
The Evil Within My Soul ( Canceled )

Levin found himself in an empty, dark void. He had no memories of his past life, except for one thing: he died. Thanks to an unknown Goddess, he was reincarnated into a different world filled with magic and adventures. However, he quickly discovered that this world was more than it seemed. Without any real powers, Levin found a way to become the strongest human that ever existed in that world.

YeYaYe · Fantasy
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11 Chs


Levin didn't know how he would handle a date like this. He didn't remember his prior life, but he was quite sure he had never had a date before.

Okay, Levin... you got this...

He motivated himself and started to do various exercises in front of his mirror in his dorm. Push-ups, squats, crunches—since sit-ups are a waste of time—and repeat. After a quick shower, he dressed in the finest piece of clothing he had: the academy uniform.

Maybe it seems too boring? What if she thinks I don't have any other clothes? Well, that wouldn't be so untrue, actually...


He took a deep breath and left his dorm. When he met up with Pauline, he got nervous instantly. She was so beautiful and charming. Her presence alone felt like heaven to him.

"H-Hey," Levin said nervously.

"H-Hey, Levin," Pauline responded with an identical stutter in her voice.

The two of them sat down on an empty bench in the schoolyard. If they had plans before, they threw them overboard. Both of them were too inexperienced with dates.

"So... how was your day?" Levin asked carefully.

"Good. And yours?" Pauline mumbled.

"Same here, thanks for asking." He ended his sentence with a light chuckle and scratched the back of his head.

This is so awkward...

"Levin?" Pauline asked.

"Y-Yes?" he responded.

"Kiss me."



Pauline blushed as she looked nervously at the ground. She really meant what she said.

Wait, wait, wait, wait! That is not how it goes!


I don't even know how to start a kiss!

Levin gulped, while sweat trickled down his cheek. His breath got shaky as his hand slowly rested on Pauline's shoulder. She turned towards him, facing him directly. Her scent hugged his nostrils, reminding him of the nature back at his parent's house.

He leaned forward, and so did she. Their lips touched in a quick but memorable way.

"Thanks..." Pauline said, clearing her throat and nervously tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"N-No problem..." Levin stuttered.

As they sat there, Levin's mind raced. Was this really happening? Had he just shared his first kiss? His heart pounded in his chest, and he couldn't help but smile.

Pauline looked at him, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "By the way, Levin," she said, trying to suppress a giggle, "did you really think this was a date?"

Levin blinked, confusion written all over his face. "Wait, what do you mean?"

Pauline burst into laughter. "Oh, Levin! I'm sorry, but I was just teasing you. I wanted to see how you'd react."

Levin's face turned beet red. "You... you were pranking me?"

Pauline nodded, still giggling. "Yes, but you were so sweet about it. I didn't expect you to actually kiss me!"

Levin groaned, covering his face with his hands. "I can't believe I fell for that..."

Pauline gently pulled his hands away from his face. "Hey, don't be embarrassed. It was a good kiss. And who knows? Maybe next time, it won't be a prank."

Levin's heart skipped a beat at her words. He looked into her emerald-green eyes, feeling a mix of embarrassment and hope. "Next time, huh?"

Pauline smiled warmly. "Yeah, next time. But for now, let's just enjoy the rest of the day as friends. How about it?"

Levin nodded, his nervousness melting away. "That sounds good."

As they continued to talk and laugh, Levin couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected turn of events. He had learned that sometimes, the best moments come from the most surprising places. And maybe, just maybe, this was the start of something special.

Levin's embarrassment slowly subsided as the awkwardness between him and Pauline melted away. The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, golden glow over the schoolyard as they settled back on the bench.

"So, Levin, do you have any hobbies outside of training?" Pauline asked, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

Levin scratched his head, thinking. "Well, besides training, I enjoy exploring the academy grounds. There's so much history here. I love finding hidden spots where I can just sit and think."

Pauline leaned in, her interest piqued. "Really? Have you found any cool places?"

