I fall, I'll keep going. For the academy, for the adventures, and for the friends I've yet to meet.

With that thought, Levin drifted off to sleep, his dreams filled with visions of the future. He saw himself standing tall at the academy, surrounded by friends and admirers. The journey was just beginning, and Levin was ready to face it head-on, driven by the hope of what was to come.