Levin nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, there's this old library that almost no one uses anymore. It's quiet and a bit eerie, but it's full of ancient books. Some of them even have spells and techniques that aren't taught in our classes."

Pauline's eyes widened with excitement. "That sounds amazing! I'd love to see it sometime."

"Maybe we can go together," Levin suggested, smiling. "I could show you some of the old tomes I've found."

"I'd like that," Pauline said, her cheeks flushing slightly. "It's always more fun to explore with someone else."

They fell into a comfortable rhythm, sharing stories about their lives and experiences at the academy. Levin found himself relaxing more and more in Pauline's company. She had a way of making him feel at ease, and her laughter was infectious.

"So, how did you end up here at the Royal Academy?" Levin asked, genuinely curious about her background.

Pauline took a deep breath before answering. "My family has a long history of powerful mages. They've all attended this academy, so it was expected that I would follow in their footsteps. At first, I was a bit nervous, but I've come to love it here."

Levin nodded, understanding the pressure of living up to expectations. "I get that. My parents were thrilled when I got accepted. They always pushed me to train hard, especially my master, Haldor. He's... intense."

Pauline giggled. "I can imagine. You've probably gotten stronger because of him."

"Yeah, I suppose," Levin said, chuckling. "He's strict, but I've learned a lot from him."

As they continued chatting, the sky darkened, and the first stars began to appear. The conversation flowed easily between them, filled with laughter and genuine interest. Levin felt a warmth in his chest, realizing he was truly enjoying this moment with Pauline.

"Hey, Pauline, what's your favorite spell?" Levin asked, curious about her magical prowess.

Pauline's eyes lit up. "Oh, that's a tough one! I think it would have to be 'Frost Blossom.' It's a beautiful spell that creates a burst of ice flowers. It's not only powerful but also stunning to watch."

"Wow, that sounds incredible," Levin said, impressed. "I'd love to see it in action someday."

"I'd be happy to show you," Pauline replied with a smile. "What about you? Do you have a favorite technique?"

Levin thought for a moment. "I guess my favorite would be the 'Tempest Slash.' It's a sword technique that creates a powerful gust of wind. It's really effective in battle."

"I'd love to see that sometime," Pauline said, her eyes shining with excitement.

As the night wore on, their conversation deepened. They talked about their dreams and fears, the challenges they faced at the academy, and the friends they had made. Levin felt a connection growing between them, something special and new.

"Levin," Pauline said suddenly, her tone more serious. "There's something I need to tell you."

"What is it?" Levin asked, sensing the change in her demeanor.

Pauline glanced around to make sure no one else was listening. "The Royal Academy... it's not just a place for learning magic and combat. There are... secrets here. Dark secrets."

Levin frowned, his curiosity piqued. "What do you mean?"

Pauline bit her lip, clearly struggling with whether or not to say more. "I can't explain everything now, but just be careful. Not everything is as it seems."

Before Levin could press her further, Pauline stood up. "I should go. It's getting late."

"Wait," Levin said, standing up as well. "Can't you tell me more?"

Pauline shook her head. "Not yet. But promise me you'll stay vigilant."

"I promise," Levin replied, feeling a mixture of concern and curiosity.

Pauline smiled softly. "Thank you. Goodnight, Levin."

"Goodnight, Pauline."

As she walked away, Levin's mind raced with questions. What could she have meant by dark secrets? And why couldn't she tell him more?

He sat back down on the bench, staring up at the now-dark sky. The day had been full of surprises, from the unexpected kiss to Pauline's cryptic warning. One thing was clear: life at the Royal Academy was going to be more complicated than he had ever imagined.

As he made his way back to his dorm, Levin thought about everything he had learned today. He had discovered new depths to his own courage, faced the unknown with a newfound confidence, and shared a moment with someone who might become very special to him.

But now, there was a mystery to unravel. He needed to find out what secrets the academy was hiding. And he needed to be ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

Lying in bed that night, Levin's thoughts swirled. He had a lot to learn and many obstacles to overcome. But with friends like Pauline by his side, he felt more prepared than ever to face the future.